Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 289


Chapter 289 Time Loop
Looking at one after another silhouette appearing around, also in the sky The fleet that kept emerging, Tony whistled and shouted: "Transmit all my Veronica and the unmanned battlesuit."

Tony didn't finish his sentence, his Veronica and the unmanned battlesuit There you go, also Ivan's unmanned battlesuit Legion, which arrives at the same time, it's a great decisive battle.

When Kaecilius saw this change, he was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered disdainfully. No matter how strong Earth is, can he still have the power of the heavens?

Thinking about it, Kaecilius gathered the spiders Fiend and used them as an altar to open a passage to the spider dimension.

In the sky, a space vortex suddenly appeared, and then, a large number of spiders bigger than cows jumped out of the vortex, densely packed to the side.

In the dimensions of the heavens, Hell Dimension is the closest to Earth, so their dimensional projections are the first to tear apart the space, forming one after another crack.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of monsters crawled out of the cracks, fell on the ground and greedily looked at the humans, preparing for a delicious meal.

The humans clenched their weapons and prepared to defend against the attack of the monsters.

Tony flew to Dr.Reed's side and asked: "Dr.Reed, what happened to Bifrost, why is it so powerful?"

Reed shook his head: "Don't ask me, This was made by Mister Wang."


Tony was stunned, then his eyes shined: "That is to say, he predicted this scene in advance, right? "

Reed continued to shake his head: "I said it, don't ask me."

Tony exclaimed excitedly: "That is to say, the guy is not dead, all this is His layout, right?"

"I said it, don't ask me."

Reed is crazy, he's just a tool man, how do you know so much?
"Master, dead?"

Trish, Mindy, Lina, and Hela couldn't accept this at all. Mindy and Hela fell to their knees, their hearts full of pain and pain. Sad, and Lina, for the first time, felt that the chicken legs in her hands were not fragrant.

"I want to avenge the Master, I want to kill all the people who killed the Master."

Little Hela gnashing teeth, eyes full of murderous aura, the surrounding Death gas Under the traction, they rushed towards her body.

"My man, dead again... uh, why should I say that again?"

Wanda's whole body was like blackening with blood-red rays of light, and her eyes were full of light. Full of indifference and hatred.

It wasn't until this moment that Wanda knew how important Wang Bert was to her.

The people from the supreme machine and SWORD also rushed over. They looked at the distorted void and clenched their weapons. Earth's life and death depend on this battle.

At this time, a powerful coercion enveloped New York, the first dimension Demon God descended, and looking at the silhouette of the black spider, which was bigger than a skyscraper, everyone felt extremely heavy, as if there was a The mountain presses down in general.

This is the power of Demon God.

“So many delicious souls are worth what I have paid before.”

The spider Demon God laughed heartily, and he was about to take action when a green silhouette leaped high , a punch of heaven falls and earth rends hit him in the face, smashed him directly out, knocked more than a dozen buildings behind him, and collapsed with a rumble.

"I want you to die."

Hulk roared, behind him appearing out of thin air a pair of bone wings, flapping hard and rushing towards the spider Demon God.

"He's only handsome for three seconds."

Tony sneered, the spider Demon God also knew that he had lost his adult. , turned into a hundred-meter-long terrifying black light and slashed towards Hulk.

Hulk ignored it and punched it out, and the blade light was instantly smashed. Then, Hulk grabbed the truck below and smashed it hard at the spider Demon God.

The spider Demon God uses spider legs to fly the truck, and then sprays densely packed, spider webs hiding the sky and covering the earth towards Hulk.

Hulk roared, and the sound ripped apart the spider web like a storm. At the same time, the surrounding glass crash-bang shattered, and the closer car even flew directly.

"A brainless new god, what's the arrogance?"

The spider Demon God roared, and the huge spider legs stabbed towards Hulk forcefully, because the speed was too fast, the spider legs stabbed out When , there was even a sound barrier shock wave around.

Hulk flapped his wings and flew up, sweeping the spider's legs with a terrifying white air wave, and the spider's legs were directly knocked out in half.

The spider Demon God was furious, his compound eyes opened, and countless black rays densely packed and shot at Hulk, Hulk flexibly avoided, and quickly rushed towards the spider Demon God.

At the same time as Hulk fought against the spider Demon God, the Quake fleet in the sky was fully charged, Quake shouted loudly: "Aim at the Kaecilius below, I want him to die."


Korath the Pursuer activated the button, hundreds of particle cannons roared down at the same time, rumbled and exploded on the ground, and a large number of spiders and monsters were tragically killed. Burning everywhere.

Kaecilius was wearing a dark magic shield to block the strikes of the particle cannon. He was about to cast his magic when three huge crow illusory shadows suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the black crow illusory shadow waved its wings covering the heavens, shielding the sun and swept towards the Warship in the sky. The two Warships were cut off like paper, and then exploded.

Quake face changed, hurriedly turned the muzzle to shoot at the black crow over there, the white crow next to the black crow had a disdainful smile, a white beam of light tens of meters thick blasted out, and all the energy cannons were shot by Oblivion.

Immediately afterwards, the white beam of light slammed towards the Blood God, Quake hurriedly tapped the red button on the console, and the Blood God suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already several hundred meters. outside.

This is the life-saving ability that Wang Bert left for the Blood God, but Quake didn't expect it, so it was used so quickly.

“Fiendgod Level.”

Quake gritted his teeth, even with advanced alien technology, he was no match for gods and demons.

Others were also very shocked. The major countries were planning to send regular troops into the battlefield. Now it seems that they should try to launch nuclear bombs.

There is no doubt that the idea of launching a nuclear bomb came from America, and they were planning to implement it. No way, the enemy was so strong that even Blood God fell.

Seeing the three crows raging, Doom ugly complexion said: "This is the three crow gods under Dormammu, Strange, return Hydra to me, and I will see if I can deal with one."


"Hydra to Steve Director."

Strange hesitated, and threw the short stick to Steve, who was still in grief, then he opened the Eye of Agamotto, pulling the power of the Time Stone in Oneself, Doom, Mordo left a magic array in their hands.

Doom looked at the magic array in his hand and asked, "Strange, what are you doing?"

"Slayer, Doom Senior Brother, Mordo Senior Brother, come with me. "

Strange flew towards the three crows in the sky. In fact, the three crows had not yet entered Earth, but just projected a force over them.

"You're the new Sorcerer Supreme, listen to you."

Mordo didn't talk nonsense, immediately followed along, Doom thought about it, followed closely from behind.

Kaecilius saw Strange and the others flying into the sky, and immediately chased after them with the remaining four sorcerers. The last time they counted their fate, this time, must let them die.

“courting death.”

The three crows saw that someone actually came to them act recklessly, with a disdainful smile, the fire crow opened its mouth and spewed fire, burning the heaven and boiling the sea , hiding the sky and covering the earth shrouded the three people, and even the void was distorted.

Strange moved his left hand towards Huoyun with a push, the green array was activated, time went back, Huoyun retracted.

Immediately afterwards, Strange followed the energy fluctuations of the three crows, taking Doom and Mordo through space to their true bodies.

“Eye of Agamotto!”

Kaecilius gritted his teeth and immediately led someone to chase after him. That treasure should belong to him.

The three crows who were on their way in the void couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw the three Strange who suddenly appeared: "You are tired of living, did you come here on purpose to die?"

Strange made a silent gesture, and then he said, "I'm here to kill you and Kaecilius."

Not only did the three crow gods laugh, but Kaecilius, who came after them, were also laughed heartily, if There's only one god, and with the Eye of Agamotto, Strange they might have a point or two to win.

But now there are three gods, plus them, Strange they are definitely ten deaths without life.

"It turned out to be three lunatics."

The god of black crows was in a hurry to go to Earth, too lazy to talk nonsense, his wings moved towards the three like sharp blades, and even the void was divided into two .

The three of Strange hurriedly cast the Transmission Gate to escape, the god of white crows was coldly snorted, the vast dive might enveloped the space, and the Transmission Gate opened by the three collapsed directly.

The faces of the three people in Strange changed, and they quickly cast their defensive shields to resist the wings of the god of black crows, but those are gods' wings, and they can't even block space, even more how?

In just a split second, Strange and Mordo were cut in half and tragically killed on the spot.

It's really miserable, especially Strange, who only wears a cloak. After being cut open, he is naked and not at all decent.

Doom is not dead, Strange and Mordo buy him a little time, he barely escapes, then, both of his hands, in the sky appear out of thin air Nine moons, like nine Like a meteorite, it smashed down at the god of black crows.

This is not over yet, a space vortex appeared under the god of black crows, a large number of cockroaches flapped their wings and swarmed out, densely packed rushing towards the abdomen of the god of black crows.

"Strong spatial attainments and black magic, human beings, you are not far from God, but unfortunately, not far, you are not God after all."

In Divine Eyes of the Black Crow There was a flash of approval, the wings waved, and nine meteorites exploded on the spot. Then, nine feathers flew out of his abdomen, turning into nine dark vortex, and all the cockroaches flew in uncontrollably.

"It's just a god, and it's not that he hasn't been defeated."

Doom took a deep breath, electric lights flashed from all over his body, and at the same time, a huge magic array appeared at his feet, Blink With dazzling rays of light.

Under the illumination of the magic mask, Doom's body quickly swelled, and after a while, he turned into a majestic thunder giant hundreds of meters high, Kaecilius and the others were scared back and forth.

"Wow, as expected of the Doom that beats me every day, it's really powerful."

Strange couldn't help sighing, and Mordo asked, "Strange, what did you do? What are we in now, also, why didn't my Substitute Death Technique just work?"

Strange and Mordo are not soul states, they seem to exist, and they don't seem to exist, very strange, and besides, There are three of them, and the others cannot sense them at all.

"We're in a time loop, and when Doom dies, time goes back to when we first met the Three Raven Gods."

Strange said: "This loop is Infinity Yes, unless we kill the God of Three Ravens."

This time loop, Strange intended to use it against Dormammu - not to kill the other party, but to negotiate, using an endless time loop to force Dormammu to give up.

But now things have changed, and Strange has chosen to change the goal - to kill the God of the Three Ravens.

As for why one is killing and the other is negotiating? The reason is very simple, Dormammu is beyond time and can sense the time cycle, so he can negotiate, but the God of Three Crows can't do it, he can only kill.

Simply put, only powerful gods are qualified to negotiate.

"It's actually such a time loop?"

Mordo expressed his shock, he thought for a while, then frowned and asked, "The problem is, we are not opponents of the three crow gods at all , even the strongest Doom can barely cope with one of them."

"Every battle is a practice, we will keep becoming stronger, they won't."

Strange shook his head and said, "One thousand times, ten thousand times, 100,000 times, 1 million times... As long as we don't give up, we will definitely kill them."

Mordo couldn't help swallowing it. Saliva: "Death 1 million times? Strange, I'm not afraid of death, but can our spirits really endure Death so many times?"

"Yes, it must be possible."

Strange fiercely nods: "Mordo, the God of the Three Ravens is nothing, our real enemies are Dormammu and the Dark Ancient One, I am the Sorcerer Supreme, you are the dísciple of Kamar-Taj, and it is our duty to stop them."

Mordo was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, we must be able, Strange, I finally understand why Ancient One chose you as Sorcerer Supreme."

Strange sighed : "I would rather she choose someone else, but there is no way, who made me such a genius, the world is in trouble, I should be the top." ?
At this time, the god of white crows didn't bother to delay any longer, and locked Doom with white chains, and the god of black crows took the opportunity to spray out a wave of darkness and destroy Doom.

As soon as Doom dies, the time loops, and Strange says, "I'm here to kill you and Kaecilius."

The three crows and Kaecilius laughed at the same time, and Doom looked at Strange in surprise. At a glance, with his wisdom, it was natural to see what Strange was thinking.

"Interesting, Strange, you are qualified to be my opponent."

Doom laughed heartily, took out a nuclear bomb from the space, and shouted: "Finally you can release it to your heart's content. It's a nuclear bomb, and I will definitely be able to create a spell that is comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion."


Mordo and Strange couldn't help breathing their fragrance, and Doom was actually hiding on them. A nuke? Ready to detonate? This guy is not afraid of walking and walking with a nuclear bomb exploded halfway?

In fact, Doom has more than one nuclear bomb.

Next moment, the void glows with a dazzling white light to the laughed heartily of Doom.

Let's not mention Strange's time-loop journey for a while. After Strange trapped the three ravens, their power illusory shadow immediately disappeared, and everyone can't help sigh in relief.

Quake, Dark Asterisk, also major Warships, fired again, bombarded monsters and spiders fled for their lives, and their bodies were everywhere on the ground.

Black Widow and Yelena hurriedly asked Jarvis to help find their mother.

Jarvis glanced across the battlefield and quickly locked onto their mother Melina, fortunately, she wasn't dead, unfortunately, a large number of energy cannons were targeting the area she was in.

Black Widow and Yelena immediately ran to the rescue.

Jarvis didn't go to help the Black Widow and the others, he walked up to the sullen Steve and said, "Steve Director, we need a commander to direct our battle, I know you're sad, but only you to shoulder this responsibility.”

(end of this chapter)

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