Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 553


Chapter 553 God of Mutants

paused, Celestials continued: "The strength of the lost city, Infinity Close to the creator god, even the lord of your space will not be his opponent.

This is the reason why I didn't care about the original sin before they fell, whether they can win or not, they will Help me beat you and win this game."

Wade scolded: "Wow, you are so mean, you are taking advantage of your own people."

"They lost because They are incompetent, can't blame me, my plan at first is to use you as a sacrifice."

Celestials said lightly: "weak are prey to the strong is the most basic and most Eternity truth in this universe, we The reason why Celestials can be so arrogant is because we are strong, which is why we will negotiate with the master of space.

If the master of space is just Elder God, we don't need to be so troublesome, and we will be killed early in the morning.

He's gone."

Celestials' words made everyone speechless, weak are prey to the strong is indeed the truth, but you are too direct, right?
pa pa pa!
Wang Bert applauded, he said: "Amazing, the breath in the high-rise building, did you let it out on purpose?"

"Yes, that breath was leaked on purpose by me."

Celestials said: "Also, I know about you stealing the Black King and Jason primordial mutant genes, but I don't care because it's useless."

"It seems that I Got plot against."

Wang Bert didn't care, he asked: "primordial mutant gene?"


Celestials from He took out the gray stone in his arms and briefly explained the primordial mutant gene. Then, he put away the stone and said, "If you want to become the god of Mutants, you must have the primordial mutant gene.

Master of space, No matter how much progress you have made before, as long as you don't get the primordial mutant gene in my hand, you will always become the god of Mutants."

Wang Bert nods: "It is worthy of being Celestials, no wonder even Wanda fights But you guys, are forced to restart time."

Wade ridiculed: "BOSS, you also praise each other empty? You are about to lose."

"Master of space, I don't understand very much Your calm."

Celestials said, "In every way, you're lost."

Accompanied by Celestials' voice, the Lost City raised its hand to The next press, time and space are twisted, Qin and the others are all pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Qin roared unwillingly, burning raging flames on her body, trying to break free from the suppression of the Lost City. Who knows, as soon as the flames appeared, they were immediately taken away by the Lost City. weak.

This is the Black King's energy absorption, all the deadly mutant abilities, all of the Lost City, yes, all of them, whether it's Apocalypse's, or the horde, it's all.

Wang Bert was not surprised but delighted, he said: "It's really tough, it can be called the strongest Mutants in history."

"Master of space, I don't know what you are playing, but You have already lost, please admit defeat."

Celestials said: "Our conditions are very loose, even if you lose, you will not have any big losses. Mutants have nothing to do with you."

"How can it be okay? I am the god of Mutants."

Wang Bert smiled slightly, his voice penetrated hell and appeared in the ears of all Mutants: "You said, I am Aren't you the god of Mutants?"

The Mutants were stunned, and then most of the Mutants shouted at the same time: "Iron Man, you are the god of Mutants."

Iron Man did not appear In the past, Mutants were no different from living in hell. After Iron Man appeared, Mutants not only got rid of the miserable life of the past, but also became the object of the governments of various countries to please. For this alone, Iron Man is the well-deserved god of Mutants.

Not to mention, Iron Man also has the strength of invincible in the whole world, he is not the god of Mutants, who is?

Acknowledged by most of the Mutants, the mutant gene tree in Wang Bert's heart lit up with dazzling rays of light, and then, the gene tree appeared in hell, one after another, covering the entire world .

"The mutant gene tree?"

Celestials was stunned, he asked: "Master of space, what have you done?"

"Nothing, just let Most of the Mutants recognize me."

Wang Bert faintly smiled and said, "You know what? Gene is alive, and so is the primordial mutant gene in your hand."

Celestials is very puzzled: "So what? The primordial mutant gene is alive, but it has no consciousness, it is just a simple gene."

"No, it is not pure, it is The source of all mutant genes."

Wang Bert said: "When most Mutants admit that I am the god of Mutants, it will recognize me, resonate with me, and help me thoroughly grasp the source of mutants, you Don't you see? My mutant gene tree is getting excited."

Celestials and everyone looked at the mutant gene tree, they sensed for a moment and nodded, the mutant gene tree was indeed excited, One could even say cheering excitedly.

"It's excited because it's finally going to be completed, the god of Mutants, is about to be born."

Wang Bert said: "Celestials, it's many thanks to you, if It's not that you deliberately gave me the scent of primordial mutant genes, I think it's almost impossible to resonate with this kind of resonance, unless, I use all the money in the world to use the banknote ability."

Celestials was stunned: "That is, Say, I helped you?"

Wang Bert said lightly: "Yes, you are very smart, but you made a big mistake, you should not let me touch the primordial mutant gene."

"It was a big mistake, but fortunately, this mistake can be made up for, Lord of Space, you are not the god of Mutants yet."

Celestials' eyes lit up blue, and then, two huge streaks The blue energy wave moved towards Wang Bert fiercely blasted away.

At the same time, the Lost City raised both hands and pushed it forward, the flood broke out, moved towards Wang Bert, and rumbled away. Wherever it passed, whether it was time or space, it all shattered and merged into the flood.

This is the torrent of original sin, enough to destroy a world.

"Sorry, you're late."

Wang Bert smiled slightly, using the money ability: "I'm going to be the god of Mutants."

Wang Bert account The money in the rebirth group's account, the money in America's treasury, the money in England's treasury... disappeared quickly, Wang Bert and the primordial mutant gene resonated to the extreme, next moment, the mutant gene tree was completely solid, as if Real existence in general.

Then, the mutant gene tree flew back into Wang Bert's body, Wang Bert raised his hand, the energy wave and the torrent of extinction disappeared quickly, just like being wiped off with a chalk, this is a mutant ability, Modify reality.

"In the name of the god of Mutants, I do not allow you to use mutant abilities and mutant energy."

Wang Bert moved towards Lost City Shouted, the mutants in the Lost City body The energy suddenly died down and could no longer be used.

Without the mutant energy, the armor of the Lost City immediately appeared a lot of cracks, as if it would collapse at any time, Celestials hurriedly poured their energy into the body of the Lost City.

Wang Bert ignored Celestials, he asked the crowd standing below, "Want to try Omega?"

Qin coldly snorted: "I was originally Omega Jia, what to try?"

Wang Bert rolled the eyes: "You are not cute at all."

"I want to try."

Wade and the others shouted excitedly, Wang Bert laughed, raised his hand, one after another colorful rays of light fell on Wade and the others.

Wade was shrouded in colorful rays of light, and he felt that his whole body was sublimated. He shouted and suddenly appeared beside the Lost City. Then, his body changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, Become another lost city.

Omega-level Wade, can become anyone, including Celestials, and has most of the other party's abilities.

"I feel like I'll never die, even if the universe is destroyed, I won't die."

Wolverine frowned a little, immortality undying was never his pursuit, he didn't want to see it The people around you die one by one.

Yuriko's devouring ability has been greatly increased, and she can even devour the lost city in the air.

Professor is a Sovereign who has become a mind and magnetism, and Psylocke, she can use the essence of all living beings to exert her abilities to the extreme, and even destroy the world.

Franklin's body completely recovered, no longer Blink, he sighed in relief, and finally stabilized.

Other people are also soaring in strength, everyone is very excited, how can I put it, they feel that they are gods now.

Wade shouted: "BOSS, is this ability permanent?"

Wang Bert said: "No, temporary, although I can make you break through permanently, but it's too tiring , I'm too lazy to help you improve."

"BOSS, you will lose me like this."

Wade shouted exaggeratedly, while punching towards the lost city, The entire world trembles with it.

The Lost City hurriedly raised its hand to resist, with a bang, the surrounding space oh la la shattered, and the entire world was in darkness.

Although Wade is just a copycat, but this time, the lost city is the real lost city - the lost city smashed into the ground like a meteor, and then the ground cracked and lava erupted, like the end of the day come.

The Lost City was defeated for the simple reason that Yuriko drew its power from the air, causing it to be greatly reduced.

"Don't play alone, also us."

Psylocke moved towards the ground with a knife, and the land split in half on the spot, revealing the lost city in lava, other Seeing this, people joined the battlefield one after another, and the Lost City they fought kept bursting open.


The God of Mutants is far more powerful than Celestials imagined, he gritted his teeth, traveled through space and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Bert, punching heaven falls and earth rends Blast him.

In this situation, the only way to win is to defeat the Lord of Space as soon as possible - it must be as soon as possible, otherwise, more and more Omegas will appear.

Facing Celestials' fist, Wang Bert opened his mouth and let out a sigh of cold air. Celestials was completely frozen, and his body glowed with blue light, trying to break through the blockade of ice.

At this moment, Wang Bert moved towards Celestials and shot in the air, Celestials' consciousness suddenly split, it was originally just one Him, but now it has become a hundred Him.

These 100 Hims have different temperaments, and as soon as they appear, they immediately quarrel.

Celestials hurriedly reversed time to bring themselves back to a time when they had only one consciousness.

"Play time, can you play me?"

Wang Bert grabbed the same blue Celestials from the air, but it was the past body of Celestials. , It is worth mentioning that this past body is completely controlled by Wang Bert.

"Beat him."

Wang Bert instructed, past Celestials said to Celestials: "I don't want to beat you, but I have to beat you."

" I understand you."

Celestials used his time ability to escape from the ice, and he fought with his past self.

The two have exactly the same strength, and there is no way to tell the winner. The only result of their battle is to make hell a mess. Fortunately, there are no other creatures in hell. .

Wang Bert said: "Celestials, as the god of Mutants, I can use all mutant abilities, you give in."

"Mutants are very important to us Celestials, unless % It's impossible to win, otherwise, I won't give up."

Celestials said: "According to the calculation, I also have a chance to win."

"You want 100%? Then I I'll give you 100%."

Wang Bert shrugged, he snapped his fingers, Celestials disappeared in the past, then he thought move, all the power of Mutants were buffed on him, his strength breakthrough limit , promoted to God of Creation.

“Familiar feeling.”

Wang Bert smiled contentedly, and he moved towards Celestials laughed, and Celestials suddenly turned into a giant Lego.

Then, Wang Bert moved towards the Lost City One Finger, the mutant energy in the Lost City body was resurrected, and under Wang Bert's control, the Celestials energy was rapidly eroded.

As the Celestials receded, control of the Lost City gradually shifted towards Wang Bert.

Celestials was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Master of space, you won, I admit defeat."

Celestials also killing move, but no matter what killing move, they can't deal with it A creator god, he lost.


Wang Bert> can't, he released Cele's abnormal state and said: "Okay, according to the bet, you will take action against Mutants in the future." "Okay, except, except Except for the Scarlet Witch, other Omega Level Mutants must give us some power, and we can't go home empty-handed."

Celestials nods: "It's part of the bet."

"No problem. , I will let them cut some of the power for you."

Wang Bert did not refuse, then he ordered the Lost City to stop, and then shouted to Wade and them: "Don't fight again, Lost City Has become my puppet."

Wade blinked and said, "BOSS, let's play for a while, Omega-level power is not available everyday."

"With me here, are you afraid of not having omega-level power?"

Wang Bert said angrily, Wade reacted, laughed, changed back to his original body, and retreated to Wang Bert's side with everyone.

Celestials was stunned when hearing this, and hurriedly said: "Master of Space, the Lost City belongs to Celestials."

Wang Bert sneered: "Is it yours? Then you call , will it respond?"

The Celestials said: "Lord of Space, it has two Celestials' powers in it and cannot give it to you."

"It is Mutants now, not You Celestials."

Wang Bert coldly snorted and said: "For 10,000 yuan, what if it is Celestials? This is Lao Tzu's spills of war, if you don't accept it, let's fight!"

Wade laughed heartily, taunted: "Celestials, this is what you said weak are prey to the strong."

Celestials was speechless, he thought about it, and chose to give up: "Yes, This is weak are prey to the strong, the master of space, and it ends here."

(end of this chapter)

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