Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 231


Chapter 231 Elektra Upgrade

"Don't be so shocked, the Dragon Soul is in Kunlun, it is indeed very noble, but In my place, it's not very valuable."

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Madame Gao, I promised you before that I would help you go back to Kunlun, but now I think it's better for you to call back by yourself. ."

"Fight back to Kunlun by yourself?"

Madame Gao was a little surprised, Wang Bert nodded and said: "Yes, fight back, and fight back with a group of Iron Fist."

Wang Bert is not really interested in the old dragon named Shou-Lao in Kunlun. After all, he even killed the dragon god, so let Madame Gao solve it by themselves.

Madame Gao has changed her mind over the past few years and won't do anything bad again. Besides, also Quake and the others are here.

“many thanks Blood God.”

Madame Gao kneeled down to Wang Bert gratefully, Wang Bert waved her up and said, “I said, I don’t like people Kneel on my knees, Colleen, you have served me for a few years, and you have done a good job. You are ready to take over the charity project of the Bloodgod Group."

"Yes, Blood God."

Colleen was very excited. , was finally officially accepted by Blood God, and the mistakes made in the past have basically been made up in the past few years.

Next, Wang Bert injected two dragon souls into Madame Gao and Colleen's bodies, and then began to wait quietly.

Soon, Madame Gao, Quake, and Xiao Hela completed transformation one after another, and their fists lit up rays of light of different colors, which represented that they officially became Iron Fist.

Next up are Jessica, Trish, Mindy and Colleen, all equally successful.

Wang Bert is satisfied with the nodded, none of his dísciples are weak, uh, except for Lina, this snack has not yet succeeded, of course, this is normal, after all, she is too lazy to do it.

"In the future, we will strengthen the training of Lina, speaking of which, what is going on with Lina, why is it so edible?"

Wang Bert thought to himself, he was not I haven't checked Lina. The problem is that Lina's body is normal - yes, although she eats more than ten people a day, and although she eats no matter how much she eats, she doesn't gain weight, but her body is normal.

At this moment, Lina's body suddenly sounded the scream of the dragon soul, and then, her body lit up with dazzling blue rays of light, which quickly became higher.

"What's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked, Wang Bert hurriedly sensed and found that Lina's life energy was skyrocketing, apart from this, no other problems.

A moment later, the rays of light on Lina dimmed, and then, a teenage girl with long hair appeared in front of everyone.

There is no doubt that this is Lina who has grown up. Because her body has become taller, her cropped trousers have turned into shorts, and her clothes have become shorter.

Mindy glanced at Lina and said angrily at Wang Bert: "Master, you lied to me, isn't this a dragon soul that helped people grow up?"

"Cherish it. Don't think about growing up in your teenage years."

Wang Bert said angrily, and then asked Lina, "Lina, what's going on?"

"Master, why do you think you've all become shorter?"

Lina asked in astonishment, then said a little embarrassed: "The dragon hit me just now, but I can't beat it. It, in a fit of rage, took a bite of it, and then somehow I swallowed it."

"You swallowed the dragon soul?"

Wang Bert Surprised, he stepped forward to check Lina's body and found that not only did she have no dragon soul in her body, but she also lost her breath.

Wang Bert asked, "Have you felt any change in yourself?"


Lina tilted her head and thought naively After thinking about it, nodded and said: "It seems there is."

Then, Lina raised her hand, the surrounding water vapor gathered and turned into a small water ball, she said excitedly: "I can control the water. , haha, so that you can always have water to drink in the future."

"What do you remember besides eating and drinking?"

Minty ridicule, looking at Lina with full eyes Envy, jealousy and hatred, this dead girl has two abilities she wants most, one is to eat without getting fat, and the other is to grow up suddenly.

"In other words, after you swallowed the dragon soul, you inherited the ability of the water dragon?"

Wang Bert became more and more astonished, he thought about it, and said: "Madame Gao, Lina goes to our hospital to check and find out all her changes."

"Yes, Blood God."

Madame Gao nominates, Lina's changes, even her Never seen.

"Okay, you all go back and get familiar with the new power."

Wang Bert patted his hand, then he touched Lina's head and said, "You don't have to think too much. , you are my discipline, I will protect you."

"I didn't think about anything, I'm just a little hungry."

Lina touched her stomach, said sorry , Wang Bert was speechless, he just swallowed a whole dragon soul, but he was hungry again?

"Fortunately, your Master is rich, otherwise, you will be ruined sooner or later."

Wang Bert sighed: "Go check first, after checking, you can eat whatever you want. ."

"Thank you, Master."

Lina smiled happily, as long as she had something to eat, it was enough for her.

After leaving with a few discs, Wang Bert thought to himself: "Lina must be an alien race, right? But her DNA is the same as that of humans, so does it automatically disguise?"


Wang Bert doesn't really care about Lina's identity, as long as she is her own discipline, the rest is not important.

After thinking about it, Wang Bert teleported to the underground space below the Blood God Building. It was still flooded with blood rivers, but it was different from before. Now the blood rivers are very clear and even have a glowing feeling.

Wang Bert's Blood God power has broken through Divine Grade, and within a month, he will be able to wake up.

However, Wang Bert did not come to see the body this time. He walked to the corner and looked at Elektra, who was bound by chains, roaring and roaring like a demon and a lunatic, and couldn't help sighed.

"Elektra, why bother?"

Wang Bert said that Elektra became like this because she devoured too many demons' souls during this period of time, causing her to devour herself. problem.

The devil's soul, full of evil and chaos.

Hearing Wang Bert's words, Elektra's eyes flashed with clarity. She grabbed the chains made by Vibranium and roared a little crazy: "I want to become stronger, I don't want to use soy sauce anymore."

In the last Ego's Planet battle, Elektra couldn't come out in the early stage - she has been hiding in Wang Bert's shadow, and if she appears, everyone will know that Blood God has returned.

In the later stage, Blood God appeared. Although Elektra had no restrictions, with her strength, she couldn't help Wang Bert at all.

So, Elektra tried soy sauce, which made the arrogant her very dissatisfied. While protecting Wang Bert, she frantically devoured the devil's soul.

The demon soul did make Elektra stronger, but it also made her inhuman and ghostly, if not Wang Bert came over in time to trap her, Manhattan might have been blood flowing into a river.

The current Elektra is no different from a lunatic.

"Well, you go to be the Demon King of Hell."

Wang Bert said: "Adam has swallowed Lucifer Hell and One-Eyed Hell, I asked him to let him out of One-Eyed Hell I'll give it to you."

Elektra said stubbornly: "I don't want it."

"You want to pursue strength, I will give you the position of Demon King in hell, you actually say no?"

Wang Bert was laughed at: "Elektra, that's the Demon King of Hell, Fiendgod Level, do you know how many people would snatch their heads for it if it was released?"

"I know what the Demon King of Hell stands for, but I don't want it."

Elektra gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Being the Demon King of Hell means you can't stay by your side any longer."

Wang Bert was stunned for a moment, he said with a smile: "Don't tell me you like me? You are in my shadow every day, you should know how scumbag I am."

"Body For the strong, with a lot of beautiful women, isn't it as it should be by rights?"

Elektra looked at Wang Bert and made no secret of his love: "Blood God, you are the one I have seen. The strongest person is not only strong, intelligent, scheming, and shrewd, but also the strongest. I am willing to follow you all my life."

"Where are all your three views?"

Wang Bert couldn't help shaking his head, he thought for a while, and said, "Since you don't want to be the Demon King of hell, then I'll give you another way, a way that is very likely to die."

Wang Bert couldn't help shaking his head. p>

"What way?"

Elektra said: "As long as I can become stronger and stay by your side, I will do anything."

"The lizard doctor has always been While studying the bloodline of fighting swords, some time ago, he came up with a bloodline medicament for fighting swords."

Wang Bert said: "This kind of medicament can make people have stronger confidence in fighting swords and stronger strength. The premise is that it is successfully absorbed."

Elektra asked: "Has anyone succeeded?"

"No, the failure rate is 100%."

Wang Bert said: "But you have regeneration and undying, maybe you can give it a try .

However, Elektra, let me state in advance that your genes are inherently complex, and you may not even have a 1 in 10,000 chance of success if you use bloodline medicament, and the process will be very painful, compared to the last time. Still painful. "

Elektra didn't care about the danger Wang Bert said at all. She asked excitedly with red eyes: "What if it succeeds?" "

Wang Bert said: "If you succeed, with your self-confidence, you should be able to break through the Fiendgod Level. At that time, your negative emotions and demonic energy will no longer be able to interfere with you." "

"Then give me Doujian bloodline now." "

Elektra said impatiently, Wang Bert shook the head, and said: "Elektra, really don't think about the Demon King anymore? This is safe, and the success rate is 100%. "

Elektra said, "No, I'm going to be by your side all the time and be your assassin." "

"All right then." "

Wang Bert sighed, but instead of taking out bloodline medicament, he took out a crystal, Elektra's soul crystal.

Next, Wang Bert sent the soul crystal into Elektra's body , Elektra was very surprised, she asked: "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you? "

Wang Bert took Elektra's face, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "I trust you." ”

Elektra, who was wearing a few pieces of cloth and never knew what shyness was, suddenly blushed and didn't even dare to look at Wang Bert. Wang Bert couldn't help laughing. He took out the fighting sword bloodline medicament, Said: "Start, I will accompany you. "

Elektra said with certainty: "I will succeed. "

"You will,"

Wang Bert didn't say much, and injected Elektra with medicament. After a while, the bloodline began to fuse, Elektra let out a mournful scream, and the body began to disintegrate—— Her genes have collapsed.

The pain of genetic collapse is more terrifying than any pain in the world. Even if Elektra has experienced such an experience before, she can't help but want to die.

"I can't die, the master needs me, and I want to be by his side for the rest of my life. "

Elektra thought with great determination, and then, in excruciating pain, died.

The undying body worked, Elektra resurrected, died again, resurrected again...the cycle repeats.

Wang Bert couldn't help shaking his head. In fact, he prefers Elektra to choose to be the Demon King of Hell. He doesn't lack helpers, but Elektra has her own choice.

Wang Bert opens The eye of the soul found that Elektra's soul did not become weak, but became more and more tenacious in each death - the soul swallowed before is turned into nourishment, making her soul grow rapidly.

“ If you can overcome such pain, in the future, you will be the most confident assassin. "

Wang Bert muttered, sword fighting bloodline, would make Elektra a true Fiendgod Level.


Days later, SWORD HQ , Wang Bert was green all over his body and had many thorns on his face, Leina astonished like cactus and asked: "When did you become green? "

"It was modified with genetic technology. I think this is more suitable for me. Anyway, I can't marry." ”

Reina said with a smile, she had a gloomy air, but since she followed Quake and worked hard for the great cause of Inhumans, her whole person has brightened up.

In addition, genetic technology for modifying skin color has gradually become popular, and many people in America choose to change skin color - all kinds of colors, in the words of a campaigner, a group of demons dance.

"You These thorns, I can have someone help you remove them. "

Wang Bert said: "With Sovereign's technology, it's not difficult. "

"That would be uncharacteristic, and men would just distract me." "

Reina shook the head and started talking about the topic: "Blood God, Gordon sensed that a large number of aliens were born during this time. "

"Isn't that a good thing?" "

Wang Bert asked: "There are far from enough foreigners right now. In order to grab foreigners, the conditions offered by those countries are better than the other, and the ordinary person is jealous." "

The resource star needs a lot of strong people, so all countries are robbing aliens. What aliens are not discriminated against now, but envy and hatred.

"According to the data , Under normal circumstances, about thirty or forty aliens are born every day. "

Reina said: "But during this time, hundreds of Inhumans were born everyday all, and, according to Gordon, these new Inhumans were full of ill-will and completely different from ordinary Inhumans. "

Wang Bert was a little surprised: "Can this be sensed? "

"It's because those new aliens are too hostile, but unfortunately, Gordon can't sense where those new aliens are." "

Reina said: "Blood God, I suspect that someone is secretly creating Inhumans." "

"Secretly create aliens? "

Wang Bert frowned and asked, "Rena, did you foresee what those new aliens would do?" "

"I can't predict the future of those newcomers." "

Reina shook her head first, then said, "Blood God, you must find these aliens as soon as possible. With their ill will, they will cause great damage to the world. At that time, the aliens will surely suffer." implicated. ”

(end of this chapter)

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