Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 369: Constructor civilization

Looking at Morgan and Franklin who were constantly spoiling in Tony's arms, everyone laughed, and the little spider was relieved.

It's a coincidence that Tony could be here in time.

After the city of truth performed inference operations using the large fortune-telling platform, they finally captured the position of the Franklin spaceship.

But it is frustrating that neither McQueen's dimensional demon power nor the magical technology of the Nether Mage can actually break through the space blockade and reach the designated location.

The microcosmic quantum space contains mysterious and infinite possibilities. Even the slightest difference may not find children's spacecraft in a lifetime.

Just then, Captain Marvel, who came back to report and watched it, came up with a way.

When she is in the strongest double star state, she can extract and absorb any kind of energy in the known universe, and if this space blockade originates from a certain ethnic technology, it should theoretically be an energy state.

As long as she can strike at the quantum level, she can lock and break the space blockade.

With hope, Tony and Reed were ecstatic and soon made a large quantum loop channel with the help of the Nether Mage.

With McQueen's assistance, through constant rotation and fine-tuning, they finally locked their positions and opened a quantum channel directly to Franklin's side.

Without elaborating on the hardships or blame the frightened children, Tony hugged Morgan and Franklin tightly in his arms.

The moment he thought he lost, he knew that the child was his own.

Tony then returned the two children and the spider to their home, and the ruins of the city were taken over by the college.


"Morgan and Franklin explored the microcosm and found traces of the builders of divine civilization!"

This news has been circulating at the top of Hydra, and it has not been notified in the college as before, after all, it matters.

The classmates did not know what major things Morgan and Franklin had done in just two days, but the senior executives who knew the news praised the two.

The future is definitely theirs, but surprises come too soon.

What they don't know is that their future hopes are each receiving the harshest reprimand and punishment from their mothers at home.

Over the next period, the upper layers of the void dimension focused almost all their attention on the microcosmic quantum space.

They are not the first time to contact the constructor civilization. After several trials and finding no one to answer, Li Mo has moved the space station in the dimension of dreams back.

Nether Masters analyzed many high-level technologies through this space station, and even cracked their language, but never had contact with the constructor civilization.

What exactly is a divine civilization?

Do they contain goodwill and hostility towards other civilizations?

Or just as high as the gods, manipulating behind the scenes?

Nothing is known, but caution is always right.

The Nether Mage didn't activate the teleporting crystal for the first time, but instead used this as a center to expand its search.

Not only did they organize the wreckage of the earth ship fleet found by the two children, they also found traces of other civilizations a little further away.

Like this civilization, although its forms are different, other indigenous civilizations also focus on the development of spiritual power, do not develop science and technology, and the cities have all become ruins.

The chieftain personally sits in the microcosm as the chief commander of this operation, while the Void Special Forces and the Void Air Force Regiment are also standing by.


The ruins of that city have been toppled into a huge temporary base. Only the circular altar in the center has been preserved, and a series of specially designed quantum shuttles have been continuously rising and falling like a swarm.

In the command room, the boss is repeatedly studying the mural image of the disappeared civilization in order to obtain more information about the constructor in advance.

At this moment, a member of the Nether Masters came up and said, "We repaired some of the remaining images of the wreckage of the Earth Fleet. The evidence shows that they forcibly opened the door to the micro through the internal device of a constructor civilization robot. The portal of the universe. "

"The leader of the fleet, Zhang Tong, has confirmed his identity. He once became an adult on the earth and has extremely powerful forces."

"This earth fleet was instantly wiped out by a spacecraft shortly after entering the microcosm. According to speculation, it belongs to the constructor civilization."

The boss looked at the time, "10 years ago ... that is, the constructor civilization was still active in the main universe 10 years ago."

He made a few laps in situ, and seemed to have made up some kind of determination, "Contact the headquarters immediately, and I will have a video conference."

After some discussion, the high-level unanimous decision of the void dimension can begin to contact the constructor civilization.

Li Mo, who was in a deep sleep, did not know this, but they believed that the boss would definitely support it.

Because they have been inculcated by Li Mo since they got together:

Explore the unknown infinity and never stop!


Quiet inside the base, they have made various preparations.

With various medical teams and envoys of civilization, the Virtual Air Force Regiment is also ready to fight, and even transferred experts of social civilization history and psychologists from the academy.

A magic puppet approached the teleportation spar, and the Nether Task Force was watching not far away, and Captain Marvel, the most powerful defender, stood in front.

In everyone's gaze, the magical urn started teleporting the spar.


A nearly 10-meter-thick column of golden light suddenly blasted from the altar to the sky, a grid-like space was continuously opened, and behind it was a golden city that could not be seen.

"True Divine Civilization ..."

The boss murmured, and then looked at the members of the Nether Mage next to him: "Did you detect the attack intention?"

"Strange ... nothing can be detected."

"Can't carelessly, the god-level civilization must have mastered some kind of rule attack ability, which may be unimaginable to us."

"Although we only cracked less than 1% of the rules of the quantum universe, all the instruments show that they have not changed."

The boss thought for a moment, "Start sending signals!"

Following his order, a non-hostile flying device slowly entered the space, and a message was continuously sent in the constructor's language:

We come to communicate with the purpose of friendship and peace, request or allow access.

This message was broadcast repeatedly without receiving any response.

In the image of the observer, this signal transmitting device kept going inward.

There was no attack, and no spaceship came to see it until it passed a three-dimensional abstract circular building and even hit the wall without causing any movement ...

"This is how the same thing?"

Everyone was a little embarrassed. In the command room, other members of the mage group could not help looking at the big boss.

The boss took a deep breath, "Start exploring!"

He had a hunch that this civilization might have gone wrong.

The huge search team entered the constructor's space in batches, but in this endless place, it was as inconspicuous as the water dripping into the river.

What makes everyone feel creepy is that this independent civilization that has opened up borderless space, all buildings and instruments are new, but all have lost energy.

Most importantly, there is no one!

No one knows what disaster has happened here, they can only carefully analyze the ruins of this civilization.

Void dimension put a lot of manpower and material resources in this place, and it took a whole year to understand the constructor civilization.

This is indeed a divine civilization.

Their history in the multiverse is quite old, from the ancient to the multiverse.

They have a super battleship that can destroy the entire galaxy in one blow: the World Destroyer.

Their range of activities spans the numerous realities of the multiverse, and there are monitoring watchtowers in each dimension of reality.

It was the umbrella-shaped space station that Li Mo carried home and actually had the ability to transmit an entire universe.

Individuals of each ethnic group live over 600,000 years.

After becoming a divine civilization, they did the same thing as the Tenjin group: they created countless new civilizations and guided their evolution.

Behind the rise and fall of countless civilizations in the multiverse, their shadows are hidden.

This group of guys even did one bold thing: challenge the Tenjin team and succeed!

The cosmic locusts that destroyed most of the gods are their masterpieces.

However, it is such a divine civilization,

He disappeared because of unknown reasons.

Although their people disappeared, everything remained.

For the void dimension is an unprecedented super pie. After receiving the property that constructs civilization, a new god-level civilization will emerge and control the multiverse.

However, many people at the top of Hydra are still heavy in their hearts: who destroyed this god-level civilization?

Even without a trace of his power ...


Unconsciously, 5 years have passed.

During this time ~ ~ the void dimension has steadily received the property of the constructor civilization, and the observatory towers throughout the multiverse have been brought under McQueen's control.

They already have the embryonic form of a divine civilization.

The Ag's empire's aggression was quickly extinguished, and Captain Marvel broke the Dark Vortex of Artifacts with his own hands, and restored their nation to reason.

Under the suppression of the powerful void dimension, from the universe civilization to the dimension demon race, the multiverse is peaceful.

During this period, Li Mo also stabilized the energy in the body smoothly. After entering the traces of the constructor's race in person, he ran to the life court with anxiety.

In the builder's remains, he perceives the energy of the cosmic cube.

After seeing the court of life, Li Mo expressed his concern: "I suspect that the higher level of space linked by the cosmic cube has a powerful civilization, or race."

"And one of them has come to this universe!"


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