Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 209


Chapter 209 Curse, Deterrence

On the elder side of the universe, Wang Bert has no interest in paying attention, he Looking at the beholder who was struggling in the storm, he waited quietly.

After a while, the beholder was almost unable to hold on, blood and wounds were all over his body, Wang Bert raised his hand and waved in the air, and an uncertain portal appeared in front of him.

The beholder sees the portal, whether it is a trap or not, and immediately rushes in, and then comes to Adam Hell.

"Blood God."

The one-eyed lord and the beholder on him all looked at Wang Bert resentfully, Wang Bert said: "The beholder, I am Blood God, here I am. I'm officially challenging you, come on, let's have a fair fight between men."

"Fair you..."

The beholder couldn't help yelling, and the others Looking at Wang Bert speechlessly, can you be more mean?

You know, the beholder is now an arrow at the end of its flight - as you can see from the wounds on his body that won't heal.

"Blood God, it's really a waste of talent if you don't come to hell to be the Demon King."

The Succubus Lord couldn't help but said, Demon Dragon Lord nodded , Adam touched his nose, but did not speak, in fact, he has come.

"Hey, do you understand civility and politeness? Beholder, as long as you completely sacrifice the soul of the one-eyed lord, you can restore your previous strength."

Wang Bert said: " The one-eyed lord is a tough guy, not afraid of death, hurry up and sacrifice, I can't wait to have a fair fight with you, don't worry, I will never banish you to the Space Storm outside."

"I won't banish you. That's weird."

The Demon Dragon Lord and the Succubus Lord ridicule at the same time, the beholder staring at Wang Bert like an angry bull, the one eye almost splitting.

Wang Bert looked at the beholder without fear, and after a while, the beholder asked, "Blood God, what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. I'll make a bet with you."

Wang Bert said: "You and I have a fair one-on-one fight, you lose, in the future related to Earth, you a strategic withdrawal, you win, I let you go, Of course, if you have the ability, you can kill me.

I'm not kidding, I really want to fight you fairly, I really want to see how strong you Elder Gods really are. ?"

Everyone was shocked, Wang Bert really wanted to fight the beholder?

"Blood God, that's the Elder God."

The succubus lord reminded: "If the beholder really sacrifices the soul of the one-eyed lord, then his power will be far superior. Ordinary hell Demon King, even you, will not be his opponent."

Wang Bert said proudly: "If you haven't fought, how do you know if it is?"

"That's it. With the strength of Blood God, how can you be afraid of the trifling beholder? Blood God, I support you, beat the beholder."

The Demon Dragon Lord rolled his eyes, loudly shouted, and Adam kicked him with one kick Fei, angrily scolded: "You want him to be killed by the beholder, right? It's really a white-eyed dragon."

"How can a person who doesn't even want a face be loyal?"

The succubus lord leaned towards Adam and said, "Adam, I am the one who is most loyal to you."

"You also get out of here."

Adam said blankly, "Hey, it's not good to be too handsome, there are always people making up their minds.

The beholder looked at Wang Bert, and suddenly sneered: "So you're not a lunatic."

Wang Bert said angrily: "Nonsense, of course I'm not a lunatic, hey, what are you doing? You look disappointed?"

"Because I'm a lunatic."

The beholder grinned, his red eyes suddenly turned into rays of light and flew towards Wang Bert, It was so fast that not even Wang Bert could avoid it.

Next moment, red rays of light were branded on Wang Bert's chest and turned into a red eyeball. Then, a chaotic force spread rapidly across Wang Bert's body, and then moved towards his body.

That's right, the ontology, this Wang Bert, is just an Avatar, the ontology of Wang Bert, which has been hidden in the Mirror Dimension.


Wang Bert complexion slightly changed and hurriedly cut off contact with Avatar, who knew that the curse would continue to spread towards him, he gritted his teeth and flew out of his body The blood shadow fell on the curse, and the curse immediately spread to the blood shadow.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Bert squeezed his hand, and Blood Shadow and Avatar announced Death at the same time. Although the curse was extremely unwilling, once the host died, it could only dissipate quickly.

"Failed? Interesting, Blood God, you won this time, we'll play next time."

See the curse failed, the beholder snorted, leave the last sentence , consciousness leaves Hell Dimension.

Wang Bert returned to Adam Hell from Mirror Dimension. He looked at the breathless one-eyed lord body over there, and said ugly complexion: "Is this mental disorder? It's a good talk, suddenly sacrifice The soul curses me?"

"The beholder is the Demon God of Chaos. He does everything as one pleases. This is normal."

The succubus lord said : "Although our Hell Lord also has a chaotic attribute, in essence, it is still a life of order. If it was us who just negotiated with you, you would definitely get your wish.

But the beholder, no one knows what he will do. , because his actions are completely determined by his mood.

This is why we hate those Ancient Devil gods, they are completely uncontrollable."

Wang Bert scolded: "It turned out to be a mental disorder."

"In a sense, he is indeed a mental disorder."

The succubus lord looked at Wang Bert, curiously asked: "speaking of which , Blood God, how did you escape the beholder curse? This is a curse issued by the Demon King's soul, even the strongest Satan may not be able to escape.

Once the beholder Curse and you'll turn into a chaotic creature like him."

"So he wanted to turn me into a lunatic."

Wang Bert understood, he sighed, his face He said distressedly: "In order to avoid the curse just now, I lost a lot."

A precious life is gone again.

The Succubus Lord and the Demon Dragon Lord had no doubts, and avoiding the beholder's curse would have to pay a heavy price.

At this time, Demon Dragon Lord looked at the corpse of the one-eyed lord that had recovered to its original state, and while drooling, he said: "Blood God, the one-eyed lord is dead, shall we eat him? His body contains enormous energy. , eat him, we can be much stronger."

"Eat a fart..."

Wang Bert was about to say something, just at this moment, the body of the one-eyed lord suddenly turned to ashes and blown away by the wind.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the three Demon Kings of hell hurriedly sensed the situation in One-Eyed Hell. After a while, Adam said unhappily: "The One-Eyed Lord is not dead. He has a strand of Remnant Soul that escaped back to One-Eyed Hell."

"The One-Eyed Hell is closed. Until the One-Eyed Lord fully recovers, the One-Eyed Hell will not be involved in anything."

The succubus Lord said: "With the One-eyed Lord's current situation, It is estimated that it will take about five hundred years to fully recover."

"Golden Cicada is shelled."

Wang Bert snorted, said: "The devil in the one-eyed hell, will he take the opportunity to challenge One-eyed Lord?"

"Of course, those demons can become the new Demon King as long as they get the Remnant Soul of the One-eyed Lord. Next, the One-eyed Hell will be very lively."

Demon Dragon Lord said: "However, that has nothing to do with us. Unless there are more than seven Demon Kings joining forces, it is impossible to break the blockade of the one-eyed hell."

Wang Bert eyes flashed, not much to say, the fact On, he can easily enter the one-eyed hell because he has the Space Stone, because the hell power won't stop him.

However, don't worry about this, wait until the battle is over, and leave it to Adam to handle. Since he doesn't accept the olive branch that he handed over, don't blame him for being rude.

At this time, the Space Storm outside has gradually subsided, Wang Bert lifts the head and provocatively towards the whole hell: "Aren't you going to kill me? Come on, you grandchildren, why don't you dare to come? ?"

"Blood God."

A group of Hell Lords gritted their teeth, this time, they suffered a huge loss.

Projection is not something that can be created casually. It requires a lot of magic power and its own essence. They just destroyed a projection some time ago, and now another one has been destroyed, which is a great injury.

In a short time, Hell-Lords has been unable to create new projections.

Lucifer said bitterly: "Blood God, don't be arrogant, you will surely die in hell."

Wang Bert coldly said: "Don't talk nonsense, you think you can kill me Come on, no one is stopping you now, you all go together, I will go on, come on."

"Blood God, you have to die."

"Blood God , we'll never let you go."


The Hell-Lords yelled, but none of them entered Adam Hell.

"A bunch of idiots, who were so arrogant before, why don't they dare to come in now? Hmph, the so-called Hell Lord turned out to be just a bunch of cowards who were afraid of death."

Wang Bert He scolded Hell-Lords unceremoniously. Although Hell-Lords was seen with anger in anger, he still did not step into Adam's hell.

That's right, Hell-Lords, who were aggressive before, thought they were winning, didn't dare to enter Adam's hell now.

Because Blood God is here.

"Blood God's means and strength, plus us, quelled those Hell Lords."

The succubus lord said: "Although with the strength of the Hell Lord, it can definitely kill the Hell Lord in one swarm. Blood God and us will die, but they will also die a few people themselves, and no one wants to be the dead one, so they dare not come.”

“The biggest problem with hell is that Don't unite, otherwise, let alone Blood God, the Ancient One has already been killed by us."

Demon Dragon Lord sighed, Adam sneered: "The biggest problem in hell is not that Hell Lord is too afraid Die?"

"Why die if you can live? Hell Lord's life is not so cheap."

Demon Dragon Lord said disapprovingly, Hell Lord has almost Infinity life , naturally do not want to die easily.

"I think this situation is mainly because we lack a leader."

The succubus lord said: "Satan was supposed to be the leader, but he didn't know The serious injury for some reason has never appeared, causing us to be scattered."

Adam said: "It's okay, when I become Satan, I will definitely lead you well."

Succubus Lord With bright eyes, he said: "You can definitely be a Satan, because you are the most handsome of all Hell Lords."

"You are handsome, and besides, Satan is not dead yet."

The Demon Dragon Lord was coldly snorted. Before he could finish his words, the entire hell suddenly vibrated violently. Then, blood rained and a sad aura enveloped all hell.

Wang Bert and Hell-Lords, who were scolding each other, lifted the head in surprise. Lucifer asked in amazement: "Satan, died?"

That's right, hell in name. The master, Satan, finally died after struggling on whilst at death's door hundreds of years.

The position of the Lord of Hell is truly vacant.

Adam and the succubus lord looked at the Demon Dragon Lord strangely. Could this guy be the legendary crow's mouth?
"I can explain..."

The Demon Dragon Lord was about to speak when Adam raised his hand and said, "Don't say my name in the future."

"Also Don't tell me."

The Succubus Lord also said, Demon Dragon Lord rolled the eyes, if I really had such a clever crow's mouth, I would have cursed Blood God to death long ago, okay?

"Blood God, today Satan returns, we don't care about you for the time being, but don't even try to escape from hell, wait for us to deal with Satan's affairs, and then send you off."


Lucifer coldly snorted and said, other Hell Lords nodded: "Yes, we will let you go today, Blood God, wait for the doomsday in despair."

Finished , the consciousness of Hell-Lords left Adam Hell with arrogant faces, as if they had won a big victory.

"Where's your face? Do you guys still want a face?"

Wang Bert pointed his middle finger upwards fiercely, Hell-Lords ignored him at all, let you be arrogant first For a period of time, as long as you are locked in hell, sooner or later I will find a way to kill you.

Even if there is no way, as long as the Earth Guardian is trapped in hell, it is also a victory for the lords.

"Hell Demon King, cut."

Wang Bert looked contemptuous, he said to Adam: "Adam, close Adam Hell, also, turn off this blood rain effect, A guy who hasn't played from the beginning to the end, as for making such a big move?"

"You have the final say."

Adam shrugged, closed hell, and at the same time, the heavenly The blood rain gradually disappeared.

"Adam, my bet with the Cosmos Elder is not over yet. If they fail to murder a person with a borrowed knife this time, they will definitely use their real power. The next wave of attacks will be even more terrifying."

Wang Bert confessed: "So, I have to go back to the town, and leave the hell to yourself."

"No problem, I am the Demon King of hell, and the business of hell, It should have been handled by me."

Adam said: "You open for me a Transmission Gate to One-Eyed Hell, I took this opportunity to swallow One-Eyed Hell, today is my birthday, and also Satan's Death, this is destiny, I am destined to become the new Satan."

Wang Bert ridiculed: "You say this is useless, and these foreigners don't believe it."

"Don't care if they believe or not, it's just a slogan anyway."

Adam said with a smile: "I'm so handsome and have such a powerful slogan, who would dare to disagree?"

"Okay, leave it to you, don't reveal what I've left."

Wang Bert said: "I'm going to give Universe Elder a big surprise."

Demon Dragon Lord was stunned: "Wait, Blood God, can you leave hell at any time?"

The succubus lord also asked incredulously: "Blood God, can you enter the one-eyed hell?"

"Of course I can, without this ability, do you think I'm going to hell?"

Wang Bert sneered: "You think I'm stupid, but you don't know that the real stupid is yourself."

Demon Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord are stunned that the real Joker is themselves!

Wang Bert didn't say much. After opening a Transmission Gate for Adam, he left behind a disguised Avatar and left hell silently.

The trip to hell is over for the time being, and there is no doubt that Wang Bert won.

(end of this chapter)

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