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“The news media is cute to death, others are not, although there is no clear official announcement, but many people have called for Banner’s arrest.” Hill’s voice rang out inside the fighter.

“What about the Stark Rescue Foundation?” Tony asked.

“I have arrived at the scene, but the situation is not very good, the damage is too serious and there are many casualties, are you okay?”

Hearing this, Banner tightened the blanket on his body, and a lonely expression appeared on his face.

Tony looked around and shook his head: “The situation is not good, all of us have been hit hard…”

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Haochuan came over and asked, “Do you have news of Ultron over there now?” ”

“No, he hid again, I should also hide, the rest can only depend on you~”

After speaking, Hill hung up the communication.

Jiang Haochuan walked to Banner’s side: “Do you remember what the situation was at that time?” ”

Banner’s body shook, and he looked at Jiang Haochuan suspiciously, and found the concern in his eyes.

“I don’t remember, I don’t remember what I did, but I have a very strong desire to destroy in my mind, this feeling, more terrifying than before I became Hulk, am I back to before?”

There was fear in Banner’s eyes, fear for himself, and he really didn’t want to change back to what he was before.

Jiang Haochuan thought for a while and said, “You turn into the Hulk now and try!” ”

“Nope! This can’t work, I… I can’t hurt you! Banner immediately refused.

Jiang Haochuan patted him on the shoulder: “Believe me, as long as I am here, nothing will happen.” ”

Banner hesitated for a moment, but still obeyed his words, and directly turned himself into the Hulk as before.

All the attention is focused here.

Banner’s body gradually grew larger and his body began to turn green.

Just when he thought he was losing consciousness, he suddenly felt a strange energy enter his body and directly approach his mind.

It’s Jiang Haochuan.

At the same time that Banner transformed, Jiang Hao used the power of the Mind Gem to let his will enter his mind, pulling it out of his confusion.

The giant Hulk had a smile on his face with that thick voice. Thank you! ”

Jiang Haochuan patted his body and motioned to come.

The next moment Hulk turned back into Banner again, completely unhindered.

“Seems to be all right?” Banner is directly unsure, either.

So it became the Hulk again, changed back, changed again…

It took five times in a row before he was sure he was completely fine.

In fact, Scarlet Witch only let him enter the fantasy realm, and when the illusion disappeared, everything changed back to its original clothes, but the confusion in his own heart made him lose himself again.

Just now, Jiang Haochuan only used the ability of the mind gem to help him consolidate himself, which can be regarded as a kind of mind control in disguise.

Everyone else was a little surprised to see this scene.

The American team asked a little lonely: “Is it that if you miss it, you will never come back?” If I hadn’t been late for that appointment…”

Jiang Haochuan smiled, now he knew how to solve the problems in the hearts of these people.

That is to transmit his thoughts to their hearts through the power of the Heart Gem, convincing them that this is the right thing to do.

Thinking of this, he immediately exerted the power of the Mind Gem.

Yellow energy overflowed from his body, and the fast Black Widow American Team and Thor were all wrapped up.

Everything they experienced in their dreams was all spied on by Jiang Haochuan.

The same Jiang Haochuan just used his own ideas to give them a hint in his heart, and they all returned to their original state.

For a very simple example, Black Widow was afraid of the training center, and Jiang Haochuan directly removed the fear of this in her heart, making her feel that this was a very normal thing.

In the same way, tell the American team that if you miss it, you miss it, it is better to look forward to the future and chase the nurse after the end of the mission.

In just a few moments, the darkness in everyone’s hearts was cleared.

Sol’s eyes revealed surprise: “Jiang Haochuan, this power of yours, did you absorb the Mind Gem?” ”

“After some torture, it was considered a success.” Jiang Haochuan nodded.

“No wonder, no wonder you have such power, so that those things really don’t matter.” Thor is talking about his own dream, in which Arad is destroyed, the Infinity Stones are obtained by Thanos, and all the people are disappointed, all because he is too weak!

“All right, everyone! This failure is nothing, there will be darkness in everyone’s heart, everyone will have something to fear, we must learn to face it squarely, not blindly escape! Jiang Haochuan looked around and said directly.

“But what if the Battle Scarlet Witch in the back sneaks up on us again?”

Jiang Haochuan stared into Sol’s eyes and replied seriously: “Then I will kill her!” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone did not mention this matter, after all, Jiang Haochuan’s words they absolutely believed.

At the same time, the three of Ultron took action again.

Their destination is Jiang Haochuan’s base. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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