Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 357: Magic War (3)


On a ground battlefield,

A brutal man wearing a nuclear power armor with a laser axe smashed the close-up robot, blocked a wave of rays with an energy shield, and snarled at the robot master.

Warrior Huffman, everyone calls him that.

Began hunting a wild wolf from the age of two,

From the time he became the first warrior of the tribe to become the demon guard,

Began to become the strongest of the guards.

Time and time again, Huffman fulfilled his ideals, and this time came with the master of the demon god, ambitious to build his career.

But all hopes fell into the darkest abyss, and even survival became a luxury.

I do n’t know how the tribe people are doing,

Winter hunting should start soon ...

Hurricane's overdraft operations have sapped Huffman's will.

As he bit his tongue and raised his energy to continue fighting, all the soldiers around him suddenly stopped, watching the sky throwing away the axe one by one and surrendering.

Huffman stared into the sky with one of his remaining eyes, and immediately let him down.

His most respected, huge dimensional demon,

Run away!

Huffman suddenly felt that his life was a joke as he watched the most steadfast faith as a coward.

He cracked his mouth full of blood, with a embarrassing smile, and rushed to the robot master alone with an axe.

This time, he fought for his dignity.

Almost instantly, Huffman was engulfed in a ray of radiation and completely turned into dust.

Then, the robots began to harvest the lives of those surrender soldiers indifferently ...


A defeat,

No, let alone say massacre.

When the dimensional demons were evacuated collectively due to timidity, their most elite male division was instantly swallowed up by the surging robot army.

Of course, the demon gods in these dimensions don't care about these, they just run away in a frantic shuttle space.

Mephisto's **** is not far from here. As long as you get there safely, you will definitely have a chance to survive!

Science Superman hunts behind?

It's ok,

Just run faster than other dimensions.

In this atmosphere of chasing after you, it took only 10 minutes for the dimensional demons to reach the outer edge of Mephisto Hell.

Mephisto also closed his own **** dimension, leaving only an entrance that is difficult to completely cut off.

The entrance here is also a fierce battle scene, with demons and robots with broken limbs everywhere.

But to the dimensional devil's comfort, Mephisto's magistrate actually blocked the attack of the material empire.

Lord Murphyst is indeed mighty!

What they don't know is that the number they gathered together attracted the most firepower. Mephisto is only a part of the battlefield of the material empire.

The demon leader guarding the entrance to Hell was named Holarbat, who wanted to breathe out of the materialistic empire's offensive and saw this group of wolf dimensional demon gods.

Holaparte couldn't help secretly crying, but still took out a large blade, bite and shouted, "Everyone's attention, a fly must not be let go!"

The demons of a number of dimensions were a little embarrassed, watching the Superman of Science approach, Basba yelled again in the back: "Go in! Then find a place to hide!"

Demon eyes in many dimensions brightened.

That's right, they care so much. Is Superman here in Mephisto still having time to trouble them?

Raging energy and the power of rules suddenly surged.

When Holaalbat was preparing for his death with a sad expression, Mephisto's voice emerged to the rear, "Stop it all!"

The scene, which was like a dynamite barrel, burst into silence immediately.

Mephisto at this time transformed into the appearance of the frequent appearance on earth, a white-haired old man in a distinguished dress.

He looked at the demons with a smile, "Wait a long time for you, rest assured, come in with everything I have."

After that, I made a please gesture.

The dimensional demons looked at each other, how could Mephisto be so kind?

There must be something wrong here!

No one dares to go first.

The demon Basba in the back was anxious. This did not match the pre-set plot. Just when he gritted his teeth, prepared for the muddy water to touch the fish, and then roared, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

Bass Bard suddenly looked surprised, looked around, and slowly retreated backwards without notice, and then disappeared.

The demon in other dimensions did not pay attention, only Mephisto glanced at the place where Basba disappeared, and made a decision in his heart, and he must find this guy to settle the bill afterwards!

After waiting for a long time, there is still no one dimension.

Just as they hesitated, a wave of space emerged behind them, and the Scientific Superman came out with the cosmic cube.

With a sneer, Murphet turned and walked into the **** dimension, while the demons in the other dimensions scrambled to follow.

"what is this?"

"what happened!"

"What do you want, Mephisto?"


A burst of exclamation kept coming.

Originally, when they all entered, a huge demon altar suddenly appeared in the quiet space of Blue Cosmos.

The altar is similar to a huge colosseum, and some kind of rules imprisoned them all, tied to an inverted cross and madly extracted strength.

Mephisto turned his face immediately and looked at them in disgust. "Don't you want to come, don't you want me to carry it alone?"

"Truth tell you, if you want to live, you can cooperate. This altar can make a special field, as long as it can resist the power of the cubic field of the universe, you will have the opportunity to kill him."

The Dimension Devil looked at each other, could not help secretly crying, feeling the future dark.

Not to mention whether Mephisto can succeed with this method, and even if it succeeds, the style of revenge of this guy will definitely not let them go.

While they were preparing for mercy, they created Mephisto to stop talking, and stared at a place with a solemn expression.

The scientific superman slowly emerged holding the cosmic cube, his eyes were red, his gloomy strength was all over him, and the murderous and solemn nature seemed to be trapped in a kind of mad mood.

One **** lord appeared on the altar.

Satanish, Zum, Pruto ...

Almost all of Mephisto's allies, Li Mo's fighting enemies, emerged here.

At this moment, Mephisto suddenly had a bright and temperamental temperament. He turned to look at the lords. "Sorry, everyone, according to my plan, Li Mo will not succeed, but I did not expect this sudden emergence of the enemy Everything is messed up. "

"Now we have no way back. Only by killing this lunatic can we achieve complete success!"

A lot of **** lords nodded without much empty talk. As the overlords of all sides, they naturally have their own dignity, and they will not run away without fighting like those dimensional demons.


The two sides exerted their energies almost instantly.

This is a collision of pure rules, and a miracle emerges in the universe:

In the void, the field formed by the cube of the universe is essentially visible. It is an elliptical sphere glowing light blue, exuding forces beyond the rules of this universe.

The surrounding area is filled with all kinds of light, dark fog, blood-red seas, and light spots that burn with flames but are full of sunspots ...

Almost instantly, all the dimensions of **** began to collapse, the funnel-shaped space of the continental layer was shattered, and countless demons screamed and turned into ashes.

On the demon altar, one dimension after another, the demon gods were drained and turned into light spots to dissipate.

At this moment, they suddenly figured out the cause of the cause, scolded Mephisto and Li Mo madly, but they could only watch the death coming.

When the last dimension demonized as the light spot dissipated, the demon altar also completely collapsed and destroyed.

The power of the rules to resist the cosmic cube dissipated, and the scientific superhuman sentiment that was locked in the center suddenly rose.


Zum is dead, he is the origin of all barbaric voodoo spells, and has praised his name in the starting point of many civilizations.


Pruto died, and he once had a prominent name on earth: Hades, Hades.


Satanish has died. He was Memphis's biggest competitor ...

boom! boom! boom!

The prestigious **** lords completely dissipated in this universe, leaving only Mephisto in the end.

He had long revealed the strong demon body, but at this time it seemed a bit sad, his body was cracking and seeping magma-like blood continuously, and the huge devil horn above his head had broken one ...

Thick smoke and Mars came out of his nostrils, and suddenly shouted wildly: "Li Mo, do you think you won?"

"As long as life exists, as long as there is darkness, I will one day be born again!"

After the collection, he slammed into the scientific superman.

After a loud noise, the universe gradually returned to quietness, and the **** dimension completely collapsed, twisted and curled into a tiny point, and completely disappeared.

The Scientific Superman stood panting in the void, he looked in one direction, as if he had seen the void dimension through countless space barriers.

"And ... and the last ..."


The male teacher is under pressure!

The void dimension has almost become an isolated island.

Under the leadership of Scientific Superman, the entire army of the Material Empire mobilized to surround the void dimension.

This is the military force of more than 13 small universes in the Materialistic Empire. The planetary space station, which can't see at a glance, is full of space ~ ~ They form an array, the essence of energy is linked to each other, and this space Thoroughly locked.

In front of the terrible robot master, the blue dimension of the void is extraordinarily weak at this moment, it seems that as long as a volley will follow the **** dimension.

The Scientific Superman lifted up the cosmic cube, and the void dimension suddenly opened the doors of space, completely exposed to the sight of the materialistic empire.

Scientific Superman's voice spread through all the void dimensions, "Li Mo, I always knew you."

"I know it was you first who created us."

"I know it's you who made those idiots dead."

"I know everything is your intention."

"But now, why do you win?" The latest chapter in the novel Marvel World mixed chapter 357 chapter three magic war (three) URL: https: //

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