Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 221


Chapter 221 Ultimate Move

"Only you?"

Wrath of The Divine Dragon was unstoppable, rushing over to hide the sky and covering the earth to grab Wang Bert, before the claws arrived, the green poison mist had eroded the void, causing the space to be in chaos.

Upon seeing this, Gabriel lances to the sky, and a huge holy beam of light moves towards Wang Bert strikes down.

Facing the siege of the two gods, Wang Bert was not afraid, and with a stroke of his left hand, he forcibly opened the Transmission Gate in the chaotic space, and the holy beam of light suddenly appeared above the dragon god, smashing it to the ground and smashing a large pit.

After transferring away the holy beam of light, Wang Bert controlled the Vibranium lance to spin in the air, and all the poison qi was transferred to the tip of the spear. Then, he stabbed Gabriel with a spear like electric light.

Gabriel did not dare to neglect, and swayed his feathers into a sharp sword and attacked Wang Bert. At the same time, the lance stabbed forward, hundreds of lances appeared at the same time, and the densely packed ones stabbed towards Wang Bert.

Wang Bert lance was shocked, the green light on the spear tip suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Gabriel, Gabriel hurriedly turned sideways to dodge, just at this moment, the green light burst out , turned into a poison mist and enveloped Gabriel's chest.

This poison mist is quite powerful, Gabriel's holy light is corroded instantly, and the remaining poison mist is crazily corroding Gabriel's skin and muscles.

Gabriel hurriedly used holy light to expel the poison, Wang Bert took the opportunity to smash the sharp sword, and then opened his mouth and moved towards Gabriel, and Gabriel was frozen on the spot, unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Bert waved his lance and smashed it hard at the ice. At this moment, the dragon god who had been blasted to the ground before flew up angrily, and opened his mouth and sprayed a bucket-thick water at Wang Bert. Green light beam.


Wang Bert waved his hand, the portal appeared, the green light beam was deflected to the side, and Gabriel's ice was in the middle. The holy light bodyguard, even so, was still bombarded by the green light beam, and the whole body was corroded, looking extremely miserable.

Dragon God was startled and hurriedly retracted the beam of light. At this time, Wang Bert suddenly appeared in front of his huge eyeballs, his eyes fired heat rays, and the dragon god's left eye was severely damaged, and he let out a mournful scream in the air.

Everyone watching the battle was stunned: "How could this happen? The two gods joined forces, but it's not as good as before?"

Wang Bert disdainful smile, space magic is never afraid of siege, Ancient One can use one person Against the lords of all hell, space magic is the most powerful.

Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Great Heaven and Earth Shift, have you heard of it?

At this time, the best way is to leave alone, and the remaining one to continue to fight Wang Bert, but whether it is the Dragon God or Gabriel, they are extremely proud people, and no one is willing to quit , and immediately attacked Wang Bert again.

"Two idiots, if not to lure the enemy into the depths, they would have killed you."

Wang Bert's eyes were full of contempt, divided into two, and Gabriel And the Dragon God fought.

At the same time as Wang Bert one against two, the Dragon Clan elites were quickly flying towards the battlefield. Lucifer and the three discussed it and sent Ghost Statue elites and flame demon elites to follow along, in order to make the super strong human beings. are all resolved.

As soon as the human superpower dies, with the number of demons now terrifying, it is not a problem to crush the Blood God army at all.

"Acting is so boring, forget it, let's pull a group of elites in to play, anyway, outsiders can't see the Mirror Dimension."

Iron-faced Doom thought for a while, and cast spells with both hands , more than 20 Dragon Clan and a large group of Ghost Statue and flame demon were simultaneously included in Mirror Dimension by him.

"Doom, how dare you this waste to provoke our Ghost Statue?"

The leader of Ghost Statue saw Doom with a disdainful smile. Before, the army of cockroaches was completely defeated by their Ghost Statue.


For such an idiot, Doom didn't bother to talk nonsense, and pointed upwards, the nine magic satellites turned in unison, and then nine thick high-temperature rays fell. , the nine Ghost Statue elites were directly smashed to pieces and died tragically on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, nine high-temperature rays swept towards Dragon Clan. Dragon Clan was surprised and hurriedly joined up to hold up a large defensive shield to resist the high-temperature rays.

"flame demon, smash that thing in the sky."

The Ghost Statue leader yelled as he led someone to fire petrified rays of light at Doom.

Doom coldly snorted, in front of it appeared out of thin air a huge grey cockroach, it patted its wings and devoured all the petrified rays of light.

That's right, swallowed, and then, the gray cockroach moved towards the flame demon and stared hard, two petrified rays of light shot out, and the two flame demons were directly petrified.

The Ghost Statue leader shouted in shock: "How is this possible?"

"What's the impossible? With a little change, you can get a cockroach that resists the petrified rays of light ."

Doom disdainful smile, he held a hand, a portal appeared, and hundreds of leopard-sized cockroaches rushed out.

Yes, leopard-sized cockroaches, in addition, they have different colors on their bodies, some red, some blue, some green - these colors represent their attributes.

Flame, water, poison, space, explosion... Doom's graduation project is more than just exploding cockroaches.

Immediately afterwards, these cockroaches rushed towards the demon elite and Dragon Clan. While resisting the high temperature rays, the Dragon Clan sprayed the dragon breath of hiding the sky and covering the earth at the cockroaches, wanting to Burn them alive.

To be honest, Dragon Clans don't take cockroaches seriously, how can trifling cockroaches compare with their noble Dragon Clan?
Only very soon, these Dragon Clans suffered - the cockroaches teleported directly to the center of Dragon Clan, and then, some cockroaches spread their wings, and a large number of small cockroaches flew out from their wings and drilled into Dragon Clan's body.

These are parasitic cockroaches, they not only cause great pain to the parasite, but also devour the parasite's essence and make it weaker and weaker.

This is not over yet. Immediately after, a large amount of lightning, flames, ice, and poison slammed into Dragon Clan and the demon elites one after another, causing them to scream.

The army of cockroaches is not only powerful, but also dozens of times larger than these elites, so defeating them is not a problem at all.

The Ghost Statue leader shouted at Doom in disbelief: "Can your cockroaches keep evolving?"

"Nonsense, non-evolving cockroaches, what are you doing here? Throw me away Doom's face?"

Doom sneered: "You idiots, you think that you can suppress my army of cockroaches, but you don't know that I haven't even brought out one percent of my strength."

The Ghost Statue leader thought of something, sucked in a breath of cold air, and shouted in surprise: "You are acting, this is a game, a game where you want to kill the Demon Lord."

"Yes. It's a pity, you will never spread this news."

Doom raised his right hand towards the Ghost Statue leader, a magic array appeared in front of his palm, and then, a red light shot out and landed on Ghost The Statue leader turned into a strange red pattern.

The Ghost Statue leader was shocked and hurriedly suppressed the red pattern with his own energy, but it was useless at all. The red pattern spread rapidly and spread all over the Ghost Statue leader's body in a short time.

Immediately afterwards, the red pattern lit up with a dazzling red light, and then the Ghost Statue leader exploded, killing himself and the surrounding Ghost Statues.

"It's not that difficult, fortunately there is a Hell Lord meal in the back. I don't know, can I defeat a Hell Lord? Uh, maybe, I should find a helper."

Doom thought excitedly, ordinary demons can no longer interest him, only Hell Lord can make him excited.

Although Doom took away a lot of elites, there were still a lot of elites left. Everyone looked at each other and greeted them with an unmanned battlesuit Legion.

A big-bellied lizard blue dragon angrily roared towards Ivan: "Human, who gave your courage to enslave the great Dragon Clan?"

"Great? In front of us humans, Who is qualified to say greatness?"

Ivan disdainful smile, a whip swiped at the blue dragon, the blue dragon opened his mouth, a huge water column hit Ivan, Ivan fell directly backwards fly.

Immediately afterwards, the water column turned into dozens of water whips, attacking Ivan from different directions.

Ivan hurriedly evaded at full speed, and at the same time swung out a whip, breaking several water whips.

But to Ivan's astonishment, after these water whips were cut off, they were immediately reconnected, and there was no loss at all.

“go die for me.”

Ivan saw the continuous water whip and fired several missiles and magic bullets directly at the blue dragon. The blue dragon smiled contemptuously and pointed his claws at it. Those missiles and magic bullets.

Next moment, a huge blue dragon claw emerges in the void, blocking incoming missiles and magic bullets like a shield.

Boom, boom...

The missiles and magic bullets slammed into the blue dragon claw one after another, and the flames scattered and the air waves rolled, but the blue dragon claw was not blown up. , Although it is full of potholes, it is still standing there strong.

The blue dragon smiled proudly and waved its claws in the direction of Ivan. The blue dragon claw turned into a water polo and flew towards Ivan quickly. Ivan couldn't escape and was trapped in the water polo.

Ivan struggled hard, the water polo kept vibrating, and the blue dragon saw this and moved towards the water polo and spurted a jet of water.

With the support of the water column, the water polo immediately stabilized and compresses wildly inward. Fortunately, Ivan's Combat Armor is made of special material. If it is replaced by Tony's Mark battlesuit, it may be flat.

"Humans, who is great now?"

Blue Dragon laughed proudly: "In front of our great Dragon Clan, you humans are as weak as ants."

"That's right, we Dragon Clan are the strongest."

The Dragon Clan who were fighting with Frank and the others were laughing, full of superiority, Frank and the others were very upset, these Dragon Clan ,Really annoying.

In fact, the demons think so too.

"You Dragon Clan are just the objects of our human submission. If I can subdue the dragon soul, I will naturally be able to defeat you."

Ivan gritted his teeth and tried his best to face the blue The dragon raised the unpowered dragon bone war whip. He is not someone who easily admits defeat. Otherwise, how can he subdue the Thunder Dragon dragon soul?

It's a pity that the time for Ivan to become Iron Fist is too short, also a lot of dragon bone is not absorbed, otherwise he can fight Dragon Clan even without Combat Armor.


The blue dragon disdainful smile, the dragon claw clenched tightly, the pressure of the water polo skyrocketed several times, even Ivan's Combat Armor issued an overwhelmed ka ka Voice.

Ivan didn't care, he focused all his energy on the dragon bone war whip of the blue dragon, and then he started the attack, and black rays of light appeared on the dragon bone war whip. .

This darkness is the darkness that can devour everything, the running water close to the black light, all disappeared.


Ivan grinned grimly, the black light on the dragon bone war whip gathered together, turned into a black ball and whizzed out, wherever it passed, Whether it was water or air, it was all swallowed up.

The blue dragon was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously. With a shake of the dragon claw, the blue dragon claw reappeared and wrapped around the black ball.

But what surprised the blue dragon was that as soon as the blue dragon claw touched the black ball, it was immediately swallowed into it. The blue dragon noticed something was wrong and hurriedly avoided it, but was still shot by the black ball in its huge abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, the black ball exploded and turned into a black hole that devoured everything around it frantically. The blue dragon let out a mournful scream, trying to escape, but it was impossible, and was swallowed whole by the black hole.

Not only was the blue dragon swallowed, but several demon elites who were close were also sucked and swallowed by the black hole. Ten seconds later, the black hole disappeared, and the blue dragon disappeared completely.

"Black Hole."

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, including Tony: "Mad, Black Hole Grenade, have you succeeded in your research?"

As soon as the blue dragon died, the water polo disintegrated immediately, and Ivan, who had recovered his freedom, grinned and said, "It didn't work. The previous experiments failed. This is the first time it has been successfully released."

Tony shouted a little frantically: "You are really a lunatic, and you dare to use the failed experiment? That is a black hole, and accidentally will swallow you."

"I care so much about what I do, and want to talk to me about it. I'm getting married? Okay, let's get married with Pepper and let Bert help change the law."

Ivan sneered, Tony scolded: "Go away, you're so pretty."

Ivan ignored Tony, he looked at the two dim Arc Reactors on his arms, he couldn't help sighed, the black holes are strong, but the consumption is too high, and, can't be used continuously, otherwise Combat Armor will disintegrate.

"We still need to develop an antimatter power furnace."

Ivan thought to himself, at this moment, Frank suddenly shouted in the communication channel: "There are too many enemies, I want to Open up, you avoid."


Ivan immediately led the crowd to avoid, while Frank rushed to the enemy.

Dragon Clan and the demon elite saw this, and they all grinned and prepared to tear Frank apart. At this moment, dozens of red lasers appeared all over Frank's body.

Immediately afterwards, Frank turned quickly, and the laser was like the sharpest blade, cutting all the surrounding Dragon Clan and demon elite.

When the laser disappeared, a lot of Dragon Clan and the crackle of the demon elite fell down - they were cut into several parts, dozens of parts.

In just an instant, more than half of the demons and Dragon Clan's elites died, and the remaining elites fled backwards in terror.

At this moment, the Arc Reactor on Frank's body all dimmed, and two unmanned battlesuits stepped forward to support him and lead him back.

This move formidable power is indeed great, but after it is used up, both the Combat Armor and the reactor will be useless.

"He's out of energy."

The elites reacted and immediately stepped forward to chase and kill Frank. Ivan and the others immediately came to support and blocked the remaining elites. .

"The laser is my idea, you guys are stealing my idea."

Tony is very dissatisfied, this move of Frank is obviously a formidable power-enhanced version of Mark's battlesuit laser attack .

"Don't you often steal my ideas?"

Ivan sneered, wielding the whip to a Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan knew the terrifying of the whip and hurriedly avoided it. When he opened, Ivan was invincible, rushed up and quickly waved the long whip, and the Dragon Clan retreated.

Other superhero also took the opportunity to counterattack and fight with the elites.

(end of this chapter)

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