
Liszt yawned lazily, stretched his waist from the chuang, and stood up.

Sniffling, Lister glanced at the nearby furnishings, feeling a little lost, before going to sleep, he also thought that maybe it was a dream.

But the reality still made him realize that he was really in the Marvel world in 1991.

Shaking his head, Lister glanced inside the factory, and found that it was quiet, he glanced outside again, the broken pickup truck was no more, and it was estimated that the kid Simon went to class.

Liszt Shiran walked to the dining table in front of him, found sandwiches and yogurt on it, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although Simon this guy can’t help in researching something, but in these trivial matters, it still has a role, in addition to today’s breakfast, the furniture and daily necessities purchased last night are also purchased by Simon.

In addition, in order to satisfy Simon’s sense of participation, Lister bought a lithium battery, a waste computer, a waste mobile phone, and several glass, copper wires, circuit boards, plastics, springs and other parts.

These things cost Liszt, nearly seven hundred dollars.

Of course, these things are not used to study artificial intelligence robotic arms, but to develop the world’s first – smartphones!

In 1991, Nokia had begun its own era, although the function was monotonous, and the network was only a GMS signal, but it was still the standard for mainstream mobile phones.

Well, the standard for success.

After washing, Liszt chewed on the sandwich, walked to the central studio, started the computers, and slowly and methodically put the parts on the workbench according to the mobile phone construction diagram in his mind.

Putting the last sandwich in his mouth, Lister clapped his hands, took out Hemerdinger’s wrench, and dismantled the discarded mobile phone into parts in three or two clicks.

After dismantling the waste mobile phone, Lister disassembled the old computer one by one and took out the 80286 chip.

Although he wanted to develop the iPhone in this world, Lister did not want to copy it completely, but developed a weakened version of the first generation of the iPhone.

Although the first generation of the weakened version of the iPhone is to be developed, the performance is absolutely complete in the mainstream mobile phone of this world, because the chip used in the mobile phone is the chip of the world’s mainstream computer.

Think about it, mobile phones have the chips of mainstream computers, whether it is the increase of functions or the smoothness of operation, how can mobile phones that are still starting to be comparable?

As for the LCD substrate, Lister combined the screen substrate of the mobile phone and the screen substrate of the computer to recreate a liquid crystal substrate in the middle.

After manufacturing this LCD substrate, Lister deliberately added a few insignificant lines, and also hid a deadly dark line.

Once someone wants to imitate, even if the circuit on the display is completely copied, and the dark line is not cracked, the line on the substrate will be completely fused and become a waste product!

According to the memory in his mind, Liszt combined with realistic materials to complete the manufacture of parts one by one, and the shell and home button were directly copied out.


I don’t know how long it took, Lister breathed a sigh and fell directly on the chair, and in the center of the workbench, an iPhone was quietly placed!

Straight plates, large glass screens, boxy mobile phone shapes… It’s like a black gemstone artifact.

This phone does not have the Apple logo that took a bite, and it is a copy of the iPhone.

Looking at the phone, Lister showed a smug smile and looked up at the computer screen.

Two hours have passed!

Unfortunately, this mobile phone is not fully completed, although the hardware is manufactured, but the most important internal system, the iOS system, has not yet been entered.

It can even be said that at this time, this mobile phone, even turning on is a problem.

Liszt stretched out, cheated a data cable between the computer and the host, and transformed a mobile phone data cable on the basis.


Listen to the prompt sound from the computer, and the phone is connected to the computer.

Compared with the mainstream mobile phone in 1991, the storage space of this mobile phone is large, running memory 1G, and the memory of the mobile phone itself has 12G.

With such memory, Lister has no scruples about entering the simplified iOS system into the phone.

Although the iOS system is known for its closed nature, this is the Marvel universe, and although there are certain people who will successfully crack it, Lister still wants to increase the difficulty and stop the speed of cracking to potential opponents.

To this end, he deliberately developed a Chinese code, in addition to a local dialect, and also programmed code encryption.

This dialect was still popular on the Internet in the previous life, and there were only four words – lose you Rem!

After entering this code, Lister couldn’t help but laugh, if the person who cracked it, curious to search the meaning of this sentence, estimated——


Lister laughed and pressed enter, and the computer screen flashed, and a progress line appeared.


“The development of leading technology products is successful, and the host gets 1000 technology points!”


“The host successfully developed a technology product for the first time, and specially rewarded a bronze treasure chest!”

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