Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 67: 0 Face Witch! Preparations for kidnapping!

"and many more!"

Jason suddenly stopped her.

"That Avril... is she really rich?"

Belmod stopped, turned around and said seriously: "Avril can become the Billboard sales champion with just one album. Do you think she will be out of money?"

Jason stopped talking.

Think about it too, how could a popular singer be poor.

However, he was still a little hesitant in his heart. Avril was Harley's idol, and she had to ask her permission before doing this.

Jason turned around and asked, "Harry, you... what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Harry's eyes glowed with anticipation, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"What did you say?"

"I said, what do you think about kidnapping Avril? To be honest, don't worry about my feelings. Even if I don't do this, I have other ways to get money."

Harry nodded frantically and said, "It's a good idea, I agree!"

Jason was shocked: "Isn't Avril your idol? You actually agreed."

Halle explained with a smile: "She is indeed my idol. Every time she holds a concert in New York, I go to see it all."

"Every time I save half a month's salary to buy a seat in the front row, but unfortunately I didn't get a ticket once. I could only sit in the back row and look at the back of the head of the crowd in front."

"If you kidnap her, I can let her hold a concert for me by myself every day, and I can also cut and order songs. It's very happy to think about such a scene."

Jason's face was bewildered, and his heart was even more mixed. He didn't know what to say.

The title of 'The King of Bastards' is truly well-deserved by Harry.

Jason turned to look at Belmod: "Since Harry agrees, then I have no problem."

"Hehe, you really care about her thoughts." Belmod murmured casually.

"Tell me, what help do you need me to provide? As long as it is within my ability, you can all mention it."

Jason thought for a while and said, "I need an off-road vehicle, two silenced pistols, two sets of cross-dressing clothes, two sets of monitoring equipment, two pairs of handcuffs, a bottle of ether potion, and an anonymous Swiss bank account."

After listening to Belmod, he nodded and said, "These things are all right, are there any more?"

"It's gone for now!"

"Then you should have a good rest these few days. I will notify you immediately of Avril's whereabouts."

After speaking, Belmod put on a trench coat and left gracefully without looking back.


In the next few days, Jason and Harley's honeymoon in Los Angeles officially began.

Venice Beach, Disneyland, Universal Studios Hollywood, Griffith Observatory...the two of them visited all the famous attractions in Los Angeles.

Jason also took time to go to the Staples Center to watch a Los Angeles Lakers game. The two of them put all their worries behind and enjoyed their hard-won honeymoon.

At noon five days later, Jason received a text from Belmod asking him to meet at an abandoned factory outside Los Angeles.

Jason and Harley immediately stopped vacationing and went to work.

In order to prevent them from being found by the police after the incident, they changed seven taxis along the way and walked for a few kilometers before arriving at the factory for the appointment.

At the entrance of the factory, a Mercedes-Benz Big G off-road vehicle was parked, and the front face of the car was also equipped with an anti-collision bar.

The two got closer and found a burly man with black sunglasses sitting in the car.

This should be Belmod's subordinate, looks a bit like Tie Hanhan.

Jason secretly commented.

The man got out of the car and came over and asked, "You are Jason Walter and Harleen Quizzell, right?"

The two kept their distance from him and nodded in recognition.

"You can call me vodka, and I will give you something on the boss's order."

Vodka turned and pointed to the Mercedes-Benz driveway: "This Mercedes-Benz was prepared for you by the boss. The frame number has been erased, and the license plate is also fake. Don't worry about being found by the police later."

After speaking, he walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

"There are two sets of clothes, two silenced pistols, two sets of monitoring and tracking equipment, two pairs of handcuffs, a bottle of ether potion, and a high-strength nylon rope."

Jason frowned and asked, "Is it gone?"

Vodka nodded: "No more!"

Jason's face suddenly darkened.

"What does Belmode mean! Why is there no news about the Swiss bank account he promised to open for me? If there is no bank account, this transaction will be cancelled!"

Vodka stared earnestly at Jason's angry face, and suddenly revealed a charming smile.

In an instant, Jason and Harry had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Hold the grass, can't you have a good laugh? So sick.

Vodka stretched out his finger and nodded on Jason's forehead: "As expected of you, the habit of being greedy for money has not changed until now."

"What are you doing!"

Just when Jason came back to his senses and was about to beat him to a crippling rage.

Vodka stretched out his right hand and tore off the human skin mask on his face.

Belmod's alluring face appeared in front of them.

The two people on the opposite side are completely stupid.

Belmod raised his long hair and asked, "How is it? Compared to your inferior makeup technique, is my disguise technique much more advanced?"

In order to hone her acting skills, Belmod went to Japan to study under a world-class magician. Because of her excellent talent, the magician made an exception to teach her the technique of disguising at the bottom of the box.

Disguise surgery is not as simple as applying makeup and First of all, you need to make a plaster head mold according to the face shape, then make a simple version of the silicone mask, and finally optimize according to the characteristics of the face. Details on the mask, right down to perfection.

Depending on the level of proficiency, the time required to make a human skin mask varies, ranging from hours to days.

Belmod had already mastered the disguise technique to the point where it only took two or three hours to make a human-skin mask that was indistinguishable from himself.

"I have prepared the bearer account of the Swiss bank, and I have put one million dollars into it. You owe me this money."

Belmod took out his mobile phone and sent him the bank account number and password.

Jason logged on to the bank's website, entered the account password, and there was $1 million in the account.

"You can rest assured now." Belmod teased.

Jason silently opened the system light curtain.

【Points: 0】

【Rechargeable wealth: 1 million US dollars】

With a thought, he recharged all the money in the bank account into the system.

He is the most at ease only when money becomes a point system.

Jason put away his phone: "Okay. The mission can begin."

Belmod took out the disguise prop from the car: "Then sit down, I'm going to disguise you."


Thanks for the 100-point reward from QQ reading user [Yun Moshang]!

Thank you for the 100-point reward of [Brother Xinchun, no immortality]!

Thank you [Cedric Law] for the 100-point reward!

Brothers, the data in the recommendation period is very important!

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