Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 278


Chapter 278 The Betrayer in Action
At night, in an abandoned church, Kaecilius led a group of Traitor of Kamar-Taj, ready to summon Dormammu, Lord of Dark Space.

Kaecilius lays the stolen pages on the ground, and then, with his mana, he draws a peculiar blood-colored butterfly-shaped mark - the mark of Dark Space.

Then, with the traitors, Kaecilius began to pray.

"We summon you, Demon King, hear the summon, please come to us and let us see your true face..."

In prayers, Dormammu's The power gradually descends, and the ground changes rapidly, layer upon layer, like a 3D model of the computer - this is the space where the ground is affected by Power of Darkness.

Immediately afterwards, Kaecilius and the others lost all the skin around their eyes, and were replaced by purple 'eyeshadows', which looked almost non-mainstream.

This is Dormammu pouring Power of Darkness into them, and Kaecilius, feeling the powerful force in his body, is inexplicably excited and can't help waving his arms around.

As Kaecilius swiped his arms, the walls and ceilings quickly and magically changed, just like the ground.


Kaecilius couldn't help laughing. The Power of Darkness is really powerful, and even the real world can control the space. If he encounters Strange again, he is sure to easily crush it. Press the opponent.

"Kaecilius, your betrayal makes Ancient One very angry, and is tracking my consciousness through the secret technique, I can't stay too long, even the dark consciousness in your body has to be withdrawn, otherwise you will be immediately Ancient One found."

At this time, Dormammu's voice sounded in Kaecilius's mind: "I will give you a year, no matter what, you will destroy the three Sanctums for me."


"My lord, I am not afraid of Ancient One and Strange, but Blood God, even now I am not sure about dealing with it."

Kaecilius said respectfully - Ancient One was seriously injured, It never recovered, which is why Kaecilius dared to say such a thing.

"You really can't deal with it. After the Blood God reappeared, your strength has grown tremendously. In the first two days, you not only killed three Spiritual Gods, but also destroyed the snake god's projection. You are famous, and even I have several points. of fear."

Dormammu said: "This new Guardian has really grown up, and even if Ancient One is now Death, he can protect Earth."

Kaecilius hearing this for a while Gritting his teeth, his eyes are full of jealousy - jealous of Blood God's power, jealous of Blood God's good luck.

Kaecilius is several times older than Blood God, but his strength is far lower than the other, how can he not be jealous? More importantly, world Guardian, but his previous dream.

Kaecilius asked, "My lord, what shall we do with Blood God?"

"The way to deal with Blood God, in Darkhold, is that I let you steal this book The reason for the book."

Dormammu said: "Vampire comes from Darkhold, Darkhold has an incantation that can eliminate all Vampires, called Montes formula, you only need to get this incantation, whether it is Blood God , or Dracula, will be destroyed by you."

"Really? Very good."

Kaecilius was overjoyed, didn't expect Blood God also such a big weakness.

At this time, Kaecilius thought of something and said: "My lord, Darkhold is protected by Vibranium and magic, I can't take it out."

"I will help you break the magic, as for Vibranium , you solve it yourself, it's not difficult for you."

Accompanied by Dormammu's voice, the pages on the ground suddenly burst into flames. Kaecilius saw this and hurriedly took out the box with Darkhold sealed.

next moment, the flames on the ground flew to the box, and the magic on the box was instantly destroyed.

"Hey, Ancient One is about to find me, Kaecilius, remember, you only have one year, and if you fail, I'll make life worse for you."

Dormammu also Want to say something, suddenly sensed the breath of Ancient One, quickly cut off contact, Kaecilius and a group of dísciples sent him away.

A sorcerer asked: "Kaecilius, how do we open this Vibranium box?"

"It's not difficult for me now."

Kaecilius smiled smugly. He put the box on the table, and then, with his hand swept across the front of the box, the front of the box immediately turned pitch black, and then Darkhold himself floated up.

As soon as Darkhold appeared, the rich Dark Aura immediately spread throughout the church. If it was before, Kaecilius and the others would be very uncomfortable, but now, they are happy.

That's right, this is Darkhold.

"Darkhold is a book of black magic left by the Great Demonic God Chthon. As long as you open it, the knowledge that the user wants to know will be automatically displayed, or it will be displayed in their native language."

As Kaecilius opened the book, he said, "As for the people around, no matter how you look at it, it's all blank."

Sorcerers couldn't help but glance at the book and found that the pages were indeed blank, and couldn't bear it. Living nodded, Darkhold is truly extraordinary.

These sorcerers didn't realize that Kaecilius, who was talking eloquently just now, was bewildered. Why did he see nothing? Logically, shouldn't the Ancient One's secrets be revealed?

Kaecilius blinked and stared at the divine book, but it was still blank.

Because Kaecilius has been watching for a long time, a sorcerer can't help asking: "Kaecilius, what is the secret of the Ancient One?"

"The secret of the Ancient One, of course Absorb Power of Darkness in exchange for immortality."

Kaecilius said sorry that he didn't see anything, and said a little embarrassedly, just at this moment, a sarcastic voice sounded from Darkhold: "Kamar-Taj has also fallen. I don't see anything, but pretending to be there."


sorcerers stared at Kaecilius, the image of Eldest Senior Brother in this brief moment in astonishment Collapse directly.

So you are Kaecilius.

Kaecilius flies into a rage out of humiliation, shouting at Darkhold: "What are you?"

Darkhold closes automatically, and the cover glitters and says: "Bullshit, Darkhold four Don't you see it?"

"I've never heard of Darkhold talking."

Kaecilius solemnly asked, wondering if he had stolen the wrong book .

"Good luck, I am Darkhold's Artifact Spirit, just born."

Darkhold said: "What do you want to ask? Hurry up and don't waste my time."


Kaecilius asked suspiciously, "Can't you sense my thoughts?"

"Yes, you want to know what the secret of Ancient One is."

Darkhold said: "The problem is, this doesn't follow the procedure, the procedure is, you ask, I answer, it's that simple." What's the secret?"

Darkhold replied: "Some time ago, Blood God found someone to develop a hair restorer. Ancient One took advantage of him and secretly stole a bottle, and then washed his hair every day. Still haven't grown."

"Wow, Sorcerer Supreme actually does such a thing?"

Sorcerers was shocked, and discussed spiritedly, Kaecilius also gossip: "didn't expect Ancient One pays so much attention to her hair. If she said this, she suggested that I shave my head back then, which should be harboring malicious intentions.

Uh, wait, who asked this secret? Does she have hair, shut me up What's the matter? I'm asking about the secret of her longevity."

Kaecilius cursed, and Darkhold said, "You didn't ask all the questions before, of course I picked the most recent one and said, blame me?"

Kamar-Taj, Ancient One stared blankly at the Blood God projection, a drop of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the Blood God projection, and explained: "Master, you made that Artifact Spirit, it's none of my business. ."

"That drop of blood belongs to your body."

Ancient One said: "You can rest assured, I will not take this matter seriously, definitely not."

"Master, you're not scary at all."

Blood God projection ridicule, that's right, Darkhold is fake, created by Earth First Copycat Made by the sorcerer Ancient One, unless those gods and demons are proficient in black magic, others can't tell the difference at all.

What are you kidding? Darkhold can destroy all Vampires, how could Wang Bert let Kaecilius take it away? In fact, Darkhold was sealed by him and the Ancient One in a new place.

"Master, did you really recommend Kaecilius to shave his head?"

Blood God projection act recklessly asked, Ancient One raised the teacup with his left hand, moved his right finger lightly, Blood God At the foot of the projection appeared out of thin air a Transmission Gate, and he fell down with a thud.

"It's a shame, I wouldn't have stolen it if I knew it earlier."

Ancient One is calm on the surface, but sighed in his heart.

Putting aside the matter of Blood God and Ancient One, Kaecilius gritted his teeth angrily when he heard Darkhold's words: "Don't blame you, do you blame me? Can't you sense my thoughts?"

"Of course it's your fault, I can hear the voices of everyone here, don't I want to reply to all of them?"

Darkhold said confidently, all the sorcerer faces changed, one with strong features Taking a step back, Darkhold said, "Don't worry, I won't tell you what you want to usurp."

"Isn't that already said?"

strong features sorcerer was speechless, he saw Kaecilius looking at him coldly, and hurriedly explained: "Eldest Senior Brother, it is framing me." There are not many people under him, and it is a pity to die.

Darkhold reminded very kindly: "You Eldest Senior Brother are going to kill you after you destroy the temple."

The thick eyebrows sorcerer couldn't help but step back again, and he regretted it. Don't betray, this broken book is just a fool.

Kaecilius also felt that the book was rude, he took a deep breath and asked, "Did the Ancient One survive by the dark Space Power?"

"This must start from the beginning

Darkhold said: "hundreds of years ago, Ancient One Sweeping Across the World, Dormammu was also driven away by her, Dark Space was shocked to her, and sent a group of the most pure dark Energy to her, I hope she will become the Sovereign of Dark Space."

A sorcerer asked in confusion: "Wait, isn't the Sovereign of Dark Space Dormammu?"

"Dormammu Just a puppet enslaved by Dark Space, working for Dark Space 24 hours a day."

Darkhold said: "Compared to Sorcerer Supreme, Dormammu is nothing at all, so Dark Space has always wanted to make The Sorcerer Supreme replaces Dormammu as its servant.

It is a servant, with a much higher status than a puppet, at least with a certain consciousness."

Sorcerers was silent for a while, the so-called Dark Space Sovereign, turned out to be just a puppet? This broken 'company' is too hopeless, right? Can I resign?
Many people felt regret in their hearts, they would not surrender if they knew about Dormammu's virtue.

"You're talking nonsense, cough cough, why are you talking about it, keep talking about Ancient One."

Kaecilius coughed and cursed—he knew Dormammu's true face, But he didn't care because it was a good thing.

Darkhold said, "Looks like I underestimated you and you want to replace Dormammu."

"Shut up."

Kaecilius cursed, He is now completely sure that this thing is a piece of shit.

Thick eyebrows sorcerer hearing this eyes are bright, good thing, when there is a chance, he will make a small report immediately, when that time, Dormammu will definitely reward him greatly.

"Continue to talk about Ancient One."

Darkhold continued: "What is Ancient One and the others? Naturally, it will not absorb dark energy. It refuses on the spot. Dark Space does not because of this. Give up and keep tempting Ancient One.

Decades later, Ancient One reluctantly absorbs dark energy, because there is no one in her recipe, this world needs her to continue to protect.

By the way, for the next few hundred years, her recipe was useless until Blood God, Doom, Strange three Heaven's Chosen Child appeared."

A group of sorcerers hearing this looked unhappy , doesn't this make it clear that they are not perfect?
Darkhold said: "That's right, I'm just saying you're not a weapon."

The crowd was black-faced, Kaecilius coldly snorted and said: "Ancient One absorbs dark energy just for power and immortality, fundamentally Not to protect the world."

"If the Ancient One really wanted power and immortality, Dormammu would have been kicked out."

Darkhold said: "Also, Darkhold, never Lying."

The sorcerers were silent, Kaecilius hurriedly shouted: "Ancient One is very selfish, she absorbs the dark energy herself, but doesn't tell us how to live together forever."

After speaking, Kaecilius immediately changed the subject: "Okay, Darkhold, tell me the incantation that can kill all Vampires."

"The Montes formula, which can kill all Vampires, but it needs a Special casting materials."

Dracula said, "The blood of Vampire Progenitor Dracula."

"The blood of Dracula?"

Kaecilius had no doubts, a Destroying all Vampires in an instant requires a medium, otherwise it's too simple.

"Dracula is already here, it's not difficult to get his blood, I'll get it as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Kaecilius closed the Darkhold directly. This book is too stupid to use. Still use less.

"Come on, let's find Dracula."

Kaecilius said to the sorcerers, just then, with a bang, the church door was slammed open, and then Kamar-Taj sorcerer Mordo came in.

Mordo looked at a circle of non-mainstream, ridiculed: "Kaecilius, how old are you to learn to play non-mainstream?"


Seeing that Mordo was the only one, Kaecilius disdainfully said with a smile: "Mordo, didn't expect you to be so stupid to come after us alone." The space vibrated like water ripples, and all the teleportation spells were closed.

"This is the ability you get in exchange for being a dog?"

Mordo glanced at it, disdainfully said: "It's not good, Kaecilius, if you have a last word, you can explain it. ."

(end of this chapter)

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