Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 216


Chapter 216 Battle of Ego
"Enough, I've had enough, Grandmaster, let Ego stop ."

The runner couldn't take it anymore and roared loudly, Grandmaster shook the head and said, "Can't stop, in Earth's words, the bow doesn't turn back."

"Grandmaster, you know. How many people will you kill?"

The runner became more and more angry and walked over to beat the Grandmaster, but was stopped by the astronomer.

The astronomer said to Grandmaster with a cold and severe expression: "Grandmaster, I will not continue to participate in this matter. In addition, at the next meeting, I will propose to cancel your Elder qualification."

After finishing speaking, the astronomer took the runner and the annihilation and used treasure to teleport away.

"che, hypocrite."

The Grandmaster is cursed with disdain, the astronomer's heart is much darker than him - he is a real villain, and the astronomer is a A complete hypocrite.

The dirty work is done by others, and he himself, always remains noble and bright.

The Grandmaster doesn't worry about the astronomer's dismissal at all, because the astronomer needs to do the dirty work, he just sets himself up.

"I hope you don't die."

The Grandmaster cursed, unaware that his curse would soon come true.

The rays of light flashed, and the three astronomers appeared in a desolate world full of sulphur smell. They looked at the strange surroundings and were amazed. Where is this? Isn't it teleporting back to the old nest?
"Astronomers, destroyers, runners, welcome to hell."

Just then, Adam suddenly appeared beside him and said with a smile: "I am the number one in hell. Dude, future Satan, Adam."

Yes, this is hell, but it's not Adam's hell, it's Demon Dragon Lord's dragon hell.

"Blood God, why did you transfer us here?"

The astronomer glanced at Adam and asked loudly to the sky, the only people who can cut off Spatial Teleportation are those who have Space Stone's Blood God, Grandmaster guessed right, Blood God has returned to the main universe.

"Isn't that obvious? Of course it's sending you to hell."

Adam laughed heartily, his patted hands, Demon Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord with a group of high-level demons appear out of thin air, surrounding the three astronomers.

"Blood God is going to kill us?"

The three astronomers were surprised and angry, and the astronomer said angrily: "Blood God, your gambling is too bad, right? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the powerhouses in the universe?"

"I thought you were human before, so I made a bet with you, but you all turned out to be beasts."

Wang Bert is indifferent A voice sounded from the sky: "Astronomers, obediently die, I will extract your souls and let you be bitten and swallowed by tens of millions of Resentful Souls. This is the price you deserve."

The astronomer hurriedly shouted: "That's the Grandmaster's idea, and it has nothing to do with us."

"Astronomer, as the universe Elder, please have a little backbone and don't make me look down on you."

Wang Bert disdainfully said: "Of course, you can continue to deny it, it doesn't matter, because you are dead today, what I Blood God said."

The astronomer was a little panicked, He shouted, "You dare to kill me? I'm the Elder of the Universe. Do you know how many people I know? I even know the God of Creation."

Wang Bert said, "So what? My Blood God wants to kill you, who can stop you? Adam, do it, remember, must keep their souls, not torturing them, I can't understand."

"You are a bit like a villain. It's over."

Adam laughed, with a wave of his hand, the two Hell Lords rushed up with the high-level demons, ready to smash the three universe Elders into pieces.

"You dare? Blood God, do you dare?"

The astronomer was completely panicked, but the runner calmed down. He gave the astronomer a disdainful look and said, "I I know I'm damned, but I won't obediently surrender, come on, grab me, and let me run for the last time in my life."

With that, the runner ran up into the sky, and then ran fast into the distance Go, Adam coldly snorted, turned into a stream of light and chased after him.

Looking at the approaching demon, the astronomer shouted in fear: "Blood God, I surrender, I can help you kill other elders, I can be your slave, and help you guard together. The universe."

"Sorry, the universe doesn't need you."

Wang Bert said with contempt, what else the astronomer wanted to say, the demons gathered around, and the mouthful scream sounded immediately .

One minute later, the astronomer and the annihilation were smashed to pieces, while the runner was caught up by Adam and twisted his neck.

Wang Bert put away the souls of the three universe Elders and shouted coldly: "Army, prepare for battle."

"Yes, Blood God."

The three of Adam shouted in unison, they were all excited, demons, there is no one who is not warlike, that is the imprint on them in the depth of one's soul.

Blood, slaughter, soul, Death, this is the meaning of the existence of demons.

Ego's Planet, Ego is controlling Star Lord to launch the plan, at this moment, with a bang, the gate of the palace was smashed by Thor's hammer.

Immediately afterwards, Thor rushed in, loudly shouted: "I have long thought that you are not a good person, let go of Star Lord."

"You feel strange, also, don't Nonsense, direct attack."

The rocket fired at Ego with the four-eyed energy cannon one after another. Ego's body was blown to pieces. Gamora took the opportunity to rush over and cut off the energy whip with one sword. Run away with the Star Lord.

The ceremony was interrupted, and all the energy debris flow on the planet solidified and stopped in place, however, this does not mean the end, Ego can continue to activate them.

"Why are we fleeing? With God of Thunder Thor leading you, you will be invincible."

Thor shouted in dissatisfaction, everyone ignored him, and took the fastest The speed fled towards the spaceship outside. It is worth mentioning that Mantis is also among them.

"Fuck, you bastards."

Thor glanced at Ego who was recovering quickly, swallowed his saliva, chose to follow his heart, and fled with Rocket and the others.

What a joke, Avatar he may not be able to play, let alone the main body.

Soon, everyone came outside. They were about to board the Milano when a long energy whip emerged from the ground and smashed the Milano in half.

"Milano, you've been smashed again."

The sober Star Lord cried out in pain, while the Rocket fired frantically at the energy whip and shouted: " Shut up and fight quickly."

At this moment, a huge beam of energy fell from the sky, instantly destroying the energy whip, and then, a Raider main ship slowly fell from the sky.

Yondu's voice came from the radio: "My child, your blue father is here to pick you up."

"Shut up, I'm allergic to the word father now."

Star Lord cursed first, and then asked cautiously: "Wait, why did you come to pick me up? Do you have any conspiracy?"

"Father picks up his son, can you? What's the conspiracy? Come up and talk about it first."

Yondu turned on the traction device, and everyone except God of Thunder Thor was sucked up.

Thor looked bewildered, he called to the main ship: "Hey, what do you mean?"

At this moment, the Raider main ship flew down four silhouettes, They are Carol, God of War Ares, Humanoid, Two-Headed Man.

Carol said: "Let's deal with Ego, if you are afraid of death, you can run away."

Thor angrily said: "I am afraid of death? I am the God of Thunder Thor, The bravest man in the Nine Realms."

Ares said with a smile: "The most reckless man in the Nine Realms."

Thor shouted: "Shut up, wait, Are you surrendering to Bert?"

Ares said frankly: "Blood God asked me if I wanted to work for him after losing my memory, or to work for him directly, and I chose the latter."

The humanoid and the two-headed man said: "Blood God pays a higher salary than Grandmaster, and Grandmaster is estimated to be dying, so we decided to change jobs."

"Okay, then Let's fight together."

Thor raised the hammer and shouted, Carol gave him a disgusting look, and flew straight to the palace, Thor chased after him angrily, shouting: "Take me again. I am the leader.”

The Raider main ship, Star Lord ran to the control room and was about to speak when Yondu hit him lightly with a small silver hammer, his memory instantly recover.

"Ego is actually a bastard."

Star Lord gnashing teeth scolded: "Yondu, I will control the weapon, we will shoot him to death."

"That's the work of the rocket."

Yondu slapped the small hammer, the small hammer was disappeared in an instant, but returned to Blood God's hands, and then he said: "Your work is to control Celestial. Light."

Star Lord was stunned: "Control the light of Celestial?"

Yondu said: "Yes, Blood God said, Ego cannot take away your control of the power of Celestial, as long as You learn how to control them, and on this planet you will be as powerful as Carol."

The Star Lord said, "What are you kidding me? It's not that I'm not on this planet. After using Celestial Light, Carol can crush me with her toes."

"Knowing how to use it is different from learning it. You should control the power of Celestial with your heart, just like I control the arrow The same."

Yondu said with a smile: "Ego is not a good teacher, let your blue father teach you, Quill, everything you know is taught by me."

Star Lord was stunned, and he said awkwardly: "Can you stop talking like this? It's very uncomfortable, and it's disgusting. I prefer you to scold me fiercely."

" Quill, it seems that you do have a hobby in some way."

The rocket started to control the main ship's attack system while ridicule, and Gamora took Yondu's class and was responsible for driving the spaceship.

Yondu laughed and said, "Don't waste time, let's get started, Quill, it's up to you to beat Ego."

"I must kill him. , avenge my mother."

shouted Star Lord gnashing teeth, and Gamora said, "And to avenge your brother sister, Ego killed at least a few hundred of his offspring, all below. Bones."

"It's my fault."

Yondu sighed, saying, "Quil, help me make up for it."

" I will."

The Star Lord fiercely nods, either for himself, or for Yondu, killing Ego.

In the palace, Ego looked at Carol and the others who rushed in, and said angrily: "You can't stop me, this is my planet."

"Where is it from? So much nonsense? Ego, you are full of evil, and you still want to harm the universe, I will destroy you."

Carroll sent a bright energy wave directly to Ego without any nonsense. Attack together.

"I said, this is my planet."

Ego roared, a large amount of energy whips emerged from the ground, blocking all the attacks of Carol and the others, Then moved towards Carol they smashed hard.

Everyone took action to resist the energy whip. After Carol fought back several attacks, he teleported behind Ego and kicked his waist fiercely.

At this moment, a long whip of energy gushed out of the void behind Carol, binding her firmly.

"As I said, your understanding of space is very shallow."

Ego squeezed hard with his big hand, and the energy whip squeezed Carol frantically, Carol furiously Shouted, with a masterpiece of rays of light on his body, forcibly blasting the energy whip, turning it into light spots and dissipating in the air.

Ego saw this and immediately controlled three energy whips to attack Carol at the same time. Carol was about to teleport when Ego slapped both hands, and the entire void froze.

Here is Ego's planet, he can slightly affect space.

When Carol saw this, he threw three long energy whips into the air with his fists and kicks, and then rushed towards Ego. What if he couldn't teleport, he could still beat this bastard.

Ego coldly snorted, was about to control more energy whip attack, a hammer smashed over, smashing half of his body to ashes.

"Don't forget also me."

God of Thunder Thor stretched out his hand to retract the hammer and roared, Ego quickly recovered his body while controlling the energy whip to sweep Thor.

Ares charged with the humanoid and the two-headed man to help Thor fend off the energy whip, shouting, "Kill that guy with a trick."

"You're not saying you can't. Do you use any tricks?"

Thor's lightning masterpiece, and then, he flew high and crashed towards Ego with thousands of thunders, Ego pushed forward with both hands, and a large amount of energy whips towards Thor attack.

Boom, the energy whip and thunder collided fiercely in the air, a lot of thunder and energy exploded, the roof and pillars were hit, and the crash-bang fell down.

At this moment, Carol shredded three energy whips, condensed a large amount of space energy into a tornado that enveloped Ego, Ego was torn apart instantly, and at the same time, the surrounding energy whips were all disappeared.

Thor was stunned for a moment, then reacted and turned towards Ares angrily roared: "You actually let me be a bait?"

Ares just wanted to say something, a line that was several times thicker than before. An energy whip emerged from the ground, and a whip sent Thor flying. Then, the entire palace shook violently, and a large number of whips emerged from the ground one after another.

"Leave here."

Carol was startled and hurriedly led the crowd away from the palace. As soon as they left, the entire palace oh la la collapsed, followed by countless energy whips Soaring into the sky, it kept waving like tentacles.

"You think you can kill me? Now, let you see my true strength."

Ego slowly walked out of the ruins, his strength was too strong , it takes time to wake up gradually.

"It's just defeated, come with me and kill him."

Carol moved towards Ego without fear, and Thor and the others immediately followed.

On the way, Carol and the others launched an attack, energy waves, lightning, red light, shock waves, vines, and one after another blasting towards Ego.

"In front of me, you are all just ants."

Ego roared, and hundreds of energy whips were swung in unison. Whether it was energy or thunder, they were all swept away. Immediately afterwards, the energy whip was directed towards Carol and the others swept away.

Even Carol and the others, faced with such a powerful energy whip, had to dodge repeatedly and temporarily avoid its front.

At this moment, dozens of energy cannons fell in the sky, and the energy whips shattered one after another, but Gamora and rockets came to support.

(end of this chapter)

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