Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 367: Morgan and Franklin (6)

"Ah ... uh ..."


As soon as the little spider screamed, he was immediately attracted by the wonders in front of him, and Morgan and Franklin also opened their mouths.

Although the two small peas have Pim particle toys, they have been restricted by adults, and the smallest can only be reduced to the size of ants.

But now, it is shrinking indefinitely ...

The dust in the air became as huge as a meteorite. The white and fat water bear worms twisted their bodies, and various capsule-shaped, cluster-shaped, spiny egg-like microorganisms were quietly suspended ...

Huh! Zoom out again ...

The molecules of oxygen and nitrogen have become as large as planets, and the surrounding light has become strange and somewhat distorted, as if entering into another universe ...

Huh! Zoom out again ...

The molecules of matter have become the size of the solar system, the electrons flashed through the dark space like a meteor, everything seemed to slow down, and the idea was stretched infinitely ...

Huh! Zoom out again ...

Countless crystals are arranged in a kaleidoscope-like state. What is the color?

They couldn't tell the difference, they all smiled stupidly like drinking too much ...

Huh! Zoom out again ...

Time, space ... everything was lost. Morgan turned her head and looked out of the window. Her experience from a young age flashed out like a phantom.

Even the movements of turning his head are like film strips, and they are divided into the sky ...

Huh! Zoom out again ...

It seemed that the limit had been reached, and the consciousness of the three had come to their senses. They opened their mouths and looked out the window.

"Is this ... quantum space?"


The Hydra College Villas, Stark House.

On the floor of the exercise room, Little Pepper is wearing a sculpting suit and practicing yoga with a virtual instructor, posing various weird movements, and sweat dripping down.

"Harry, Hani ... uh ..."

Tony walked in and just saw the small peppers folded and bent in large characters. He immediately raised his eyebrows with a smirk: "This is a good move, tonight ..."

Little Pepper glared at him, "What's the matter?"

"Oh ... yes." Tony said slowly, and said, "Huck just heard the news. He's going to do something in the Void dimension. By the way, we're going to visit our house, and the fat guy from Sol will come.

"Good." Pepper thought for a moment. "We should have a chef. The last devil was pretty good."

"It's Babstiel ... Taron ... Anyway, just call him Bab, and I'll contact him." Tony said as he prepared to go out.

"By the way, the children said that they will be a bit late in the experiment today and will return by taxi." Little Pepper reminded.

"Okay." Tony shrugged. "Hulk may be disappointed. He mainly comes to see the children and brings a lot of gifts."

"Just come back later." Pepper said in a seductive pose.

Grunting, Tony swallowed ...


"Are you sure you can stand here, will we not fall?" The little spider stepped on the ground like a colorful light wave, turned and asked Morgan and Franklin.

"What you think is true!"

Morgan said a wordlessly.

"Oh, I see, wonderful rules." The little spider returned to his feet, stepped on the ground in peace, and turned to pick up the two little beans.

They are in a wonderful space at the moment, in the sky and underground, as the caves are constantly falling or rising vertically to blend with each other.

In the distance, the sky that glows with colorful light keeps expanding and merging, as if there are countless secrets hidden.

After the three enjoyed the beauty for a while, the little spider raised his arms exaggeratedly, "OK, the wonderful quantum space exploration is over, let's go home."

Morgan and Franklin rolled their eyes at the same time.

The little spider sighed helplessly, "Kids, my spider tells me that the crisis is perilous here, and Mr. Stark will worry about them, you can't be willful."

Franklin was embarrassed. "But our experimental purpose has not been achieved, and the civilization of this space has not been observed."

Morgan also looked at the spider with a pleading look: "Please, Uncle Peter."

Feeling exhausted, Little Spider hesitated and said, "Okay, let's explore a little distance, and we will return immediately when the time comes, and everything will be under my command."

Morgan and Franklin immediately saluted a Boy Scout with excitement, "Okay, sir!"

The three turned onto the spacecraft, slowly started, and flew forward.

"Speaking ... how do we communicate? Sound waves should all become quantum states and cannot be collected here, right?"

"It's simple. All our communication is now using consciousness, except that the quantum entanglement converter is installed on the armor."

"Smart Franklin."

"That's for sure ..."

The three were marching forward while chatting.

The light of the surrounding space is golden as the background color, and 7 colors are often interchanged and superimposed, so they can clearly observe the surroundings.

Unconsciously, they have gone a long way, and the surrounding gorgeous space has become more boring.

Franklin took a look at the quantum clock on the spacecraft and calculated it in terms of time. It should be time for school outside.

The little spider breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, we haven't explored the traces of civilization. It's time to go home."

Morgan and Franklin looked at each other with helpless faces.

Just then, the spacecraft's detector suddenly rang, and Franklin looked at it and said, "Anomalous spatial fluctuations have been detected."

The little spider pointed to the distance, "Is that the one?"

About 1 km away from the spacecraft, a huge hexagonal wafer suddenly appeared, and the translucent crystals were distributed like a spider's web, shining brightly.

"That's ..." Little Spider frowned. "If I'm not mistaken, it should be a quantum state fold in space. How could this look like this?"

Franklin frantically manipulated and analyzed on the virtual screen: "Because it is artificial! What a wonderful structure, this should be a space quantum entanglement device."

"As soon as we enter, it will instantly appear in another place, ha, the original transmission of quantum space is played like this."

"It's not fun!" Little Spider's face became serious. "It's extremely irresponsible to take risks without sufficient preparation. Don't forget our agreement, everything must be under my command."

"Now, go home now!"

"Okay ..." Morgan and Franklin nodded helplessly.

But at this moment, the space door rushed over like a puppy of Sahuan, and the speed was amazing.

"What's wrong?" Little Spider was dumbfounded.

"Perhaps ... perhaps ..." Franklin speculated. "All devices in quantum space are consciously driven. This thing probably captures the consciousness fluctuations we emit."

Little Spider looked around in annoyance, "Who the **** are you trying to get it over?"

Morgan and Franklin raised their hands at the same time ...

"Oh my God ..." Little Spider covered his forehead in distress.

The space gate swallowed them ...


Stark villa living room.

An eight-handed demon dressed in a neat chef's suit, and constantly cooking amazing and delicious dishes in a flowing motion.

Saul sighed while eating there: "I didn't expect your race to have such talent. Are there many of you, can I hire a head chef in Asgard, and let the mother-in-law and Rocky also have them? Try it. "

Demon Babu said expressionlessly: "There are only 7 people left in our race and they have all been robbed."

Saul said unfortunately: "The fertility rate of your race is too low. This is to destroy the race."

Babu carefully carved the shell of a space snail, "It's not that the fertility rate is low, but you killed most of the people."

Suddenly, "Is this the case?"

He stared at the demon Babu for a long time. "I remembered. During a dimension trip, I saw a demon slaughtering a group of good-looking mermaids, and then chased their tribe."

Demon Babu said expressionlessly: "The good-looking mermaid in your mouth is a group of robbers. They are raging like locusts throughout the Devil's Sea. We are protecting our marine crops."

Sol scratched his head. "Haha ... do you hate me?"

The demon Babu seriously fry a steak, "Don't hate, that's why we came here as refugees and found our own racial talent. The college has cloned a large number of the next generation for us."

"In the future, we will be renamed the God of Food!"

Hulk, sitting aside, ignored Saul's conversation with the Devil Chef completely, and he watched his watch anxiously, "Should the children come back?"

Since the last time he was spoiled by two Doudings, Hulk has completely fallen in love with these two children.

Tony smiled. "Looking back on time, I'll make a call."

He said as he connected to Morgan's signal, "Hi, sweetheart, who are you looking for?"

Hulk immediately extended his face to the screen. "Hey, Morgan, Uncle Hulk brought you a lot of gifts."

Morgan on the screen: "Ah, I'm so tired today. Father, take a rest early. I'll go back and get some food myself."

Hulk's face was so distraught, "Little Morgan ignored me!"

Tony frowned, and immediately analyzed the signal. "What the **** is Morgan doing, show me the video."

Then he immediately searched for his daughter's terminal location, but the result was: no signal was found!

Tony suddenly became tense, and others found something wrong.

Although Tony has not shot for a long time, there is no guarantee that no previous enemy will penetrate here.

After frantically searching all the information of the two children, I finally found a message to be sent in Franklin's secret mailbox ~ ~ Hi! Father, Uncle Tony, I'm sorry to worry you. Morgan and I are exploring the microcosmic quantum space. We may be back a few days later, rest assured, we will get it! "

The room suddenly became messy ...


The surrounding space is constantly rotating like a kaleidoscope,

For a moment, Morgan and Franklin's spacecraft was ejected by the space-time door.

Little Spider first looked at the two children and found that they were okay before they were relieved. "Where are we?"

However, Morgan and Franklin ignored him and stared out the window stupidly.

Not far away was a fragment of a spaceship group floating in the void, and a fragment of a spaceship floated over.

Above is the symbol of the earth ...


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