Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 255


Chapter 255 Advance Attack

Wanda stunned by movie news on tablet , she asked Wang Bert: "What's going on with this movie?"

"Obviously, don't be so surprised, this is the work of my company, and it was already in Xandar six months ago. Released."

Wang Bert said with a smile: "The popularity of Blood God is soaring now, and I took the opportunity to come to Earth to collect a wave of box office. The quality of "Battle of Xandar" is very high, many of which are real war scenes, said Maybe it will break the box office record."

"Crush the heat?"

Wanda was speechless, she asked: "Blood God, are you not short of money? You are the richest man in the world, also, Will this lead to the disclosure of your identity?"

"Is there a conflict between not being short of money and making money?"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "As for the disclosure of identity, do you think, Do I need to care about this? I hide my identity just because I want to keep a low profile, not because I can't see the light.

In addition, the release of this movie will not have much impact, and a movie is just a movie after all. "

Wanda suddenly realized what she thought, ridiculed: "Why are you keeping a low profile? Are you afraid of affecting your dating?"

Wang Bert put his arms around Wanda's waist and changed back to the original face, said with a smile: "I only soak you now."

Wang Bert was too close, Wanda could even smell the breath on his body, suddenly confused and flushed, Wang Bert saw He was about to do something when he suddenly sensed the situation outside and immediately changed back to Kuaiyin's face.

Immediately afterwards, Baron Strucker opened the door and walked in. He was shocked when he saw the situation inside, and then stepped back and closed the door: "Sorry, excuse me."

"Excuse me?"

Wanda was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and hurriedly pushed Wang Bert away with a blushing face, Wang Bert said with contempt, "This guy's head is really dirty, we are siblings."

Wanda gnashing teeth looked at Wang Bert, how will she meet people in the future?

A moment later, Baron Strucker opened the door again and came in. Seeing that the two of them had already packed up, he said with a smile: "Mind Scepter is ready, Doctor List will break your qi, by the way, I support it. You guys."

"Support us?"

Wanda was embarrassed and angry at Baron Strucker's words, and she hurriedly said, "Baron, you misunderstood."

"It's okay, I'm looking forward to your crystallization."

Baron Strucker closed the door with a big laugh, he really supported Wanda and Pietro siblings, their descendants will definitely be strong.

Seeing that the explanation was useless, Wanda stomped her feet angrily. At the same time, her right hand touched Wang Bert's waist, pinched a piece of meat, and pinched it fiercely.

“Damn, how can you women do this trick?”

Wang Bert sucked in a breath of cold air, of course, pretending, he said: “Okay, don’t be angry Now, let's go meet Mind Scepter for a while, it has a problem, and figuring out its situation is my second goal."

Wanda asked: "Second goal? Then the first goal is What?"

"I didn't say it before, protect you."

Wang Bert took Wanda's hand and said, Wanda snorted, but in my heart, a woman, will always be Hearing creatures.

Seeing Wanda and Pietro approaching hand in hand, Baron Strucker smiled even more, he motioned them to sit on chairs, and let the Doctor List begin.

Doctor List is Baron Strucker's partner and the chief scientist of the Hydra base. He didn't talk nonsense. He activated the Mind Scepter with the instrument, and a large amount of pale-yellow energy enveloped the two of them, and then drilled into their bodies. .

Wang Bert and Wanda shouted in pain at the same time, the instrument showed that a strange energy was activated in their bodies, and they were using their bodies as a battlefield to fight against the spiritual energy.

"That should be chi."

Doctor List said: "This energy is amazing, Baron, can you get someone who has chi to study for me? This kind of energy , maybe you and I can use it too."

"We can use it too?"

Baron Strucker's eyes shined, and he said, "I'll definitely grab a few for you to study, right? Now, can psychic energy break the chi in them?"

"No problem."

Doctor List glanced at the two shouting and said, "The chi in them It is rootless, it will run out sooner or later, and the spiritual energy is endless.

However, it may take a little longer, I am afraid of hurting them, and I have not fully stimulated the spiritual energy."

Baron Strucker said with a smile: "That's right, they are our treasures, nothing can happen."

After a while, Wang Bert and Wanda's screams gradually subsided. It's not that the qi in their bodies has been crushed, but that they have gradually adapted to the pain - in fact, they are tired and have a rest.

"Very good."

Seeing that the two of them could bear it, Baron Strucker was satisfied with the nodded, and at this time, Hydra came to report that the Great Elder and Rumlow were coming.

Baron Strucker handed things over to the Doctor List and returned to the office by himself, Great Elder (Annie) saw him and said straight to the point: "Baron Strucker, thank you for your hospitality, the Demon King is about to be born , I'm going to New York to purify him."

Baron Strucker said: "Great Elder, I will send you to New York, but unfortunately I didn't catch Blood God's recipe, so I can't exchange it for the dive tool."

Rumlow hearing this secretly clenched his fists, full of unwillingness, but he didn't argue, he lost, he lost, there was nothing to distinguish.

"That's also impossible."

The Great Elder sighed, said: "Now there are many righteous people and Demon God believers in New York City, plus us, It should be able to solve the reincarnation Demon King."

"It's not enough, because SWORD will definitely take action to help, and America's top management can't stop them."

Baron Strucker said: "Fortunately, I There is a plan for you."

The Great Elder curiously asked, "What plan?"

"The alien plan."

Baron Strucker looked at Rumlow , instructed: "Rumlow, wait for the Great Elder to attack the hospital, you bring the aliens to destroy and kill all over the world, attracting SWORD to focus on you."

Rumlow asked excitedly: " Can you do anything?"

Baron Strucker said coldly: "Anything can be done, kill the more the better, it's better to create a catastrophe that kills thousands of people."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

Rumlow's extremely excited salute, only pain can make those people understand how important order is.

The reason why this world is so chaotic is because of the lack of his painful education.


The Great Elder hesitated and said, "In order to eradicate the Demon King, there is no way to do this, Baron Strucker, many thanks to your help."

"This is not only helping you, but also helping myself, we Hydra also don't want the world to be destroyed."

Baron Strucker said, Hydra's goal is to rule the world, not destroy the world.

"Okay, then I'll get ready and leave immediately."

The Great Elder nods and leaves. Only Baron Strucker and Rumlow are left in the room.

Baron Strucker instructed: "When you're killing people, remember to preach that Inhumans are higher than humans. In short, you have to pretend to be Inhumans supremacists."

Rumlow Puzzled: "What's the use of this?"

"Of course it does, it will make the commoners hate aliens, and then that idiot will be able to win over more supporters."

Baron Strucker said: "The more supporters there are, the greater the scale of the civil war. At the same time, the malice of the ordinary person will help us win and subdue the aliens. Even if there is no such thing as the reincarnation of the Demon King, I intend to let You do this."

Rumlowp> said: "I know what to do."

"I will never let you down again, Hail Hydra."

Rumlow salutes and leaves, Baron Strucker ponders his plans , smiled proudly, this time, Hydra will never lose.

It won't be long before Hydra will rule the world, and he, Baron Strucker, will be king of the world.

Unbeknownst to the confident Baron Strucker, after the Great Elder left the Hydra base, he immediately passed the news to Steve through Wang Bert's channel.

"The alien plan?"

Steve frowned upon receiving the information: "This is troublesome, they have space capabilities and can bloom more, we can't stop it completely.

With the destructive power of the Inhumans and the current population density, once they start to act, a lot of people will die."

"Director, I think we should attack the Hydra base in advance. ."

Quake said anxiously: "The alien plan will not only cause huge casualties, but also arouse the anger of the ordinary person against the aliens. At that time, humans and aliens will be divided, and even Opposition must be stopped.

Now we are attacking, although that part of the hospital cannot be used, but I don’t think there is a problem, after all, we can be surprised.”

“Ahead of time?”


Steve hesitated and said, "There's nothing wrong with the force, but Bert hasn't checked the Mind Scepter, he said, the scepter is a big problem.

Also, we take action Afterwards, those Demon God believers might take the opportunity to attack the hospital. At that time, we have no way to support them, and even occupy Strange.

Without Strange, we cannot block the Hydra base and wipe them out.”

paused, Steve added: "Hydra and Kree are very dangerous, neither of them can be let go, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble, especially Kree, they can bring in an antimatter bomb and they can Come in for the second time.

This time Bert found out, next time, we may not also have such good luck.

In addition, Jarvis has not been upgraded successfully, now take action, Hydra Maybe there will be a network attack, although I am an Ancient One and know how important the network is."

Quake was speechless by what Steve said, and she asked a little irritably: "What should I do then? Can't just watch them carry out the Inhumans plan?"

Steve and Coulson were both silent, which was really difficult.

At this moment, Tony Stark's annoying voice suddenly sounded on the radio: "What's wrong? Go straight and take the Hydra base as quickly as possible.

As for me, as long as you block Sokovia all over, those guys won't attack, they've been waiting for my son to be born.

Strange doesn't have to go there, Doom has more space blockade than Strange Strong.

Finally, Network, Jarvis, say hi to our Steve Director."

"Steve Director, Coulson Deputy Director, also Quake Captain, hello, I'm talking People hate Tony Stark's steward, Jarvis."

Jarvis' voice sounded, obviously a little more popular than before.

Tony shouted in dissatisfaction: "Hey, Jarvis, what do you mean?"

"I'm just getting along with them, according to psychology, calling someone everyone hates , easy to close the distance."

Jarvis said: "According to statistics, you are the most annoying one in SWORD."

Tony panting with rage: "You actually Get close to them by stepping on me? You don't have my creator in your eyes yet? Also, what are you doing with statistics?"

"Of course I have you in my eyes, you are my creator , you will definitely not tear me down, so I can step on you at will."

Jarvis honestly replies, it is worth mentioning that he kept the name Jarvis instead of Vision - in the movie, The Jarvis program was hit hard, 'reincarnated' and became another 'person', and this world, the Jarvis' program was safe.

Tony is speechless, Jarvis is clearly 'long' crooked.

“Jarvis, your set is almost useful, I think we’re friends now.”

Steve laughed, saying, “Have you finished upgrading yet?”

"Yes, I'm leveled up and heading to New York Hospital to teleport to you."

Jarvis said, "I'll help you defeat Hydra and Supreme Intelligence, this is mine. Mission."

"Very good."

Steve was overjoyed, he said, "Coulson, get everyone ready, wait for me to contact Bert, and do it as soon as possible. The speed of solving ydra."


Coulson nodded H and went with Quake to adjust the force

Steve said: "Tony, be careful on your side, it's really not good, let Strange teleport you to this battlefield."

"Don't worry, I'm not to be trifled either. With , a group of clowns, I can stop."

Tony coldly snorted: "Besides, they may not take action."

"Well, hope everything goes well."

Steve nods, now it's time to see when Bert calls them.

At the Hydra base, Wang Bert gradually sensed a soul fluctuation as his spiritual energy penetrated into his body.

"You're actually hiding in the Mind Stone? No wonder I haven't found where you are."

Wang Bert coldly snorted and sprinkled some mysterious soul powder on his dragon soul superior.

This mysterious powder is a collector's item, it can hide the soul fluctuation, it is very easy to use, the only problem is that the duration is a bit short, and it is only a small amount, and it is not used a few times.


Supergiant didn’t notice Wang Bert’s small movements, she was analyzing the Qi in Wang Bert’s body, this energy is very special, it can not only block Pietro and Wanda’s body , but also resists psychic energy, which she must understand, because Blood God also has Qi.

At the end of this battle, it will definitely be against Blood God.

Supergiant thought for a while, pulled a little Qi back to Mind Stone, ready to analyze slowly, Wang Bert sensed Supergiant's movement, and immediately used Pym Particles to shrink the dragon soul, and then followed that little Qi into Mind Stone.

(end of this chapter)

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