Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 219


Chapter 219 superhero take action
"Okay, I can't take it anymore."

Hearing Wang Bert's order, Black Bolt laughed, nodded towards the big dog Tetanus, Tetanus didn't talk nonsense, and immediately teleported to the middle battlefield with the aliens and superhero.


Black Bolt shouted, and Gordon immediately teleported him to the sky with him, while the others stayed where they were and fought the demons.

Black Bolt didn't talk nonsense, opened his mouth and made a super high pitch, onomatopoeia rushed to the Ghost Statue army with layers of ripples, and thousands of Ghost Statues were smashed together and turned into small pebbles and fell to the ground.

Under the terrifying onomatopoeia of Black Bolt, even the sturdy Ghost Statue is indistinguishable from mud.

Lord Ghost Statue was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "This guy is a strategic weapon, Lucifer, quickly send someone to deal with him."

"Relax, we have already prepared. ”

Lucifer laughed and shouted at Gabriel: “Gabriel, it’s up to you.”

“Why does it feel like you’re subcontracting?”

Gabriel ridicule, then, a dazzling male angel with a pair of golden wings flew out from the portal. He raised his hand without any nonsense, and a holy light moved towards Black Bolt shrouded down.

Gordon immediately teleported with Black Bolt. Who knew that holy light could actually affect Quantum Realm. Gordon and Black Bolt flashed and reappeared in place. shrouded in.

The male angel turned his head and glanced at Gabriel, flapped his wings and entered the area where the holy light was, then he politely introduced himself to Black Bolt: "God's chief warrior, Michael. "

"King Attilan, Black Bolt Black Card Bert Gang."

Black Bolt made a sound with the vibrator, he said nervously: "I really didn't expect, To have the opportunity to fight the chief warrior of God, I will tell you, I am also a believer of God."

"The alien, Gordon."

Gordon also salutes Michael , yes, he is also a believer, to be honest, fighting angels, he is very stressed.

Michael said: "Since you are all believers of God, why do you help Blood God? Black Bolt, Gordon, as long as you are willing to join us, I can make the aliens into angels."


"Angel Michael."

Black Bolt shook the head and said: "I believe in God, but I don't believe in your angels, the angels in my heart, won't join forces with demons, I wouldn't even want to destroy Earth."

"I don't approve of joining forces with the devil, but Gabriel insists on doing it, and I can't help it."

Michael sighed, said: "As for destroying Earth, in general, we would not do this, we would only bring Terrans back to faith, but I don't want to hide from you, if we really can't find the Father, we can only destroy humanity.

Heavenly Father loves human beings the most. When human beings are destroyed, He will definitely return.

I know you are very dissatisfied, but our angels were created by Heavenly Father, and Heavenly Father is us We need Heavenly Father.”

“Then there is nothing to say, whether it is to restore mankind to the faith or to exterminate mankind, we will not promise.”

Black Bolt said: "Human beings are doing well now. As for belief, it's just a matter of thinking, don't take it too seriously."

"There's really nothing to say."

Michael held up With the golden sword in his hand, he said, "Let's fight."

"Then, let's fight."

Black Bolt opened his mouth, and the onomatopoeic wave shook the air, attacking the rice in layers. Caleb, Michael did not evade, the big sword slashed forward hard, the void seemed to be split in half, and the onomatopoeia shattered most of it on the spot.

Only half of it, the remaining onomatopoeia hit Michael's great sword, Michael flew back several dozen meters, and he said in surprise: "You are stronger than I thought. Some."

"You're as strong as I imagined."

There was a flash of excitement in Black Bolt's eyes, and despite fighting many times, he had never encountered one. Evenly matched opponents are either easily instant killed or easily instant killed by the opponent. This time, they can finally fight with vigour and vigour.

"I'll make up for your deficiencies in defense."

Gordon whispered, Black Bolt was strong on offense and defense on the weak, and without his help, he would never have been able to beat Michael.

"Looks like I'm a little underestimated by you."

Michael heard this laughed, the golden wings lit up with dazzling rays of light, Black Bolt couldn't help it Closing his eyes, Michael took the opportunity to rush over, and the sword power enveloped Black Bolt and Gordon like howling wind and torrential rain.

When Gordon saw this, he immediately teleported to the top with Black Bolt, he said with a smile: "sorry, I have no eyes, so I'm not affected by your move."

" Hehe."

Black Bolt chuckled, and the onomatopoeia rushed towards Michael, who quickly swung his sword and shattered all the sound waves.

Black Bolt didn't stop, he sang the famous song "My Sun" aloud, this time, maybe there is a chance to finish it.

Let's not mention Black Bolt who gave the concert for a while. On the battlefield, Hulk charged excitedly, and wherever he went, whether it was the flame demon, Ghost Statue, or even the flaming bull, he was completely blown away by him. Hemiplegia hit.

"Hulk, likes to fight, and you don't have to pay for breaking things here."

Hulk cheered, grabbed a Ghost Statue and smashed it at the flame demon in front of him as a weapon, bang , six or seven flame demons were directly smashed into the air, their bodies deformed, and they died tragically on the spot.

The flame demon and Ghost Statue were furious and rushed towards Hulk. Before anyone arrived, more than a dozen petrified rays of light had already shot over.

Hulk picked up the gravity hammer on his back to block the petrified rays of light, then he leaped high and slammed the hammer to the ground.

The earth was rolling, the earth and rocks were flying, the Ghost Statue and the flame demon all flew out backwards, Hulk got the upper hand and rushed up to trample all the demons to death with his big feet, he was more and more excited, this is what he should come The place.

It is worth mentioning that Hulk's Hammer of Gravity is not affected. This hammer is a dive tool, and ordinary petrified rays of light can't do anything about it.

Just when Hulk was happy, a heavy sword with a burning black flame slashed at him. Hulk hurriedly raised the hammer to block it. With a bang, he slid back for dozens of meters, and the ground fell. Two deep marks were pulled out.

"What a great strength."

Hulk looked at his opponent in surprise and found that the one who took the action was a fallen Big Fatty who was more than three meters tall and had a waist larger than his shoulders. Angel.

Hulk said with a big smile: "It turns out that fallen angels are so ugly."

Big Fatty gritted his teeth angrily, he put away his heavy sword, coldly said: " Lord Lucifer asked me to kill you, I'm the first General of Lord Lucifer..."

Bang, the fallen angel was directly knocked out by Hulk who was charging over, and then Hulk jumped high, A hammer slammed into the fallen angel, and loudly shouted: "A dead man, say a fart name?"


The fallen angel was furious, and one rolled to avoid Hulk , then flapped its wings and flew, slashing at Hulk angrily.

Hulk was not afraid of the Fallen Angel and fought with him meet force with force.

I have to say that this fallen angel, as the first General under Lucifer, is quite capable. Even Hulk cannot easily take him down. The people around ran out again and again in fright—these two guys were too terrifying, and even the aftermath could tear people apart.

The two fought vigorously, threw away their weapons directly, punched to the flesh, the ground was under their ravages, kept shaking and dented, and there were big pits everywhere.

As for the turf, it's been scraped long ago.

At the same time, under the command of Lucifer, the continent demon aggressively rushed towards Electro and them. Superhero and Inhumans are indeed strong, but without Black Bolt and Hulk, they can be crushed with numbers.

Electro didn't pay attention to the rushing demon at all. He sat on the sixteen-arm mecha that was tailored for him, and said: "It seems that they made arrangements for us, Black Bolt and Hulk are both entangled."

Quake put his hands on the ground and said with a little yearning: "It's normal for super strong people to be targeted, I wonder when I can enjoy such treatment?"

Avatar female Alyssa fired energy attacks at the demons with a gun, and said with a smile: "With your strength, it is estimated that it will be soon, after all, you are the Moon Destroyer, the leader Terminator, Earth Destroyer, And the queen of aliens."

"Where did you get such a long name?"

Quake ridicule, Giyera raised her hand, and all the dozen evil beasts that rushed over flew up , and then fell to kill other demons. Then, he said: "Quake, Max, more and more monsters are coming around, are you ready?"

Electro controlled sixteen barrels Extending to ten meters, he said: "I want to debug, Quake, you come first."

Quake asked: "Then I will come first, Earth Demon, I'm ready, how about you?"

The Earth Demon's voice came from the ground: "You can start anytime, let them see our combo."

"Let's start then."

Quake right hand pressed down hard, a shock wave erupted, and thousands of dirt lances shot out from the ground, sending hundreds of demons through the sky and flying into the sky.

"The grades are good, but the hit rate is a little short. Let's continue."

Quake's left hand shook, and thousands of dirt lances flew up. The demons screamed and changed. into meat skewers.

This combo technique, in simple terms, is that the Earth Demon creates dirt lances in the ground, and Quake uses shock waves to launch these lances. Because of the startup, there are many problems. For example, the hit rate is not good. high.

Earth Demon excitedly laughed heartily: "Quake, you are really powerful, and in the future, we will tear up the earth together."

"I really don't like that nickname, hurry up Create a dirt lance."

Quake shook the ground while sighing, and a large number of demons fell to the ground, laser eye aliens, bubble aliens, gusty wind aliens and the others took the opportunity to step up their attack, and a large number of demons died tragically on the spot.

"No problem, when these demons are destroyed, I'm going to chat with those angels."

The Earth Demon is looking into the sky with the clones Legion and the unmanned spaceship The fighting angel Legion, coldly snorted and said: "With their virtue, they are too embarrassed to drive me out of heaven?"

"What, you used to be an angel?"

Different People were stunned, it really couldn't be seen.

"I'm ready, you guys squat down."

Electro shouted, releasing the current with all its strength, and the sixteen alloy gun barrels doped with Vibranium simultaneously crackled the Blink. Dazzling electric light.

Everyone hurriedly crouched down, next moment, along with Electro's great shout, sixteen gun barrels were fired at the same time, and sixteen alloy bullets roared out, instantly penetrating all the demons in the straight line in front of them, until several counts. It stopped a thousand meters away.

Because the speed is too fast and the formidable power is too strong, the sixteen alloy bullets left ten Six Paths orange rays of light in the air, which looks quite gorgeous.

When the rays of light disappeared, the demons that were shot through slowly fell down. Roughly counted, at least hundreds of demons died tragically—there were so many demons that they were densely packed.

"Very good, let's continue."

Electro activates the switch, mecha automatically replenishes ammo, and then he changes direction, and ten Six Paths orange rays of light shot out, and the demon fell to the ground.

This is the mecha developed by Ivan and Banner for Electro, which is a life harvester on the battlefield.

It's not over yet, Electro starts the mecha again, and ten Six Paths orange rays of light shoot out again, this time, the demons are prepared, they fall to the ground one after another, but hundreds of demons are shot through .

Before the demons could breathe a sigh of relief, a large number of soil thorns emerged from the ground and stabbed them in half.

Earth Demon and Quake smirked, knowing you would.

Seeing that the demon army suffered heavy losses, several lords looked a little ugly. They thought about it and sent flying demons to attack the Inhumans and superheroes.

At this moment, the big dog Tetanus disappeared with everyone, and when they appeared again, they had reached the other end of the battlefield, where a large number of demons were charging forward.

"Continue to squat."

Electro laughed heartily , the Railgun fired up again, quickly harvesting the devil's life.

In terms of mobility, how can demons compare to aliens and superheros with teleportation abilities?


Lucifer scolded, but didn't take it too seriously, because time was on their side - the demons would get worse as time went on More, and, the next altar is about to activate.

The next altar is connected to the dimension of the dragon. Although the group of Dragon Clan is greedy, their strength is quite good. More importantly, their dragon god promises to take action.

At the same time as the army started fighting, Carol and the others went underground smoothly. When they saw the area protected by the Celestial Light, they immediately launched an attack, and the barrier they hit shook unceasingly.

Ego sensed the danger, and immediately teleported to the ground, controlling the energy whip to block everyone. With his current strength, Carol and the others were not opponents at all. They were beaten and retreated, battled and exhausted.

Star Lord will not teleport, but can only move towards the bottom. Yondu sees this and asks the Rockets and the others to take a small spaceship to the bottom, while he controls the main ship and waits to meet everyone.

When they got to the ground, Star Lord saw that Carol and the others fell into a disadvantage, and quickly controlled the energy whip to fight with Ego. Carol and the others immediately sighed in relief.


Seeing this guy come again, Ego is furious, and he yells, "You know what, if they destroy my brain, , your Celestial power will be completely gone, and then you will become an incompetent waste again."

"You are the waste."

The Star Lord cursed: " I'd kill you without the power of Celestial."

"Quail, you're a tougher guy than I thought."

Thor laughed heartily, wielding the Thor The hammer slammed into the barrier formed by Celestial Light, and when Carol and the others saw it, they rushed over to help him resist Ego's energy whip.

"You think you can kill me just because of you?"

Ego was furious and pressed his hand, and the ground under Thor's feet suddenly sank, followed by a large amount of dirt. He flew up and buried Thor in the pit.

Ego can control everything on this planet.

(end of this chapter)

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