Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 511


Chapter 511 Nephew, Undercover

"You did good things yourself, did you forget?"

The little boy said bitterly to Wang Bert: "My name is Franklin, my father is Mister Fantastic Reed doctor, and my mother is Invisible Woman Susan, do you have an impression now?"

"Are you the Omega Level Mutant Franklin who can be born without a parent?"

Wang Bert astonished asked, Ancient One once told him about Franklin, and he had an impression.

"How is it born without a parent? Did it pop out of a rock? I just shuttled through the timeline."

Franklin said angrily: "Originally, my parents this year would get married, give birth to me before Christmas, and then, because of you, their relationship would fall apart and their wedding date was nowhere in sight.

This made me both exist and not exist, and could disappear at any time.”


"That is to say, if Dr. Reed and Susan can't bond in the end, then you will disappear completely."

Wang Bert suddenly realized, he said angrily: "Hey, don't I said that I was the same as the mistress, and I didn't destroy their relationship."

"I haven't destroyed it yet? Didn't you find that mistress of Silver Surfer?"

Franklin was furious Said: "Originally, even if they quarreled, they could get back together quickly, because of Silver Surfer, my mother became more and more angry with my father, and what was even more depressing was that my father had zero emotional intelligence and could not perceive the danger at all, and I was still there. Do experiments every day."

Wang Bert agrees: "Dr. Reed's emotional intelligence is indeed a bit low, and I have always wondered how he got into such a beautiful woman as Susan."

"How dare you say that? Blood God, I want you to pay the price."

Franklin said angrily, Wang Bert didn't care, he said, "Let's not say whether you can kill in this state. I, even if I could, have you thought about the consequences?

I'm just an Avatar, and my body is the God of Creation. Besides, breaking up Dr. Reed and Susan doesn't mean anything to me. It's hard, I can even soak Susan myself."

Franklin stared at Wang Bert and said angrily: "You dignified God of Creation, are you embarrassed to scare a child?"


"Which adult has never frightened a child?"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Okay, since you are Dr. Reed's child, that is, my nephew, I will not treat you badly. You, say, did I ever hug you when you were a child?"

"I don't know, I haven't been born yet, hum, if you dare to hug me, I will pee on your face."

Franklin coldly snorted, unlocking the time blockade on Wang Bert - dissatisfaction returns dissatisfaction, he is very clear that he and Blood God are not enemies.

It's worth mentioning that others are still in the midst of a time stop, including the Black King.


Wang Bert said with a smile: "You don't have to worry so much, when the Mutants planet thing is over, I will let Reed and Susan get married immediately, and then three Two years to hold two."

"God he aimed to hold two for three years."

Franklin rolled the eyes, he said: "Remember your promise, I don't want to really Disappeared."

"No problem."

Wang Bert asked in surprise: "Hey, why haven't you stabilized yet? It stands to reason that after I promise, your birth will take place. It should be a foregone conclusion."

"Because the fate of Mutants planet is uncertain."

Franklin said: "The future of Mutants planet is full of variables, until the dust settles, I will keep this After all, I belong to the future."

"Is it full of variables?"

Wang Bert's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked, "How much do you know about Wanda's reboot? "

"I only know that the world has restarted once. As for the specific situation, I don't know."

Franklin shook his head, he said: "My state is very poor, and it even has to be a long time." Sleep, or it will disappear."

"What a pity."

Wang Bert sighed, he found himself a little unlucky, he knew, he didn't want to say, he wanted to say, he didn't know.

Wang Bert asked, "What's the matter with you and Black King?"

"I needed a place to sleep, so I happened to be in casino and beat up Black King. Stop, let him prepare a room for me."

Franklin said: "I promised to help him with some troubles, but I didn't expect him to be troubled by you, Blood God, saying , Blood God, why is your Avatar so weak?"

"It's called Blood God Uncle."

Wang Bert said angrily: "Mutants planet has restrictions, I can only send A drop of blood with little power comes in, but it's not a big problem, I'll be the god of Mutants soon."

Franklin was stunned: "You want to be the god of Mutants?"

Wang Bert asked, "Can't you?"

"No, but someone will stop you."

Franklin scratched his head and said, "As for who it is, I don't know. Remember."

"Someone will stop me? Hmph, let him try."

Wang Bert squinted slightly, he said, "Franklin, you are me Nephew, I will take care of you and follow me in the future."

"Nephew? Are you taking advantage of me?"

Franklin was a little upset, he said: "I It needs a lot of sleep time, and it can't help you."

Wang Bert shook his head: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't stand against me, and I need a drop of your blood."

Franklin is Omega Mutants, his blood is very useful to Wang Bert, it is worth mentioning that the blood of Qin and Bobby, Wang Bert got it early, but unfortunately, neither of them is complete body, the effect is limited .


Franklin knew what Wang Bert wanted to do, he said: "I have the ability to control time and create things, and you want to be the god of Mutants, you can't do without me Mutant gene."

Wang Bert said with a smile: "So smart, Dr. Reed is so lucky, not only has a beautiful wife, but also an omega-level smart child."

"It's a pity that he bumped into you."

Franklin rolled the eyes, what he thought, pointed to the Black King and said to Wang Bert: "Blood God, can you let the Black King live? Although he is not What a good thing, but finally took care of me for a few years."

"I don't mind letting him go, but he won't let me go, he's a very proud man."


Wang Bert looked at Black King and said, "If nothing else happens, he will choose to believe in the Lord of Destruction, er, the original sin, the Old Guy has been staring here."

" I know that this is my time domain, and He can't sense the specific situation."

Franklin said: "In short, you can let him go, as for his future choices, I can't control it."

Franklin said: p>

"Okay, by the way, do me a little favor."

Wang Bert said: "Set a time loop on the goblin angel, when I activate the loop, her body and soul It'll be back to the present time."

Wise Franklin asked, "You want her to be undercover?"

"Yes, first, talk to her first."

Wang Bert walks up to the goblin angel and uses the Soul Secret Technique to enter her space of consciousness.

The fairy angel is a vain, luxurious woman, her consciousness space is a luxurious golden palace, Wang Bert ridiculed: "Your taste is too bad? No wonder Black King likes White Queen not I like you."

The goblin angel was at first also a little confused, but quickly understood what was going on, she shouted: "What's wrong with liking money? You rich people who were born with golden spoons , I don't know what it feels like to be poor at all."

"No, I know."

Wang Bert said: "Goblin Angel, time is limited, I won't talk nonsense, you can Will you surrender to me? Be my subordinate."

The fairy angel coldly snorted and said: "What if I don't want to?"

"There are two possibilities, the first , you believed in the Lord of Destruction together with Black King, and I killed you."

Wang Bert said: "Second, you and the other Mutants of Hellfire Club become my captives, and I will take you all If you are imprisoned, unless you are willing to sincerely correct yourself, you will never be free."

"Believe in the Lord of Destruction and become a prisoner?"

The fairy angel frowned greatly, She was unwilling to either of these two possibilities, she said: "Also Third Type possibility, that is, Black King and I killed you with the help of the Lord of Destruction."

Wang Bert said: " There is no such possibility, even if there is, you will not get what you want, because the world will be destroyed by the Lord of Destruction."

The fairy angel was silent, she hesitated, and asked: " What can you give me?"

Wang Bert said: "I will train you to become a big star, a big star like Psylocke, as long as I am here, you will never have to worry about getting out of breath."


"Big star?"

The fairy angel's breath was quickened immediately. As a vain woman, nothing could attract her more than a big star.

The focus of countless people's eyes, the object of countless people's adoration, when I think of the fanatical eyes of those fans, the fairy angel is a little intoxicated.

The goblin angel immediately asked: "BOSS, what do you want me to do?"

"It's quite direct."

Wang Bert ridicule, he Said: "You don't have to do anything. Next, I will attach a part of my breath to your soul, and then I can see everything you see.

After that, I will seal it. This memory of you, and imposes a time loop on you, there is a time loop, even if you believe in the Lord of Destruction, it can be restored to the original."

"Soul Aura, time loop?"

The fairy angel looked blank. Although he didn't understand it well, he felt very high-end.

The fairy angel thought for a while and asked, "Boss, do you want me to be an undercover agent?"

"Yes, but you can rest assured that your undercover agent is in any danger. No."

Wang Bert said, "Because you don't know you're undercover."

"That's good."

The Goblin Angel sighed in relief , she asked: "BOSS, will I be more beautiful than White Queen in the future?"

Wang Bert replied with certainty: "Yes, because White Queen does not intend to be a star."

The fairy angel was overjoyed, she said, "BOSS, I am willing to be an undercover agent."

"Very good."

Wang Bert was satisfied with the nodded, he took off his left eye and put it Between the leprechaun angel's eyebrows, the left eye blinked, disappeared.

Then, Wang Bert snapped his fingers, and the fairy angel's eyes became confused, but the memory was sealed by Wang Bert.

After doing this, Wang Bert said to the void: "Franklin, impose a time loop."


Franklin's projection appears in the Goblin Angel In the space of consciousness, he exerted his abilities while ridiculed: "In other words, Blood God, you really can control people's hearts."

"It's not that I can control people's hearts, but her weakness is too obvious."


Wang Bert shook the head and said, "With her here, I will soon be able to figure out what the original sin is up to."

"Original sin encounters you, and it is destined to have no good fruit to eat. ."

Franklin put down his hands and said, "The time loop is complete, and once the loop starts, she'll be back to where she is now."

"Very good."

Wang Bert was satisfied with the nodded, and took Franklin out of the consciousness space. Franklin yawned and said, "I'm going to sleep, you will take me back soon. As for the blood, you will draw it yourself."

Without waiting for Wang Bert to say anything, Franklin floated in the air and fell asleep. His state was obviously very bad.

As soon as Franklin fell asleep, the time pause was lifted immediately, and everything around him returned to normal. Black King was overjoyed when he saw Franklin, and then he was stunned: "Why are you sleeping?"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Black King, thank you for helping me find my eldest nephew."

"Is he your nephew?"

Black King is dumbfounded, he has a sense of himself acting absurd The feeling of the play - the existence that is regarded as a backer, is actually the nephew of the enemy, this is too ridiculous, right?

Wang Bert said: "Yes, my nephew said that you are good to him, so I will save your life."

"Dreaming, I will never surrender to you. "

Black King cursed loudly, he shouted in the heart: "Lord of the Destroyer, I am willing to believe in you."

The Lord of Destroyer, who had been staring here, immediately used the ability Detonate the space energy around Black King, and the surrounding space shatters, turning into a Space Storm and sweeping everything.

Wang Bert 'face changed', hastily suppressed the space, lest it spread out and destroy the casino.

Original Sin took the opportunity to escape with Black King and the goblin angel shuttling through the void, Wang Bert shouted: "50 million USD, I want them to die."

The banknote ability is activated, Black King The body and soul of the angel and the fairy were quickly broken, and the original sin hurriedly protected the two with black gas, and at the same time brought them back to hell at the fastest speed.

"Iron Man, this time you lost."

Original sin, laughed heartily, fought Wang Bert several times, and he finally won once.

Wang Bert sneered: "It's just two defeated, so why not give it to you? Original sin, I hope your source is enough to consume."

Original sin's face darkened, and he said: "Iron Man, despite being stubborn, one day, I will completely tear you apart."

"It's just you?"

Wang Bert is very disdainful, and the original sin is too lazy to say more. , consciousness leaves Hellfire Club.

"Everything went well."

A cold light flashed in Wang Bert's eyes. Trifling the original sin, is it worth fighting him?

After thinking for a while, Wang Bert snapped his fingers, and the elite Mutants who had been in constant free fall in the sky appeared at the same time on the ground. Their faces were full of panic, and their bodies kept shaking.

"From now on, you are officially my captives, and all of you and Hellfire Club's assets will be confiscated by me."

Wang Bert indifferently asked: "I'm done. , who approves, who opposes?"

The elite Mutants smiled wryly, who dares to oppose? Torrent said on behalf of the crowd: "Iron Man, we surrender, please don't throw us into the sky again."

"Very good."

Wang Bert satisfied nodded, Black King collected data Ten years of wealth, belong to him - Black King is very rich, not counting fixed assets, only liquidity, there are ten figures.

(end of this chapter)

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