Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 542


Chapter 542 Transfer
"BOSS, you are so cool."

See Wang Bert Moment To solve Manhattan's troubles, Wade was stunned for a moment, then his hands were trumpet-shaped, loudly shouted: "I love you to death."

"How far is it."

Wang Bert face full of black lines, waved Wade fan to the horizon.

Everyone laughed heartily, they looked at Wang Bert with adoring eyes, such a big disaster, he solved it with a clapping of hands, as powerful as Spiritual God.

"Long live Iron Man."

A moment later, the people of Manhattan, the police, and the military all cheered. As long as there is Iron Man, there is no need to worry about any trouble.

The battle is officially over here, however, there are a lot of troubles left, such as appeasing those New Mutants, also, resolving the mess left by Magneto.

According to the rough statistics after the fact, the losses caused by Magneto in America are as high as 10 billion USD, and there are dozens of steel bridges that are damaged alone - only in the scope of America. In addition, this is only a rough statistics, not calculated Death compensation or something.

The bill, in the end, was paid by Quicksilver Pietro, in exchange for Magneto to live as an ordinary old man.

"Can I really pay off this debt in my lifetime? I'm afraid I won't even pay off the interest?"

Quicksilver ridicule, wishing to break away from father and son with Magneto The relationship, this Old Guy, is too pitiful.

Wang Bert said with a smile: "It's okay, you can have more children and let them help you pay them back together."

"I'll try my best to pay it back slowly, I can't be the same as that old fogey, and I can't deceive my own children."

Quicksilver frowned, he asked: "Iron Man, when are you going to deprive old fogey of his memory?"

"Wait for a few days, there are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with."

Wang Bert sighed: "I knew I was not the Minister of Defense. When I became this Minister, I couldn't take the blame for a lot of things."

"I hope such a disaster will not happen again in the future."

Kuaiyin sighed: "If must happen, don't have anything to do with me again, count 10 billion USD, old man. God, how much courier and takeaway do I need to deliver?"

Wang Bert touched his chin and said, "Maybe you can try artificial power generation, power plants are very profitable, and the price of oil will keep going up."


"Is there something wrong with this?"

Kuaiyin blinked. He was so poor that he didn't want to let go of any opportunity to make money-the reason why he agreed to such a condition, It's also because he is poor. Anyway, he has no money, so what if he owes 10 billion?
"You think about it yourself."

Wang Bert laughed, returned to White House to work, and thought about when to quit.

I'm worth 10 billion, why should I be so tired?
In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed, and the huge damage caused by Magneto gradually subsided. On this day, Wang Bert brought Pietro, Professor and Raven to see Magneto who was locked up in Mutants Prison of the Rebirth Group.

On the way, Pietro keeps staring at the professor, he can't help asking: "Professor, is it really you?"

"Of course it's me, I said , I was known as a beauty when I was young."

The young professor touched his hair and said with a smile, it is worth mentioning that he is still in a wheelchair, and his mental energy is too strong, causing Spinal nerves are compressed and cannot walk.

"You look good enough to be a star."

What did Kuaiyin think of, his eyes shined, and he said, "Professor, why don't you form a group with me to debut? Listen? Said superstars make a lot of money."


Professor didn't know whether to cry or laugh, this old friend's son has completely lost his money recently, If it was before, he could still help the other party a little, but now, he is as poor as the other party.

At this time, everyone walked to the front of Magneto's cell, wearing white clothed clothes and a wristband. Magneto, who looked extremely old, looked at everyone and said slowly: "When the time comes?"

"Yes, Magneto, I will completely strip your memory and abilities, and turn you into an ordinary old man. After that, you will be placed under residential surveillance."

Wang Bert said : "You should thank Pietro, the reason why you can have such generous conditions is because he counts 10 billion in debt for you."

"Count 10 billion in debt?"

Magneto was stunned for a moment, he looked at Pietro, his eyes flashed with emotion, but on the surface, he said coldly: "Idiot, why play by human rules? We are Mutants!"

"Old fogey, you really haven't changed at all."

Kuaiyin said unhappily: "Do you know how hard I work every day to make money? How many 10 billion, I'm even sleeping now I can't sleep well."

Magneto said: "I said, you are stupid, if you are smart enough, you should rush in and save me, and then we will fight against the vile humans, as for Pay back the money, why pay back the city that is destroyed by its ability?"

Quicksilver shook his head repeatedly, the old fogey was really helpless, he said to Wang Bert: "Iron Man, please trouble you."

Magneto clutched at the plastic fence, loudly shouted: "Iron Man, you can defeat me, but you can't defeat the Mutants, there will be another me leading the Mutants against the humans."

"I won't allow such a thing to happen."

Wang Bert was too lazy to talk to Magneto, he said to the professor: "Actually, if it weren't for a special reason, I would rather kill Magneto directly, I In the past, the most annoying thing about watching movies was the kind of plot where the protagonist grabbed the enemy and didn't kill it."

Professor said with a smile: "I'm curious, what is the charm of Erik's daughter, even you are so Like her?"

"She's the perfect woman."

Wang Bert laughed and continued: "To avoid the situation from the last time, I will use Magneto's ability to completely deprived, so that even if in the future he is Even if people are rescued, they will not be able to set off any storms. "

"Can mutant ability be deprived? "

Everyone was stunned, and the professor asked, "Bert, wouldn't it be better to use the antidote to turn him back into an ordinary person?" "

"That antidote can't take effect permanently, and even if it could, there is a way to remove it." "

Wang Bert said: "I will completely deprive Magneto of his abilities, the ones that are completely irrecoverable, Professor, the reason why I tell you so much is because I want to give you Magneto's abilities." "

"Give me Erik's abilities?" "

Professor was stunned: "Can the mutant ability be given? "

"Yes, just use Mystique's gene to neutralize it. "

Professor Wang Bert also agreed

, he said: "Although you want to retire, you know about Celestials, I need help, after you integrate Magneto's ability, it is very likely to become Omega Level Mutant. "

The professor thought for a while, then turned to Magneto and asked, "Erik, would you like me to use your abilities?" "

"Did I say I don't want to be useful?" "

Magneto coldly snorted, he was silent for a while, and said: "This ability is better for you than for others. At least, you will wholeheartedly maintain Mutants." "

"Then I'm welcome." "

Professor took a deep breath and said, "Bert, I agree, just to earn some retirement money for myself, Pietro, I will help you share some of the debt." "

Kuaiyin's eyes brightened: "Really? Professor, you are really good, much more reliable than old fogey. "

Magneto looked a little ugly, and he said, "It's fine to change back to the ordinary person, but I don't want to live with Pietro, Lorna, and the others. With them, I'll reduce my life by at least ten years. Find someone you want." Just throw me in the nursing home. "

Quicksilver is very dissatisfied: "old fogey, you also have no conscience? I have 10 billion in debt for you, 10 billion, how many pairs of running shoes can I buy? "

"It's not up to you, in fact, the whole world would cheer if you were pissed off." "

Wang Bert snorted, he stopped wasting time, raised his hand, a transparent ball of light appeared out of thin air in his palm, and then, the ball of light flew into Magneto's body, and Magneto cried out in pain I felt that something extremely important was being deprived.

Soon, the transparent light ball turned into a blood-colored light ball and flew out of Magneto's body. Magneto fell to the ground and passed out.

Quickyin, who had just quarreled with Magneto, was in a hurry and wanted to go in to check Magneto's situation, but he didn't have the key.

Wang Bert ignored Quickyin, he controlled the blood-colored light ball to fly out and sent it to it He breathed in a special breath, and then, with a finger, the blood-colored light ball flew straight into the professor's body, and the professor felt his body swell.

Suddenly, the professor let out a loud roar, and the whole person was stunned. It floated in midair, and then, all the metal products around it vibrated violently.

In the eyes of the professor, the surrounding suddenly changed, no people, no ground, no buildings, only magnetic fields, more important The thing is, he can manipulate these magnetic fields at will, making them change.

"From now on, I'm Magneto. "

A thought flashed through the professor's mind, and the surroundings suddenly returned to normal. Then, the professor fell out of the air, brow beaded with sweat, and sat back in the wheelchair.

Raven hurriedly Checking the professor's situation, the professor waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and then he said, "Bert, Erik's power has merged with me smoothly, but it will take me a while to fully grasp this power. "

Wang Bert said with a smile: "With your wisdom and experience, you will be fine. "

Seeing that the ability transfer was completed, Kuaiyin hurriedly asked: "Iron Man, can you let me in to see the old fogey?" "

"No hurry, I'll revise his memory first, and when the revision is finished, you can take him home and take care of him slowly. "

Wang Bert said: "Without the ability, even if he is rescued, even if he regains his memory, there will be no more threats. "

Quicksilver said worriedly: "Next time, I'll revise my memory, his condition doesn't look good. "

"Modifying memories has nothing to do with the body. "

Wang Bert shook the head, using the professor's ability to modify Magneto's memory, and slightly modified his appearance.

Soon, 'Magneto' disappeared, and the rest There is only an ordinary old man Erik, a messy old man who is grumpy because of his sons and daughters.

Next, Wang Bert opened the fence and said to Quicksilver: "You can take Erik away after you complete the formalities. "

"Okay, Iron Man, many thanks." "

Quicksilver was overjoyed, and quickly went in to check Erik's situation.

After finishing this, Wang Bert said to Mystique Raven: "Raven, do you want to become an ordinary person?" "

"Yes, I'm tired, I hope the injection antidote becomes an ordinary person." "

Raven nods: "It doesn't matter if it's not permanent, I won't use the shape-shifting ability again." "

Wang Bert hesitated and said, "Your ability is very special. If you stimulate your potential and complete your genes, you might be able to become an Omega Level Mutant." "

"Can I be an Omega Level Mutant too?" "

Raven was stunned, when did the Omega Level Mutant become so worthless?
Wang Bert nodded: "Yes, your mutant gene is very common, after it is complete, you can imitate other mutant genes. Sentinels do. "

Raven hesitated, and after a while, she shook her head and said, "I'm tired, I don't want to continue fighting, Iron Man, please forgive me." "

"That's a shame, but I respect your choice." "

Wang Bert said, this kind of thing cannot be forced, and there is no need to be stronger.

Raven said: "many thanks. ”

This matter has come to an end here, as for what will happen to Quicksilver and Erik in the future, it is their own business, the character of Magneto, completely disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, time Another seven days passed. On this day, Wang Bert brought Professor, Wade, Wolverine, Psylocke, Iceman, Shadowcat, Yuriko, Quicksilver, and the antidote to the rebirth group training ground.

Wade asked. : "Boss, what's your order? "

Wang Bert said with a smile: "No hurry, let me tell you about history first, the history related to Celestials." "

"Celestials? "

Most people are at a loss, Wang Bert has no nonsense and briefly introduces Celestials: "Mutants were born because Celestials experimented with primordial people..."

Wolverine frowns: "So, we're all experimenters? "

"You could say that.

Wang Bert> nods,

Wade shouted: "They don't think, we Mutants are not livestock, want to catch Mutants, trample on my body first. "

Everyone is a little speechless, you are not Mutants at all, okay? Why are you shouting so loudly, so devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence?

"This is the purpose of my coming to you, Each of you has extraordinary potential, and I want to train you so that you can compete with the Celestials. "

Wang Bert said with a smile, the god of Mutants must have followers, and Celestials many people, Wang Bert needs others to help share the fire.

"Compete with Celestials?" "

Everyone couldn't help frowning, even Wade and Psylocke. The professor said: "Bert, according to you, Celestials are stronger than Apocalypse, I can say, fused with Erik's ability In the end, they could barely compete with Apocalypse, but the gap between them and Apocalypse is not that big. "

Everyone nodded, especially the antidote, he was about to cry, fighting or something was too terrifying for him, let alone fighting Celestials.

"Don't worry, those who can be selected by me have enough potential, we will come one by one. "

Wang Bert said with a smile: "First of all, Wade, I will help you accommodate as much superpower as possible, then you will have a qualitative change, even Apocalypse, it is possible to fight." "

Wade was overjoyed, and then showed his loyalty: "Boss, whatever you say is what you say, and I will definitely follow you." "

"Very good. "

Wang Bert was satisfied with the nodded, and then said: "Next is Wolverine and Yuriko, you both have regeneration, I will inject the ability of Romulus into your body, then, your regeneration and strength will be greatly increased. ”

(end of this chapter)

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