Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 65: Black Organization! Belmod!

Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

Less than one kilometer from the Four Seasons Hotel, there is an 8,000-square-meter mansion worth $34.5 million.

This mansion is located halfway up the hillside of Beverly Hills, with a garden and an infinity pool open to the door, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Los Angeles from outside the door.

In the luxurious and resplendent bedroom, Belmode sat in front of the dresser in a black nightdress, with two slender legs crossed.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang.

Belmod picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID on the screen, frowning instantly.


Why is it a string of asterisks?

Belmod was a little puzzled.

This is her private number, not to mention her assistant manager, even the top officials of the criminal organization don't know it.

Did someone make the wrong call?

Belmod is cautious, she chose not to answer the call.

"Jingle Bell!"

But not long after, the phone rang again, and the caller ID was still a string of weird asterisks.


Belmod scolded, took the call button on the phone, and said nothing, waiting for the other party to speak first.

A stiff mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone: "Should I call you Christine, or Belmod?

Hearing this, Belmod's pupils shrank, his body stiffened, and his whole body became stupid.

She was not surprised that the other party knew her real name, and many ardent fans did the same.

But the name Belmod is her deepest secret, the code name for the leader of a new criminal organization in Los Angeles.

Belmod has only three years to build the organization.

In order to hide her identity, she has been using the disguise technique to appear in front of the top management of the organization, and even her most trusted subordinates have never seen her true appearance.

But the person on the other end of the phone actually broke the secret. How could she not be shocked.

Once this news is exposed, her business for many years will be ruined.

The queen is the queen, and in an instant, Belmod adjusted his attitude, and asked with a calm tone and a bit of doubt.

"Who are you? Did you make the wrong call?"

Hehehe's laughter came from the other end of the phone: "It's so sad, you can't even hear the voice of an old friend."

Belmod couldn't help but scolded: "Why did you use a voice changer, I can tell it's a ghost."

Jason turned off the voice changer and asked, "Now, can you tell who I am?"

Belmod frowned and hesitated for two seconds, then suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

The next second, her emotions became agitated again, and she gritted her teeth bitterly and said, "Jason, you son of a bitch."

"Hahaha, very good! After three years of separation, you can still hear my voice."

Belmod snorted coldly and said sarcastically: "What do you mean by calling me on an encrypted phone? Oh, I remembered. You are being chased around by the New York police now, and you can't get along anymore, that's why I remembered me. already?"

In the hotel, Jason's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Does this silly girl never watch the news?

"Your news is too late. I suggest you turn on the TV and watch the news more."


Belmod walked to the living room and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV.

"What's wrong with the news? Did you get caught by the police, so you want to pull a pad before you die?"

Jason took the phone away from his ear.

He never liked bickering with people, and when Belmode watched the news, he would understand how ignorant she was.

Turn on the TV, the news host is talking about Jason and the Joker organization.

In order to highlight the danger of the clown organization, the host exposed the information of Jason and the members of the organization.

The prisoners who were detained in Long Island Prison were all heinous crimes, and the thirty or so people who joined the Joker organization were the best among them.

They are not only murderous and ruthless, but also experts and top talents in various fields.

There are hackers who are proficient in computers, doctors who are proficient in surgery, and killers who are proficient in marksmanship...

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying chemical reaction will be produced when such a group of talented criminals gather together.

Belmod watched for a few minutes and finally understood Jason's current situation.

Although Jason is the most wanted criminal in the United States, his overall strength is much stronger than when he was in the gang, especially the criminals under him, which makes Belmore coveted.

"Okay, I see it."

Belmod suddenly felt a little unhappy: "You called me this time to show me off your achievements, right?"

He escaped from prison, played tricks on the police, and now he has recruited a large number of capable officers.

In this case, if you suddenly call your ex-girlfriend who hasn't been in contact for several years, anyone will think this is showing off.

"Showing off? I'm not that boring." Jason shook his head speechlessly: "I can't explain this matter in a sentence or two, let's talk face to face."

"You want me to go to New York?" Belmod sneered: "You are too dangerous, do you think I would be stupid enough to send myself to the door?"

Jason sighed: "Hey... It's only been three years, don't we even trust each other at all?"

Belmod asked rhetorically, "What do you think?"

"Okay. To tell you the truth, I'm not in New York right now, but in Los Angeles."

Belmod's face showed a surprised expression: "Really or not? The New York Police and the United Army have set up a net, and you can escape from New York!"

"You can tell if it's true or not when you meet I'm at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Come and find me."

"Beverly Hills?" Belmod frowned slightly, thinking that this is too coincidental.

After hesitating for a moment, she agreed, "Okay, we'll have an interview later."


Four Seasons Hotel.

Jason hung up the phone with an expectant smile on his face.

I don't know what kind of surprise this woman will bring me in a while.

He turned his head and found Harry leaning beside him, looking at him curiously: "Your a woman?"

Jason nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Harry asked in confusion, "Have you never been to Los Angeles, how can you have friends, or female friends?"

"Is such that……"

Jason tells Harry all about his past with Belmod.

After Harley listened carefully, she said with an unhappy expression, "So, she's still your first love."

Jason was a little puzzled: "Harry, your focus is very strange. When normal people hear this news, they should be surprised that the true identity of the Oscar-winning actress is actually the leader of a criminal organization."

"Really?" Harry walked away noncommittally, pouting with a small mouth.

Jason was even more confused.

It was fine just now, why did you suddenly get angry?

But Jason doesn't have time to comfort her now. He is full of thoughts about how to win her over after Belmod arrives for a while.


Thank you QQ reading user [Pseudo-Sea King-Yuan Hua] for the 100-point reward!

The outline is simple and fine-tuning, and my head is going to explode!

Brothers, hurry up and comfort Zhang Tiao!

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