Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 355: Magic War (1)

Camorus dimension.

This is an extra dimension of peace and quiet.

Its spatial structure resembles a large pie shape. Below it is a view of the boundless ocean, and above it are suspended islands with different scenery.

The dimensional demon here is a large quiet floating turtle that loves to sleep quietly. Thanks to his blessing, plus the output is not rich, the people living here do not have to worry about dimensional fighting, and always live a stable life.

A blue dolphin-like creature suddenly rushed out of the sea on the quiet blue sea, and then swam fast on the water, setting off a white wave.


Along with a silver bell-like laughter, the young girl riding on the dolphin cheered excitedly.

She has wheat-colored skin, wet brown hair and blue eyes as seawater.

The horned fish leather vest shorts fit tightly to the muscular body, and a basket hung on the right waist is filled with starfish-shaped gems.

The dolphins carried the girl to a beach full of tall palms. A drift flew the girl away, while the girl twisted in the air and landed on the beach steadily.

"Thank you, Sapphire!"

The girl waved her hands to say goodbye to her partner, while the dolphin hummed a few times and turned and dived into the sea.

After watching her partner leave, the girl turned and took brisk steps towards the village deep in the jungle, leaving a series of footprints on the white sandy beach.

Through the dense forest covered by layers, a small thatched house with wooden buildings, suddenly gathered into the eyes of the tropical tropical clan style.

The village is warm and extraordinary. It seems that everyone is busy in drying fish, making wooden boats, and preparing fish skins, and the smoke from the chimneys of every house is cooking smoke.

"Rebecca, are you back?"

"Rebecca, come and see for me. It's a good harvest. With so many sea queens, tomorrow's Poseidon Festival is sure to be your best show!"

"Rebecca, let's go and pick some honey."

I can see that girls are very popular in the village.

Not only because of the girl's open-minded enthusiasm, but also because her father is the only high priest in the village.

After returning home, the girl did not create a dependent father. After thinking about it, she hurried to the Ocean Temple not far away.

Although the temple is the only stone building in the village, its area is not large.

After making a grimace with the harpoon guard, Rebecca ran lightly and ran in. As soon as she arrived outside the house where the idols were worshiped, she heard voices inside, and curiously sounded.

The father's familiar voice sounded, "Poseidon has given inspiration, the gods in the sky are engaged in divine warfare, and the powerful void **** is defeated by the **** monarch. The demons far away have begun to invade. What should we do?"

"This, we are in a small place, shouldn't it be okay?"

Rebecca heard the voice of the village chief.

"What are you afraid of? We have a huge sea **** shelter, he will drive away all demons!" Said an elder.

"Well, you don't understand." The father's worried voice sounded. "Poseidon is a kind god, but those demons are too strong, and the might of Poseidon is not enough to protect us."

"You're lying!" Rebecca couldn't hear it anymore, rushed forward and yelled at her respectful father.

"Poseidon is omnipotent, he is the greatest!"

The high priest looked at his daughter, opened his mouth and wondered what to say.

In order to make her daughter the next priest, he inculcated his daughter's pious faith in the sea **** from an early age, and did not tell her about the multidimensional world.

What should I say now?

Did she tell her daughter that the omnipotent Poseidon in her eyes was just the weakest of the tens of thousands of dimensions in the multiverse?

What's the use?


Just as everyone else looked at each other as a result of the conflict between Rebecca and the High Priest, a thunderous noise suddenly appeared in the sky.

What happened?

The crowd rushed out, they looked up at the sky, their pupils were compressed, and their faces were frightened.

The old village chief took a step back in shock, but sat on the ground with his soft legs.

The blue sky was clear and white with blue clouds, and a huge hollow emerged.

This hollow almost occupies most of the sky. Behind it is a deep universe. A star-sized silver sphere is slowly advancing.

"So what is that?" The young girl Rebecca was frightened, her voice trembling a little.

The high priest opened his mouth and said bitterly:

"Foreign Demon!"


A terrifying roar sounded in everyone's soul, the sea was rough, and the sky was suddenly overcast with thunder and lightning.


A giant turtle-like figure suddenly jumped out of the sea, and the largest island Rebecca had ever seen was only one foot bigger than this turtle.


Rebecca immediately cheered and jumped, and the emergence of gods in her heart gave her great confidence.

Turtle-like figures rushed towards the huge hollow in the sky, and thunders and lightnings along the way, all of them were shrouded in lightning.

As he breathed, the thunder and lightning continued to be absorbed into the tortoise shell, and the lines on the turtle's back began to glow red.


He opened his mouth wide, and a blood-red beam of light soared into the sky, and he was severely bombarded on the Space Station of the Materialistic Empire.

Looking at the terrible assault that Poseidon had never seen before, there was a look of hope in everyone's hearts.

However, when the light from the sky dispersed, they were terrified to create that a layer of yellow light was attached to the surface of the planet-like thing, which obviously resisted the attack of Poseidon, and only a small area became black.

Immediately afterwards, a strange man in the green robe emerged from the sky, his hands glowed with light, and Poseidon became uneasy.


An orange ray hit the **** of the sea from the outsider's chest.

This ray looks insignificant compared to Poseidon's majestic attack, but the effect is terrible.

All the giant sea turtles were burning, he was struggling, screaming, and the stern screams sounded in everyone's soul, becoming weaker and weaker.


Rebecca had tears in her eyes, her brain was empty, and she knelt on the ground.

Looking at the gradually disappearing figure of the turtle, the high priests were in a terrible heart, and they also kneeled on the ground.

After the death of the sea god, the green robe monster also disappeared immediately, and the big hole in the sky began to close slowly.

Just when the high priest thought they had escaped, the Planetary Space Station of the Material Empire suddenly fired a rotating crystal-like missile.

As the missile was getting closer and closer to the sea, the ground began to tremble fiercely, and terrible cracks appeared, and the beginning of the island gradually collapsed.

Amidst the shattered village ruins, Rebecca, who had broken her blood, survived miraculously and stood up stupidly.


There was a strange sound behind her, she turned blankly, and the huge waves that covered the sky instantly swallowed everything up

This is just a microcosm of thousands of dimensions, and many dimensions produce the same thing.

Empire capital known for magic in one dimension.

Once glorious and brutal, the building complex that stretches for thousands of miles is now full of ruins.

Countless materialistic empire robots are flying in the sky, bombarding, destroying, and harvesting life.

The magicians who lost their magic ability were terrified to hide in the ruins, but they would always be easily found and completely scorched.

Bloody wilderness.

Lost magic-like abilities, but also have a large deformer transformed into a large and terrible group of monsters, howling yelled towards the robotic battle group of the Material Empire.

Terrible rays of light flashed, leaving scorched corpses


The island-like giant ghosts floated into shape, constantly shining and hiding in the void.

A materialistic empire's aircraft followed closely behind

Somewhere in Alcatraz,

The growing snake devil looked at the huge hole in his chest, and the metal snake spear fell into the ground.

Then, the 5-meter-high body slowly fell down.

He had doubts in his heart until his death: the most powerful warriors of each tribe would be selected into the army of the demon of great dimensions.

But where is the demon's army?

Satan **** dimension.

With the end of Satan's battle, this place has long been shattered into ruins, with space cracks everywhere, and the terrain is quite harsh.

The Dimension Demon Group gathered the male division here early.

They knew that the material empire would definitely come.

Here are all the deities who have abandoned their own dimensions.

Although the broken dimensions will obviously damage their strength, but at least they have a chance to survive.

Dimensional demon gods like desperate gods, in their eyes are all fools with problems in their minds.

What is dimension broken?

What is life inside?

As long as they can survive a calamity, they can return to repair and create at any time.

Although the same magical ability is out of control, many demon gods are also damaged, but they are demon gods after all.

When so many demons come together, their power is enough to change the world.

Satan Hell was completely reformed into a strong fortress by their rules. They could not open the space barriers from the outside. They could only choose a few imports.

These imports cannot be closed, and because they are connected to the main universe, they maintain the existence of additional dimensions.

An innumerable legion of demon gods is stationed at the entrance, and their goal is to defend the line of defense by passing away.

The demonic red man Basba was spitting his mouth, "Reassured, as long as we are united, everyone should not be afraid of death, we must be able to block the Material Empire."

"Moreover, isn't Lord Hephaestus' **** just a short distance away?"

"Yeah, yeah, Lord Mephisto is mighty!"

"Master Mephisto is mighty!"

Many demon gods accompanied, and at the same time propagated the hugeness of Mephisto, regardless of whether the **** monarch could hear it.

Of course, there are those in the devil group who can't get used to Basba, and yin and yang said strangely: "Your greatest ability is a tongue with poisonous water. I hope you don't hide behind when fighting."


Bbasba had thick smoke in his nostrils, and he waved his hand, "Come, as you wish, my troops stand at the forefront!"

Many of the demon gods looked at Basbah with surprise.

However, what made them stunned was still behind.

The demons under Bbasba are all five big and three thickened enhanced types.

More importantly, these guys are all wearing Star Wars armor, flying like the Devil Gundam, and carrying a laser gun like a naval gun.

Basba said proudly: "Are you all fools ~ ~ Magic ability is invalid, will you not use technology to fight them?"

"Demons are stronger than robots. We have already killed a unit of the Material Empire on the road."

"Master Babas is mighty!"

"Master Babas is smart!"

"You are too intelligent"

Many demon gods touted it, and at last they were alert to ask essential questions.

"Where did your equipment come from?"

Basba's death was difficult for a long time, and in the end it seemed to make a difficult decision: "Well, tell you."

"I bought it from a group of merchants with dimensional magical substance. Their name is Bald Dimensional Chamber of Commerce." < URL: https: //

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