Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 241


Chapter 241 The Plan of Fools
"These lunatics! Do you think this will kill me? "

In the face of the madness of the holy light warrior, Tony loudly roared, two high-speed rotation high-temperature half-moon blades flew out from his shoulders, and slid across several holy light warriors at an alarming speed, cutting their bodies. open.

Immediately afterwards, Tony threw all the holy light warriors away, then blasted them with a pulse cannon.

The idea of this half-moon blade comes from Frank's turret and Wang Bert's weapon. In terms of intelligent programming, Tony is much stronger than Ivan. If Ivan can do it, he can naturally.

In fact, this is just an experimental version. When the experiment is successful, he will install more half-moon blades on his body, anyway Jarvis can control it.

"Jarvis, control the two half-moon blades to follow me to attack, they will heal themselves, and focus on the head."

Tony rushed to other holy lights with the two half-moon blades warriors, those holy light warriors are powerful, fierce and unafraid of death, but they are not Tony's opponents at all.

Tony keeps improving.

"Technology has developed to a certain extent, it's like magic weapon in Xianxia novels."

Quake couldn't help shaking her head, and then, her palms shook, and the shock wave broke out completely. , the underground base has no holy light protection and quickly collapsed.

At this time, the Great Elder was the only one left in the underground base. He smiled slightly and moved to the Holy Land location at an astonishing speed—there was a seal protected here, and it did not collapse.

"That's it."

The Great Elder stretched and muttered to himself: "The core strength of the Church of Angels is basically finished, but I don't know how many people there are. Bury them with them."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the Great Elder: "Those holy light warriors will go mad if you hear your words."

The Great Elder turned his head and saw an unfamiliar Chinese looking at him with a sneer on his face. He was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Blood God, you know that you look ugly, and you look different?"

Wang Bert coldly snorted and said: "Who are you? You are not the real Great Elder."

"Don't know the old friends anymore?"

The Great Elder is in himself With a swipe on his face, Mephisto's old gentleman's face appeared, and then he said, "I reincarnated the True Spirit into Pepper's belly, and the rest was poured into the body of the Great Elder."

Great Elder He returned to his original face and said, "Actually, I am the Great Elder of authentic, but I was covered by Mephisto's consciousness."

"Mephisto, what are you doing? Not only did you reveal your identity, but you also sent someone to kill you. yourself?"

Wang Bert can't help asking: "Is there something wrong with you?"

Obviously, the so-called gods are all directed and acted by Mephisto, those of Morrow The holy light warrior who believes oneself infallible, has been working for a devil.

“That’s not true.”

The Great Elder said with a smile: “Ghost Rider can find me, which means that my identity will be discovered by you sooner or later, in that case , it's better to point it out directly.

There is a villain called holy light warrior. With the character of Iron Man, he will definitely not give up on me, even if he knows my true identity.

In addition, I People who hate the Church of Angels can trick them, why not? I don't want them to come to trouble me like flies after my reincarnation."

Wang Bert coldly snorted: "Not only that. ?"

"Also for other purposes, for example, to cause you some trouble."

The Great Elder said: "Also, I also want to provoke your relationship, Hell Demon. King reincarnated, I believe, many people want me to die."

Wang Bert said: "Are you trying to pick on my relationship with Tony? Sorry, let you down."

"Don't be disappointed, from the very beginning, I don't think you will turn against Iron Man, a person who can collude with hell demons, certainly not dead brains."

The Great Elder said: "But Others may not be the same as you, such as Ghost Rider, or Doom, for example."

"Aren't you afraid they will kill you?"

Wang Bert said unhappily, Damon's side is okay to say, there is a super-killer girl who can suppress him, Doom is more troublesome, this person is very evil, no one knows what to do.

Big Chief Boss said with a smile: "With you and Iron Man protecting me, what am I afraid of? I'm looking forward to the civil war of superhero."

Wang Bert couldn't help cursing: "You started cheating before you were born."

"Crap! That's right, it's the word, my plan, it's called the cheater plan."

One Great Elder He clapped his hands and said excitedly: "This is a wonderful plan that I came up with based on my own experience and exhaustion. Haha, Blood God, you used the idiot of Blackheart to pit me, now it's my turn to pit you and Iron Man."

"Your stupid plan is really stupid."

Wang Bert was speechless, what kind of crazy plan would this be to come up with?

"Of course it's a fool."

The Great Elder said proudly: "The Church of Angels, also other superhero's troubles are just the beginning, and there will be more troubles when I'm really born. , Blood God, Iron Man, let's play slowly.

By the way, you can think of yourself as Odin, think of me as Loki, by the way, I will be more cunning and cruel than Loki, It's even more pitiful."


The corners of Wang Bert's mouth twitched a little, and he asked, "You're doing so much, shouldn't it be just to pit us?"

"Hunting you is one of the main purposes, and the other purpose is to use you to quickly restore strength." Remnant Soul, lost the position of Hell Lord again, it will take at least hundreds of years to recover.

I can't wait that long, with you, as long as several decades, I can become a god again. "

Wang Bert sneered: "Do you think I will restore your strength?"

"Why not? With Iron Man's pride, how could he allow his son to be a waste?" ?"

The Great Elder said with a smile: "Besides, is it difficult to be born in a super family, if you want to improve your strength?"

"It's really not difficult."


Wang Bert squinted his eyes and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, you should also stay outside with Remnant Soul, and in the future, this Remnant Soul will take Tony's son's body for the purpose of resurrection."

"Don't think so badly of me, how could I take my own body? It's fusion, completely fuse together."

The Great Elder said: "Next, there are two Possibly, one is that I successfully restore previous life memory, then, I can not only become a Satan, but also rule the universe, because I have already come in.

The other is that I failed, of course. It's a pity, but it's not too bad, at least, it can pit you all day long, making your life worse than death, and the future will not be bad, a Fiendgod Level in the future is a sure thing."

Wang Bert laughed angrily: "In other words, how can you win?"

"Yes, from my reincarnation to Pe pper starts in the stomach, I will win, don't say you won't kill me, even if you kill me, I will still win, if you kill me, you will completely turn your face with Iron Man, then Earth will definitely have a civil war. "

The Great Elder laughed heartily: "Iron Man is no ordinary superhero, he is very much favored by Earth, and without you, he is the core of superhero."

Blood God, this time, I won, my stupid plan is destined to succeed, you can just wait for life to die, hahaha. "

Looking at the proud Great Elder, Wang Bert couldn't help sighed, which made the Great Elder even more proud, he said: "Blood God, how does it feel to be pitted?"
Let me tell you, I, Mephisto, are the ancestors of cheating people. Your methods are nothing in front of my cheating plan. "

"I sigh, not because your plan is so good, I sigh, because I'm about to lose a Demon King soul." "

Wang Bert raised his hand, the Infinity Gauntlet appeared in his hand, well, still not returned to Odin.

"Blood God, what do you mean?" "

The Great Elder looked at Wang Bert suspiciously and said, "My plan is perfect and without blemish, you can't crack it at all, it's a conspiracy, an indestructible conspiracy." "

"There is nothing in this world that cannot be destroyed." "

Wang Bert opened the small space and extracted the souls of Mephisto and Blackheart.

Mephisto's soul pretended to be calm and shouted: "Blood God, what do you want to do?" Even if you kill me, nothing will change in the plan. "

Blackheart asked, surprised and angry, "Blood God, what are you doing with me?" What's the matter, you're looking for that bastard Mephisto, I've always been honest. "

"Idiot." "

Mephisto gritted his teeth. The biggest mistake in his life was to make such a stupid son. Fortunately, he will be a fool in the future.

"Nothing, just sacrifice That's it. "

Wang Bert clenched his fists and shouted: "Sacrifice the souls of Mephisto and Blackheart in exchange for erasing all of Mephisto's Remnant Souls, and in addition, erasing all memories of Mephisto, and guaranteeing , there will be no Mephisto in the future. "

Tony's son is not a Remnant Soul, he is a complete life.

After Wang Bert's wish, the Reality Stone rays of light hit and spread quickly to the souls of Mephisto and Blackheart On, it means that it accepts Wang Bert's sacrifice and can do it.

"None of my business, why sacrifice me? "

Blackheart shouted, I am so honest, why should I be sacrificed?
Blackheart doesn't know, it is connected with Mephisto, without Mephisto, who would care about him Blackheart?

"Reality Stone? ”

The big boss was shocked. He didn't expect also this kind of cheating method. What's more, that bastard of Blood God actually used his soul as a sacrifice.

The Great Elder shouted: "Blood God, even without Mephisto, my Reincarnation Body will still harass you. "

"What's up with me?" Not my son? To be honest, I'd love to see Iron Man get ripped off, and I'm as happy as he is. "

Wang Bert sneered: "Besides, as a strict godfather, it makes sense to beat that brat every few days, right?" "

The Great Elder asked in shock: "Is your previous anger acting out?" "

"Of course it is, otherwise, how could you say things so cheerfully?" "

Wang Bert sneered: "That's not my son, why should I be angry?" "

"I at first actually wanted to be reincarnated as your son, but you this bastard leave no offspring at all." "

The Great Elder scolded: "No one can conceive your child unless you want to." "

"I'm in my early twenties, want a son of a fart?" "

Wang Bert said angrily, after playing for hundreds of years, it is irresponsible for children to want children now.

At this time, the Reality Stone began to take effect, The souls of Mephisto and Blackheart disappeared quickly, and at the same time, a large amount of black gas came out of the Great Elder, which belonged to Mephisto.

Not only that, but the Remnant Soul and memories that Mephisto carefully hid are also disappearing.

The black air turned into Mephisto's face in the air, he said with a smile: "Infinity Stone, it's really unreasonable. "

"The universal wishing machine, of course, is unreasonable, but unfortunately many people don't know how to use it at all, such as the dark elf, who actually used it as a weapon to smash people, how did this kind of intelligence become the leader of the dark elf ? ”

Wang Bert ridicule, in six infinity stones, what he wants most is not Space Stone and Time Stone, but Reality Stone, as long as there are enough sacrifices, what Reality Stone can do far surpasses the imagination.

“Blood God, I lost this game. "

Mephisto's face said: "But don't be complacent, my Reincarnation Body, you will be miserable if you get caught." "

Wang Bert said: "It's none of your business, Mephisto will be completely a thing of the past. "

"Yes, Mephisto will be a thing of the past, Blood God, you win." "

Mephisto's face was sighed and was quickly erased by the Reality Stone.

A moment later, the Reality Stone returned to peace, the most cunning and shameless Demon King in hell, Mephisto, was completely wiped out by Wang Bert ends.

Wang Bert put away the Infinity Gauntlet and asked the void: "Damon, Doom, can you accept this result? "

Damon, who witnessed everything through the portal, was silent for a while and said, "It's barely acceptable, but I still think it's better to kill that child." "

"What a pity to kill, since he's no longer Mephisto, keep him, Bert, and tell Tony that I'm taking his son as a disciple." "

Doom evil said with a smile: "Don't you want to cheat? I'll see if he can trick me as a Master? "

"Just be happy." ”

Wang Bert mourned for Tony’s child silently in his heart. Doom’s recipe is not something ordinary people can do.

Supervillain It must be very interesting to meet Supervillain.

"By the way, Doom, you've been integrating Eastern Europe, how much do you know about Sokovia? "

Wang Bert thought of something and asked Doom, Sokovia is Hydra Baron Strucker's lair.

"It's a very chaotic place and has been reluctant to join my league. "

Doom said: "When I'm done integrating the other countries, I will send troops to destroy them. There can only be one voice in Eastern Europe, and that is my voice of Doom." "

"You really don't sound like a villain at all. "

Wang Bert ridicule, he thought about it, and said: "You must gather some troops, I may have to attack Sokovia recently." "

"No problem. "

Doom happily agreed, he said: "By the way, the Celestial head is about to be repaired, it is absolutely beyond your imagination, even the Super Warship of the Three Great Empires, you have to bow down in front of it, It even has the ability to destroy stars. "

"Nonsense, how much money did you burn Lao Tzu this year?" "

Wang Bert said angrily: "I'm the first in the universe to make money, and I almost went bankrupt by you." "

"Isn't money just for use?" "

Doom said indifferently: "It's really not good, just pretend to be Raider and go out and grab a few votes." "

Wang Bert was speechless, the proper villain spoke, he said: "My body is about to wake up, and I will go up and review it at that time, I hope it will not disappoint me." "

Doom said proudly: "When has my Doom work ever disappointed? "

"Your work is really good, so good that you've been stealing it." "

Wang Bert sneered: "You threw down Nebula with a new body, Doom, your infatuated king image collapsed." ”

“none of your business. "

Doom said with a blank face, and with a wave of his hand, the portal closed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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