Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 517


Chapter 517 Election Day
Seeing everyone around him stop, Kingpin couldn't help but be taken aback. Wang Bert came out and said, "Kingpin, I have bad news for you. Your wife and children are dead."

"Huh?" Man, you killed my wife and children?"

"That's not true. If I want to kill you, I will also kill you. What would you kill your wife and children for?"

Wang Bert spread his hands, Then, he snapped his fingers, and a light curtain appeared next to him. In the light curtain, Kingpin's wife and children were being chased by the killer.

Kingpin couldn't help walking to the front of the light curtain. At this moment, the killer caught up with his wife and children and stabbed the knife into their bodies. With both fists, he roared with red eyes: "Iron Man, why didn't you save them?"

"My agreement with you is to protect them after you die."

Wang Bert said lightly: "Now, you are not dead, I have no obligation to protect them."

"Yes, you are not obligated, it is me who is obligated, I did not protect them well."


Kingpin knelt down in front of the light curtain with a look of pain and remorse.

Wang Bert continued: "Besides, I came back from the future, and I can't easily change history."

"Coming back in the future?"

Kingpin was stunned , At this time, a picture of Kingpin returning to the house appeared in the light curtain, kneeling in front of the corpses of his wife and children, and weeping bitterly.

Kingpin was shocked and sad. After a while, Kingpin in the light curtain suddenly grew bigger and slammed the floor hard, turning the house into ruins.

Kingpin was shocked, he turned to Wang Bert and asked, "Why am I getting so big? Am I suddenly awakened as Mutants?"

Wang Bert said: " sorry, you are not Mutants, the reason why you became big is because you believed in the Lord of Destruction, became his messenger, gluttony.

As for why you believe in him, I think you should be with you About their wives and children, 80% is that the Lord of Destruction promised to resurrect them."

"For them, I can destroy everything, including this world."

Kingpin looked at Wang Bert , asked: "Iron Man, you came back to kill me?"

"I want to kill you, I don't need to go back to the past so troublesome, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

Wang Bert took action, the souls of Kingpin's wife and children lay asleep in his palm, Kingpin was stunned, he asked: "This is their soul?"

"Yes, there is their soul , I can resurrect them at any time."

Wang Bert said: "My conditions are the same as those of the Lord of Destruction, you help me with errands, I will help you resurrect your wife and children, which side do you choose? Decide for yourself."

Kingpin said decisively: "I choose your side."

Wang Bert smiled and asked, "You are so optimistic about me?"

"You can even travel through time, how could the Lord of Destruction be your opponent?"

Kingpin said: "In addition, I don't want to destroy the world at all, I am the Underworld Emperor, not mental disorder."

"Those who want to destroy the world are mental disorders."

Wang Bert agreed, he said: "Okay, don't worry, I won't let you down. , I will do what I promise you."

"What do you want me to do?"

Kingpin got up from the ground, wiped his tears, solemnly asked, in this brief At the moment, he once again changed back to that all-powerful Underworld Emperor.

"It's very simple, help me put this gem into the body of the world destroyer. In addition, in order to avoid being discovered by the world destroyer, I will hide the gem in your soul."

Wang Bert took out a lustrous and restrained gemstone and said - this is a special gemstone he made with hundreds of millions of dollars, and the function will be introduced later.

"No problem."

Kingpin nodded very succinctly, he said: "However, I'm not good at acting, I'm not sure I can deceive the Lord of Destruction."

"Even if you are good at acting, you can't hide it. If you want to hide from the Lord of Destruction, there is only one way, and that is to seal your memory. In addition, I will set up a time loop on you. After completing the mission, you will Return to the current state."

Wang Bert said: "I am a positive person and will not sacrifice others at will."

"A positive person who sells prohibited items, steals money and launders money ?"

Kingpin inwardly complained, he said: "I believe in you."

"Very good."

Wang Bert was nodded with satisfaction and sent the gem Enter Kingpin's soul, and then he arranges a complex time magic array on Kingpin.

A moment later, Wang Bert withdrew his fingers and said, "Okay, everything is done, Kingpin, your memory will be awakened at a critical moment, when that happens, don't drop the chain."

" Good."

Kingpin was first nodded, then hesitated, and said, "Iron Man, can you help me clean up? If I can, I'm willing to give you most of my net worth."

Kingpin had the idea of whitewashing before, but unfortunately, the situation did not allow it. This time he experienced the death of his wife and children, and he completely made up his mind that he would leave the gang and become an ordinary person.

“It’s not difficult to clean up, but you have to hide your name and live in the countryside.”

Wang Bert said: “Otherwise, it’s useless to clean up your whitewash because those gangs I will never let you go, you have too many lives in your hands.”

“As long as your family is around, what does the countryside matter?”

Kingpin said very open-mindedly : "I think I'll be a good farmer."

"If you really want to, I'll help you fulfill your wish."

Wang Bert snapped his fingers, time At the end of the cycle, Kingpin lost his memory and returned to the previous time. He did not have any inappropriate instructions to his subordinates: "Send this shipment to South America..." disappeared, and then he started the time watch and returned to the crossing over time point.

Wang Bert thought to himself: "Basically all the preparations that need to be made have been made, and now, it's time to wait for the election day."

At the same time, the original sin in hell also murmured He said to himself: "The seven deadly sins have been settled, and now it's election day, Iron Man, this time, I will never lose again."


A few days later, the general election day.

On this day, many voters in America lined up to vote. At the same time, the seven messengers of original sin were either nervous or excited to make final preparations.

In a water factory in the city of God, he greedily turned on the tap and poured a glass of water to drink. Then, he said excitedly: "The water with poison qi is delicious."


The fairy angel sneered: "You think I haven't drunk it? It tastes exactly the same as normal water. If it weren't for this, you would have been found out about your poisoning in the water."

"You don't understand, what I drink is not water, but Death."

Although the past few days Greed has been open strife and veiled struggle with Black King, he did not take his anger on the goblin angel, he Said: "In another hour, these waters will kill several millions of lives in the city of God, and when I think of this, I can't wait to sing aloud."

"You really are a devil."

The fairy angel was snorted and asked: "Why did you let me stay? Logically, shouldn't Fury stay here to cooperate with you?"

"For the overall situation, for the sake of arrogance Show my sincerity."

Laughed greedily, then, he took off an eye and threw it in the midair, the eye quickly swelled into a light curtain, in the light curtain, Black King and Fury were in the communication bureau Busy.

Greedy asked: "Pride, are you ready over there?"

"Ready, in an hour, the entire city's network will be cut off at the same time, including the phone signal. , network, etc."

Black King nodded greedily and said: "Of course, this won't last long, greedy, I hope your poison qi is not a fake and shoddy product."

"Relax, As long as five minutes, the city of God will become hell."

Greedy and confident said: "By the way, after you disconnect from the Internet, return to my side immediately, no one knows how many Iron Man has come. Hurry up."

"I know, huh, Iron Man is even better. With the strength of the four of us, it may not be impossible to kill him."

Black King coldly said, he was right Wang Bert hated it so much that the other party not only robbed him of his White Queen, but also rubbed his dignity on the ground fiercely.

In order to kill Iron Man, Black King can give everything.

Greedy shook his head: "It's better not to create extra branches. As long as you survive five minutes, God will come and completely end Iron Man and this world."

"It's too much to die like this. Cheap Iron Man."

Black King shook the head, interrupting the communication, then he took a look at the take action watch, also fifty-nine minutes.


Tokyo, it's night, the young Yashida Ichiro was drinking tea on the high platform while enjoying the night view of the city, he sighed: "This is the last I saw the night view of Tokyo once, and to be honest, I was a little reluctant."

"I also hate the night view of New York. It's all because of that damn Iron Man."

General Anthony cursed unhappily, if there is no Iron Man, he should stay in the America Army at this moment, waiting for the new President to be elected.

"No, we should thank Iron Man, without him, how could we have eternal life and great power? Friends, power is not important, what is important is to live."

Ambition Tian Shilang said with a smile: "Life is more important than anything else."


General Anthony shook the head and said: "Your arrangements are not worth it. Is there a problem?"

"No problem."

Yoshida Ichiro said with a smile: "In an hour, all the speakers in Tokyo will sound the sound of Death at the same time, and then, Those humans will frantically kill each other, and in less than half an hour, Tokyo will become a city of Death."

General Anthony said, "Is half an hour a bit too long? Iron Man a I can get to Tokyo with a single thought."

"Rest assured, this is just one of the means, I also put a lot of poison qi and bombs in Tokyo and they all explode whenever I push the button, like It's like fireworks."

Ichiro Yashida said: "In addition, the communication in Tokyo has been controlled by me, and after an hour, all networks will be interrupted."

"That's good."

General Anthony looked in the direction of New York and muttered to himself: "Richard, Iron Man, you want to be President, dream! Today is your death!"


New York, Kingpin asked his men: "Are you all ready?"

"It's ready, in an hour, those thugs will riot , frantically destroying everything in New York, and in addition, we bought the prison guards, and when the time comes, those prisoners will be released." What do you want to do? Why destroy New York with all your money?"

"You don't need to ask so much, I will bear the consequences myself."

Kingpin coldly said, His subordinates hurriedly bowed their heads, not daring to ask more questions. In the past few days, Kingpin was more violent than before, and more than a dozen people have died at his hands because of wrong words.

Kingpin took out a pocket watch from his arms, opened it, and inside was a picture of his wife and children, he muttered to himself: "I would do anything for you."

… …

Hell, Original Sin is rapidly developing the evil believers in America, however, He did not let the evil believers act immediately - He will send these evil believers at the same time as the City of God and Tokyo are launched to disperse Iron Man their attention.

Original Sin sneered secretly: "Election? You don't have to be so troublesome in the future, because you won't have another future."


Mutants Affairs Department , XProfessor Charles, Security Squad, X-Men, Mutants Affairs, and the newly joined brother will gather in the square to hear Iron Man Wang Bert speak.

"I know, there must be a lot of doubts in your hearts at this moment..."

Wang Bert slowly said, at this moment, Wade loudly shouted: "We have no doubts, Iron Man, you Let us do what we do."

Everyone was speechless, the flattery was too loud, right? After all, you are also a famous strong man, can you be a little more disciplined?
Facing everyone's contemptuous eyes, Wade is not ashamed but proud, you know shit, do you think Lao Tzu can be CEO just because Lao Tzu is handsome?
"Wade, if you speak again, I will sew your mouth up."

Wang Bert cursed angrily, then continued: "The reason why you are called here is because of the World Destroyer. The Lord is ready to destroy the City of God and Tokyo, we must stop them, otherwise, the Lord of the World will destroy the world!"

"What, the Lord of the World will destroy the City of God and Tokyo?"

There was an uproar, they knew that Wang Bert must have had a big event to call them, but didn't expect it would be so big.

Wang Bert asked: "Don't worry, everything is under control, I just ask you, would you like to follow me to protect the world?"

"Of course."


All the Mutants loudly shouted at the same time, Iron Man is the Mutants savior, not to mention, he is now guarding the world.

"Very well, let's start setting up the mission."

Wang Bert was satisfied with the nodded, and he shouted: "Wade, you lead the security squad to follow me, except Wolverine."

"Yes, BOSS!"

Wade led the security squad loudly shouted, Wolverine looked puzzled, why except Lao Tzu?

Then, Wang Bert turned his head to look at the professor and said, "Professor Charles, you lead the Wolverine, Mutants escort and X-Men to the island nation of Tokyo to stop jealousy and laziness, is there any problem?"


"No problem, we'll stop them."

Professor nodded, Wolverine can't help asking:"Why am I going to Tokyo?"

"Because there There's your old acquaintance."

Wang Bert said he wasn't trying to see if Wolverine and Mariko would spark, he wasn't that bad.

“old acquaintance ?”

Wolverine scratched his head. During World War II, he did go to the island country. The question is, it was several decades ago, and also acquaintances alive?
"Quicksilver Pietro."

Wang Bert shouted, "You lead the Mutants from the Mutants Mutual Aid Society, guarding America in place of the escort, is there any problem? My Iron Man Armor will stay and help you."

(end of this chapter)

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