Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 535


Chapter 535 Romulus
"I knew that guy was a trouble."

Hearing the siren, Hank cursed, loudly shouted: "Curt, take all the X-Men and escorts to Liberty Island, I'll call Iron Man and report this to him."

paused, Hank Reminder: "Remember, Magneto is very dangerous, you must not be careless, you must be careful and careful, I don't want to sign your Death notice."

"Yes, Minister."

Everyone nodded one after another, and then, hand in hand, with the help of Curt, they teleported to Liberty Island together.

"Bert, something happened."

After Curt and the others left, Hank immediately called Wang Bert, who was discussing matters with President Richard in the White House. Wang Bert listened to Hank. He said, "I'll go back to New York immediately, and I'll send Wade and the others to support."


Hank hesitated, then said, "Bert, For Erik, there's no need to hold back, he's already enchanted."

The fact that Magneto abandoned Mystique completely angered the good guy Hank, who no longer regards him as a friend now.

"I know."

Wang Bert nods, then he calls Wade first and asks him to bring someone to support New York, then he stands up and says: " Your Excellency President, I'll go back to New York first, this time the matter may be bigger."

Richard President hurriedly said: "Bert, please trouble you, I will keep an eye on this matter and ask What kind of support, you can say."

"Let the residents of Manhattan retreat first, as for whether to let the army enter the city, I will see the situation first."

Wang Bert said Two sentences, disappeared from White House.

Liberty Island, Curt and the others appear out of thin air, Curt looked at the flying Statue of Liberty and couldn't help but stunned: "Statue of Liberty is alive again?"

Shockwave looked up and ridiculed: "Damn, it's really alive again, I said it long ago, this thing shouldn't be rebuilt." The red-eyed Mutants rushed towards them viciously, the shock wave recognized them, and said in amazement: "Are they citizens and tourists?"

"They should be under control, try to kill them without killing them. They knocked them down."

Storm flew into the air, and as he pushed the wind to sway the red-eyed Mutants, he shouted, "Curt, you go to the Statue of Liberty and check it out and be safe."


Curt nodded, and suddenly appeared in front of the Statue of Liberty, where he saw a group of people standing at the booth of the female Divine Idol, the gray-skinned Apocalypse and a face Excited Magneto.


Magneto disdainful smile, raised his hand, a few screws detached from the female Divine Idol, moved towards Curt and shot away.

Curt was about to teleport when Blink clapped his hands, and a purple light swept across the void. Curt suddenly felt that the surrounding space had become so chaotic that he could no longer teleport.

Curt was startled, seeing that he was about to be hit by a screw, just then, two Crimson's lasers roared from below, destroying the screw.

Magneto bowed his head and saw Wade standing on the steel bridge below, he couldn't help but let out a coldly snorted, Iron Man's lackey, a disgusting human experiment.

At this time, the space interference disappeared, Curt hurriedly teleported back to Wade, and he said: "Wade, thank you, be careful, some of them can interfere with the space."

"Relax, Leave it to me."

Wade nods, his eyes glow red, and he shoots towards the shining torch of Goddess of freedom, Magneto controls a piece of steel to block the laser, and turns to Romulus: "Then The guy's name is Wade, he's tricky, please deal with him."

"I like tricky guys."

Romulus laughed, jumped straight from the Statue of Liberty, moved towards Wade below falling fiercely.

At the same time, Blink opened a Transmission Gate, and a group of Mutants who supported Magneto entered the Transmission Gate and returned to Liberty Island to deal with the security company and the Mutants escort, in order to delay them here.

As for Magneto himself, he will continue to control the Statue of Liberty to fly to Manhattan Island. Once he succeeds, Manhattan will suffer heavy losses.

At this moment, Apocalypse, whose eyes were slightly dull, suddenly lifted the head to look at the void, and then he smiled slightly, and suddenly disappeared.

Apocalypse disappeared, Magneto not only did not panic, but sighed in relief: "The biggest obstacle, lifted."

In the space mezzanine, Wang Bert, who was teleporting, was suddenly trapped in a transparent In the space pyramid of , Apocalypse appeared in front of Wang Bert and said, "Iron Man, we meet again."


Wang Bert looked at Apocalypse , said: "The times have changed, now is a civilized society, not the stupid and ignorant world you used to, your plan is doomed to fail."

"No matter how civilized a society is, it is still weak are prey. to the strong, there is no difference from before."

Apocalypse disdainfully said: "Iron Man, as a dignified god of creation, why do you want to be with ants?"

"You Do you know that I am the God of Creation? That's why you didn't fight me?"

Wang Bert coldly snorted and said: "An ant? goals and responsibilities, you will never understand.”

Apocalypse was shocked: “You went from an ordinary person to a creator god?”

“You are not The main body?"

Wang Bert's eyes narrowed, and he immediately rushed towards the pyramid wall, a trifling Avatar, still unable to trap him.

Apocalypse's body saw this, and quickly projected most of the power over, the space pyramid changed from transparency to reality, trapping Wang Bert inside.

Seeing Apocalypse projecting power over, Wang Bert stopped. Although he was trapped, Apocalypse was also restrained. In this case, it was not a big problem.

As for Magneto, someone will deal with him.

Wang Bert turned around and coldly said: "Apocalypse, I will kill your Avatar and destroy your body, unless you submit to me."

"Acknowledge Allegiance is you."

Apocalypse coldly snorted, he asked: "Iron Man, don't you want to talk?"

"There are two irreconcilable between you and me Contradictions, there is nothing to talk about."

Wang Bert shook his head: "No matter how we talk, in the end, we still have to fight."

Apocalypse asked with interest: "Which Two irreconcilable contradictions?"

"The first one, the god of Mutants, can only be me."

"Sorry, there is only one god of Mutants in this world, and that is me. , Apocalypse."

"Second, human beings are not slaves, they are free beings."

"Human beings are slaves, the slaves who once betrayed me, I will rule over mankind again , this time, I will not be mistaken again."

"So, we are destined to fight."

Wang Bert's eyes lit up red and said: "The winner For God, loser, Death, or yield."

Apocalypse nods, loudly said: "just to my liking, come on"

Wang Bert nonsense, two Lasers pierced through the void, moved towards Apocalypse fiercely.

Apocalypse held one of both hands, and a flame shield suddenly appeared to block the laser. Then, he loudly shouted, the flame burst, turned into a huge Fireball and blasted at Wang Bert.

Wang Bert exhaled a lot of cold air from his hands, and the Fireball was frozen in the air. Then, he blasted the ice ball with a bolt of lightning. The ice ball turned into countless sharp blades and was densely packed and shot at Apocalypse.

Apocalypse drew sand out of thin air and turned it into a big hand. Then, the big hand slapped it hard, breaking all the ice along the way, and slapped Wang Bert, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Wang Bert opened his mouth, sound waves roared out in layers, and the big sand hand disintegrated and disappeared in the air.

Apocalypse and Wang Bert looked at each other blankly at the same time, only one thought in their hearts, the guy on the opposite side is so annoying.

The same kind hates the same kind the most. Apocalypse gains a lot of superpower by constantly shifting consciousness. Wang Bert masters the origin of the variant by analyzing the mutant ability, and also gains a lot of superpower. The two can be said to be natural enemies.

Wang Bert sneered: "I want to see, how many bodies have you changed and how much superpower do you have?"

"I also want to see if the dignified God of Creation has mastered it. How many kinds of superpower?"

Apocalypse was also coldly snorted, and then, the complicated superpower battle between the two broke out again.


Let's turn the time back a little, Romulus fell from the sky and moved towards Wade, Wade let out an exaggerated cry and suddenly disappeared.

Bang, Romulus fell on the steel bridge, the deck dented, and Romulus was fine.

At this moment, Wade appeared out of thin air behind Romulus, and stabbed him in the back with a sword. Surprisingly, as soon as Wade appeared, Romulus turned around immediately, He kicked Wade hard, and Wade screamed and flew out into the sea.

"I've killed a teleporter like you, I don't know how many."

Romulus looked at the sea, disdainfully said: "To be honest, you are teleporting. The ability person belongs to the relatively inferior kind, and you have not mastered this ability at all."

"I finally saw a guy whose mouth stinks more than me."

The one in the sea Wade ridicule said, his eyes glowed red, moved towards Romulus fiercely, Romulus easily avoided sideways, and then he rushed into the security company's team like lightning.

peng peng peng ......The vomiting boy and the others were not Romulus' opponents at all.

"This guy's melee ability is more terrifying than that guy Wolverine."

Wade was shocked, and hurriedly teleported to Romulus, then, he swung his two swords , slashed towards Romulus incessantly.

Wade has high-speed reflexes, and he is never afraid of any opponent in melee combat, but today, the bare-handed Romulus taught him a good lesson.

Romulus's fighting skills are perfect, he keeps dodging around Wade, and Wade can't hit him at all. After a few times, because of his anxiety, Wade appeared in a weak spot, and Romulus caught him. Taking the chance, take action like electricity, a hand knife pierced Wade's chest and came out of his back.

Wade screamed and then disappeared with Romulus's arm.

When they appeared again, the two had reached a height of 10,000 meters. Then, Wade slashed at Romulus's arm with a sharp blade.

Wade thought that Romulus would be a little sluggish when suddenly teleported into the sky, but unfortunately, he didn't. His left hand accurately grabbed Wade's forearm, and then he hit him with a headbutt. On Wade's forehead, Wade felt dizzy as if he was hit by a sledgehammer.

Fortunately, Wade is also experienced, he immediately released electricity to interrupt Romulus' attack, Romulus's hair fluttered and smoked, but he didn't scream, instead With a smile on his face, he seemed very satisfied.

"Does this guy have any special hobby?"

Wade hesitated, suddenly hugged Romulus, and even wrapped his hands and feet around him—— It's not that he has any special hobby, he just wants to 'perish together' with each other, he has regeneration anyway.

Wade secretly prayed: "I hope it won't be too painful for a while, 10,000 meters in the sky, I really haven't tried it."

Seeing this, Romulus did not push Wade away , but also hugged him, like a pair of mandarin ducks going to death together.

"I'm not that kind of person."

Wade suddenly felt like giving up, but he gritted his teeth and continued to do free fall with Romulus.

On the edge of Manhattan Island, two silhouettes hugged and slammed onto the road with a bang, raising a lot of dust and cement blocks. When the dust disappeared, a big pit appeared on the road, and there were two groups of meat sauce in the pit. and a golden bone frame.

What is terrifying is that both the meat sauces are moving, and after a while, one of the meat sauces reverts to Wade's head, and he ridiculed: "I hope no one took a picture just now, otherwise I will A lifetime of fame is over."

"You are discriminatory. In fact, homosexuality is very common and popular in Rome."

A voice sounded behind Wade, and Wade turned in horror. He looked over and found that Romulus had recovered half of his body, and the remaining half had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only does this guy heal himself, he's faster than Wade.

"Don't be surprised, I am the ancestor of Wolverine, your regeneration is from Wolverine, I am faster than you is normal."

Romulus laughed, in a short time, he has Back to normal, except for the ragged clothes, there is no difference from before.

“Ancestor of Wolverine?”

Wade swooned, and with a flattering smile he said, “I have Wolverine blood on me, which means you are me too. Ancestor, we are our own people."

"You are thick-skinned, well, you will be my grandson in the future. By the way, I like to play with descendants the most."

Romu Loos grinned and punched down Wade's head, shattering the muscles, revealing Adamantium bones.

"It's Adamantium again."

Romulus shook the head, his fists slammed down like howling wind and torrential rain, Wade's newly recovered body was beaten again broken.

Wade burst into electricity with all his strength, and Romulus was blasted out, but he immediately returned to the pit to continue beating Wade.

"Thank you for letting me relive the joy of falling from the sky. When I used to think about suicide, I tried it more than ten times, and I was happy every time. By the way, I also I supported Wright's brother in researching aircraft, hahaha."

Romulus laughed heartily, attacking Wade frantically, Wade couldn't fight back at all, he cursed in his heart, where is this perversion?
At this moment, a miniature missile fell from the sky and slammed into Romulus, and even Romulus was blown away.

But Romulus was still alive. In the raging fire, all the flesh and blood gathered towards the head at the same time, and then, a strong body re-formed.

(end of this chapter)

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