Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 378: Battlefield of Time (3)

"What happened over there?"

Reed turned to look at Mrs. Agatha.

The old lady was also confused, "I don't know, the avatar in that space-time did not feel her breath."

Reed made two laps in situ and said to the big boss on the side: "We need to start the big fortune-telling platform and see what happens."

The divination platform is divination, in fact, it is more like a god-level quantum computer combining a series of ultimate technologies such as magic and chaos theory.

After consuming a lot of energy, finally came to a result: Captain Marvel unfortunately encountered an energy storm when he landed in space-time, and he reluctantly activated the dual star mode to save his life. What's more tragic is that she fell into the dark dimension more than 300 years ago, and came in a close encounter with Dorma, who was proud of the spring breeze ...

No one expected this to happen, but fate was so impermanent.

The unfavorable start cast a shadow on everyone's hearts, and Reed looked at the reserve players worriedly.

To be honest, although these people are very powerful, they are not necessarily the opponents of ordinary killer, let alone the ultimate killer from the future.

Even if the strength is definitely weakened after dispersing energy, the ultimate wisdom of battle will make the hope of victory extremely slim.

Reed, who had always believed in data, couldn't help but pray, "Tony, Sol, Hulk ... I ... **** it, you must work wonders!"


Malibu, Los Angeles, 2008.

It was midnight, and a farce was taking place in Tony's mansion facing the sea.

Soon Tony gave up his life, Rhode, who hated iron and steel, and Li Mo, annoyed and furious, almost demolished the house.

In the night sky, Tony Huai, who was hidden behind the armor of the Tenjin group, watched all of it.

The friendship of a man is sometimes as inexplicable as that of a woman. He couldn't figure out why he had seen this **** right.

It wasn't until later that they had experienced many things together and gradually matured that Tony gradually realized that he and Li Mo were actually the same person.

Hippie smiley hides loneliness under a cynical mask.

At this moment, the alarm was issued on Friday, which has been monitoring: "Mr. Anomalous spatio-temporal fluctuations near Pluto, and future tyrants are coming to Earth."

Tony nodded, his face serious, he turned his head and glanced at the mansion below, "Tentacles, this time I'll save you."

The words just fell, and instantly turned into a meteor burst out of the earth's atmosphere ...

The future Destroyer flew expressionlessly in the universe, aiming directly at the earth.

After dissipating energy, he lost the ability to freely shuttle space, but space flight was already easy for him.

Suddenly, he felt a breath rushing towards him without revealing a trace of surprise.

From the beginning of this plan, he knew that he would not hide from everyone, not only to split the vast majority of forces to deal with Li Mo, which will grow stronger in the future, but also to resist the opposition's resistance.

But what else is there? In the future, countless time and space yourself continue to pull Li Mo and choose to explode. It can be said that most of them have succeeded, how can they miss in this place.

"Come on, surprise me ..."

The future tyrants clenched their fists and accelerated instantly.

At the same time, Tony has long locked in the future, and the patterns on the armor of the gods of the heavens instantly glow.


The two slammed into each other near Saturn, and the blue energy shock wave spread instantly and swept across the ring of Saturn.

This pure force collision caused the two of them to retreat hundreds of kilometers each, seemingly evenly matched.

The future annihilator looked at the black glaze shining across, the gorgeous armor inlaid with golden patterns, and an idea passed by.

"Tony Stark, you have given me a surprise. The eternal waste corpses can be transformed into this way. It is really amazing to get the power of gods with mortal bodies."

"So today, I can make you die with dignity."

Tony put his fist of the collapsed right armour behind his back, and recovered in just one second.

Although I ate a small loss, my mouth was not forgiving: "Your skin is really thick. Sorry, the earth does not welcome any bad guys today, especially you."

Extinction did not continue nonsense, split his mouth to reveal Sensen white teeth, and immediately rushed towards Tony.

It seems that under the influence of Li Mo, in the distant future of time and space, Exterminator also developed the ability similar to the small universe.

However, unlike Li Mo, his rules of the cosmic universe are the power of deadly silence that is extremely destructive, coupled with the fact that the body of terror has been reached to the limit, can he reach an invincible state.

Therefore, even if the power is dispersed and drops, even if he has the ability to project energy, his strong body is still his most trusted weapon.

Looking at the rapidly approaching Exterminator, Tony didn't mean to dodge, "Planet Artillery, start!"

As soon as his words fell, the armor immediately split into 12 armor pieces, quickly arranged and stretched by itself, forming a huge lotus-shaped weapon behind him.


The fiery black light wrapped in white lightning sprayed out from each blade, and converged in the air to form a whole body, and banged on the tyrant with a spiral attitude.

This is pure dying light. Even with the power of annihilation, it was bombarded by thousands of meters, and the sputtered light swept the surrounding meteorite, so that a small gap appeared in the ring of Saturn. .

However, Tony didn't feel happy at all. He saw a touch of excitement on the face of Extermination, and actually rushed towards him with the exploding death light that was still spraying.

Looking at the approaching annihilation, Tony gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, and a molecular cutting knife flashing like a phantom popped up at the armband.

Tony knows the horrors of the future, and therefore uses the most powerful cracking light cannon in the current battle. This thing can wipe out most of the material in the universe, and even killed several dimensions of the demon. No injuries.

In order to stop the tyrant, Tony who had no choice but to choose melee.

Seeing that the tyrant was less than 1000 meters away from himself, Tony increased the power of the molecular cutting knife again, and the space around the blade appeared distorted.

Suddenly, Exterminator disappeared from his sight, followed by a black eye, and a continuous impact on his head.

Annihilator sprinted in the ring of Saturn according to Tony's head. Meteorites and asteroids along the way shattered like tofu.

After traveling tens of thousands of meters, the tyrant suddenly stopped, and a black flame appeared on the other fist, which hit heavily on Tony's abdomen.

As a meteor flashed, Tony fell towards Saturn.

What's more frightening is that, where the tyrants left their marks, after several times of strengthening and transformation, the armor of the gods of the gods began to slowly disintegrate.

"Oh, **** it!"

Tony hurriedly separated a large piece of armor from the abdomen, and the hidden nano robot quickly began to repair it.

"Friday, test its power?"

"Under analysis ... This is a rule force. Its basic rule is to eliminate the four basic forces in the universe, so it can easily destroy the armor of the Tenjin group."

"I need a battle plan!"

"Sorry sir, after calculation, our winning percentage is ..."



New York, 2012.

As the influx of Zitari copied more and more soldiers, Tony, who had been awakened by Li Mo for a long time, felt the pressure.

After several rounds of laser cutting again, the alarm of the energy red line sounded.

"Hey, Hammer God, charge me!"

Tony said as he rushed towards Sol on the other side.

Thor lifted Thor's hammer high in the air, the clouds were overcast, the wind and thunder rolled, the huge thunder dragon slashed down and was led by him to hit Tony.

Tony immediately released a round of lasers to empty the enemies around him and rushed to Saul and shouted, "We need Hulk, where is this guy?"

"Should have been here long ago, maybe the beast had forgotten the way." Sol replied casually, and rushed to another dense battlefield.

"Damn ..." Tony gritted his teeth, and as he was about to continue his battle, a warning from Jarvis heard in his ear: "Sir, a nuclear bomb is coming here."

The subsequent plot progressed as expected, and Tony rushed to the wormhole with a nuclear bomb.

Li Mo, who just turned off the time-space instrument, said to the people next to him with a smile: "Relax, he will come back."

However, just as Tony entered the universe through the wormhole, a tall figure in golden armor suddenly appeared, punching Tony back with a punch.

Li Mo opened his mouth wide, and watched Tony disintegrate and fragment in the air incredibly, followed by the explosion of the nuclear bomb and the glare of the sky.

Before it was too sad, Li Mo felt a cold and icy, like a real killer.

He had never felt this way before, even his brain was frightened blank.

What he couldn't see was that the Tyrannosaurus was passing through the huge shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion.

Just then, a green shadow rushed straight from the ground, and suddenly disappeared into the wormhole according to the tyrant's head.

Li Mo, who escaped from his death, was so scared that his face was pale, and he sat on the ground with one butt.

On the wreckage of a Chitari spaceship in the unknown universe ...

Extermination stared at the opposite green figure, "Huck, or green pheasant ... you are just a beast, thinking you can stop me?"

The opposite Hulk's body has already grown another circle, and only cold and crazy killing intentions remain in his eyes ...


Asgard ~ ~ The Golden Palace collapsed, the Rainbow Bridge crashed, and the entire continent has become a ruin.

The future annihilator stood in the center expressionlessly, not far from his opposite, Odin trembled, his body shivered, and he quickly supported it with a broken eternal scepter before falling.

Sol knelt on the ground with blood on his face, and the Thor's Hammer and Storm's Axe had shattered.

He opened his eyes diligently, and looked at the queen Friega and Rocky who had died far away.

Saul had known for a long time that extermination would be very powerful, but did not expect that it would be so powerful that it would make people desperate.

Although Li Mo had been teleported back to Earth by Odin, Sol knew that this would not change anything, and Typhoon would soon catch up to Earth.

He looked down at his blood-stained hands, and roared into his eyes ...

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