Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 561


Chapter 561 as if dreams and visions in a bubble
Except for the Ant-Man family, in the dungeon also Tall Dr. Banner, angry Falcon, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, and War Machine Rhodes, Asgard Valkyrie.

The future space-time is a cinematic universe, without Jessica, Daredevil, those Vigilantes, and as for Quake, this space-time also does not have.

"Dr. Pym, your temper is the same as my father said, you don't have a stinky friend."

Old Tony said: "Okay, as President, I I'm very busy and I don't have time to waste with you guys, so let's keep it short."

Rhodes scolded: "President? Tony, you are not only a bastard, but also a kleptocrat. What I regret most in my life is Be friends with you."

"Rod, I thought you would support me."

Old Tony was a little silent at Rod's words, he sighed and said: " Once my plan is successful, Earth will become a paradise on earth, isn't it your dream to protect Earth until now?"

"It is indeed my dream to protect Earth, but not in this way, Tony Stark, you Threatening America with a nuclear bomb, any American soldier will not obey you."

Rhodes scolded loudly: "Also, I missed one election before, and I will not choose wrong again."

"sorry, you made a wrong choice this time."

Old Tony shook the head and said, "I wanted to persuade you slowly, but due to some changes, I decided to deal with you tonight, This is your last chance to surrender, and if you don't surrender, I'll send you to Steve."

"You bastard, you killed Captain, Tony Stark, don't let me out, or I will I'll never let you go."

Falcon and Winter Soldier slapped the fence and roared, these two people, but both are Captain's irons.

Hawkeye also shouted, "Tony, I'm so disappointed in you."

"I'm not disappointed in myself at all."

Old Tony glanced at Hawkeye and asked again, "I'll ask you one last time, is anyone going to surrender?"

"Tony, you've changed, and we'll never surrender."

Dr. Banner shook his head: "I don't know what you want to do, but you will definitely fail, because Blood God won't let you go, he will come soon and crush you."

Old Tony coldly said: "He has come, but even he is not my opponent, materialism plus my wisdom, I am invincible."

"Blood God is not your opponent?"

The crowd was shocked when Valkyrie shouted, "Iron Man, what have you done to my people?"

"Nothing, Loki will take over Asgard, when the time comes, he will rebuild your Asgard."

Old Tony said: "Earth doesn't welcome aliens."

Valkyrie shouted: "Thor won't let you go ."

"Loki is waiting for him to come back."

Old Tony took the time stick from behind his waist and said, "Since no one surrenders, I'll send you on your way."

After finishing speaking, old Tony walked up to Rhodes and said with complicated eyes: "Take care, my friend."

Lord coldly snorted and said: "You are not mine. Friend."

Old Tony didn't say anything more, he pointed the stick at Rhodes chest, at this moment, Rhodes disappeared like a phantom, the old Tony's face changed, hurriedly looked at the others and found that They were disappearing too, and Ant-Man even gave old Tony a middle finger.

In the blink of an eye, all prisoners in the dungeon are disappeared.

Old Tony hurriedly asked Ultron: "Why is this? Ultron, have you detected space fluctuations?"

Ultron's voice came from the speaker: "Mr. Stark , no space fluctuations were detected."

"Damn, it's probably caused by Blood God."

Old Tony ugly complexion, he gritted his teeth and thought: "We must find a way to solve the Blood God. God, and as soon as possible, he is the biggest obstacle for me to build heaven on earth."

Blood God is very reliable and reassuring when it is an ally, but when Blood God becomes an opponent, it will be the most terrifying nightmare.


Wakanda, Dr. Banner and the others appear one after another as if dreams and visions in a bubble, they are incredible, although Wang Bert contacted them before, But they totally didn't expect it would be this way of jailbreaking.

Dr. Pym curiously asked: "Blood God, what is this? This is obviously not Spatial Teleportation, Spatial Teleportation can't hide from Iron Man."

Dr. Banner said with a smile : "Blood God, long time no see, your magic is not scientific at all."

"Big man."

Wang Bert laughed, saying: "This is spiritual magic, as if dreams and visions in a bubble."

Everyone astonished: "Psychic magic?"

"Yes, before, I turned you into a mental projection, and then took you through your heart Spirit Sea, go back here."

Wang Bert said: "The Spirit Sea of the Heart is the sea of consciousness of all beings."

"You can actually take everyone safely through the Spirit Sea of Heart. ?"

Strange exclaimed: "Under normal circumstances, there is only one result of entering the Spirit Sea Ocean, which is assimilated by countless minds and turned into a drop of sea water."

Others do not Seeing how incredible this is, how could Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme not be clear?
Ant-Man astonished asks: "So, we almost turned into a drop of sea water?"

"Rest assured, the Spirit Sea is stormy sea to others, extremely dangerous, but For me it's no different from a small pond."

Wang Bert said with a smile, he has a complete concept of the mind, and it is easier to travel through the Spirit Sea Ocean - although he mainly uses the power of the mind to smash Human, but he is also proficient in various psychic occult arts.

"Bert, since you are well-versed in the power of the mind, why don't you directly control Iron Man?"

Strange thought of one thing and asked: "His materialist power needs to be activated to Use."

"I tried, but it doesn't work, that triangular cone will automatically protect its owner."

Wang Bert shook his head: "The Infinity Stone on Loki has the same function. , otherwise, they would have already kneeled."

Strange sighed: "That would be a pity."

"It's a pity, but it's no big deal, we'll beat them sooner or later."

Wang Bert clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, old Tony is going to attack Wakanda, I hope you can stay here and help."

"No problem."

Everyone Nodded in succession, to help Wakanda is to help themselves, Dr. Banner said: "I will take down that bastard Tony, he really makes me angry, very angry."

Falcon and Winter Soldier said in unison : "Not down, I'm going to kill him."

"Please put an old word in front of Tony, thank you."

Tony came in from outside, he looked at the crowd, Said happily: "Wow, Bert, you really gave me a big surprise, Dr. Banner, Dr. Pym, I need your help, I want to make a set of anti-Iron Man Armor, and beat old Tony into a pig's head."

Wang Bert said angrily: "I said, give up that damn name, no battlesuit with this name will end well."

Tony snorted, disinclined to pay attention to Wang Bert, Tony Stark is a scientist, not a metaphysician.

Seeing Tony's sudden appearance, everyone couldn't help but startled, and immediately reacted, this is Tony from another universe, he is younger and more energetic.

Dr. Pym shouted: "I won't cooperate with you, I feel disgusted when I see your face, and more importantly, the people of the Stark Family are thieves and liars."

Compared to Dr. Pym, Dr. Banner was more enthusiastic. He hugged Tony and said, "I'll do you a favor, as long as you're not making Ultron."

"Don't worry, I won't make Ultron."

Tony said with a smile: "Dr. Pym, I have Pym Particles over there, would you like to visit?"

Dr. Pym asked in shock: "It's impossible, where did you get the Pym Particles?"

"You sell it."

Tony laughed and took Dr. Banner to the factory , Dr. Pym hesitated, followed along with old Wasp -- he wouldn't allow anyone else to spoil his Pym Particles.

At this time, Wang Bert thought of something and shouted to Dr. Banner: "Banner, wait, this medicament is for you."

Dr. Banner turned around to catch the green medicament , curiously asked: "Blood God, what kind of medicament is this?"

"Angry medicament, Banner asked me to turn it over to you."

Wang Bert said: "It can make you To be really angry, Hulk needs to be angry, Hulk without anger, just a weak chicken, uh, that's what he said."

"You can hear it."

Dr . Banner held the medicament and said, "I'll leave it to Iron Man."

Tony rolled the eyes, get rid of old Tony quickly, or he will be implicated sooner or later.

"Okay, everyone go to rest first, the war will come soon, Natasha, you help them arrange it."

Wang Bert said to everyone: "Valkyrie, you stay Now, I have something I want to discuss with you."


Everyone is nodded, they have been locked up for so long, they really need a break, and old Tony has turned black This happened so suddenly, they needed to be quiet.

Soon, only Valkyrie and Wang Bert were left in the room, Valkyrie asked, "Blood God, what's the matter?"

"Thor is coming back soon, Loki is sure I'll go to him, and I'm going to team up with Thor to solve Loki."

Wang Bert said, "In order to contact Thor, I need an item that Thor has been carrying for a long time."

"Fix Loki? I like it. After that guy turned into a woman, he was more disgusting than before." Contact? I remember that Guardians of the Galaxy has a quantum communication system."

"I asked Nick Fury about this, and he said their quantum communication system is immature and often fails to communicate."

Wang Bert shook his head and said, "It's the same at this time. Fortunately, the signal can still be sent. Nick Fury sent the highest emergency signal. The Guardians of the Galaxy will come back as quickly as possible when they see the signal.


The shock team is in a similar situation, quantum communication is still too much for them."

"so that's how it is."

Valkyrie Suddenly, she asked, "Do you want Thor's item for divination?"

"No, it's to determine Thor's location."

Wang Bert said: " I plan to enter the Spirit Sea Ocean to find Thor. The Spirit Sea Ocean is the gathering place of all living beings in the universe. I need a reference to lock Thor's mind. The item carried for a long time will bring the owner's breath and spirit. "

Thor is too far away, otherwise there is no need for such trouble.


Valkyrie nodded and said, "Thor has been playing games in the house for the past five years. His chair and game console should all match yours. Request, but our village is blocked by Iron Man's robots."

Wang Bert said with a smile: "No problem, do you have any photos or videos of Thor's house?"

"Of course, give me a cellphone, and I will log in to the account and send it to you."

Valkyrie nodded, she hesitated, and asked, "Blood God, can you help me get Asgard's The people are rescued?"


Wang Bert took out a cellphone and handed it to Valkyrie, then said, "Although Loki is a bastard, she will not harm Asgard. People, they are safer in the village.

If they are rescued to Wakanda, they will face war, war with Iron Man Regiment."

Valkyrie loudly shouted : "Asgardians are never afraid of war."

"Another group of dead minds."

Wang Bert shook his head secretly, he said, "I know, the question is, how many people Asgard also has Valkyrie, aren't you afraid of Asgard's extermination?"

Valkyrie was silent, Asgard experienced the Hela disaster, and half of its population was slaughtered by Thanos, and now the remaining population is less than five figures, it is fundamental Can't afford the loss of a war.

Asgardians have difficult fertility, a common problem with long-lived species.

"Valkyrie, you're no longer a general, you're a king, and you can't just have wars on your mind."

Wang Bert said Thor, before leaving Earth, handed over the throne to Given to Valkyrie, who is now Queen of Asgard, er, basically equivalent to a village chief.

"It's so hard to be king, I think I've been tricked by Thor."

Valkyrie sighed, she found the photo and said, "This is Thor's house."


Wang Bert nods, and with a ring in his hand, a portal appears, then he puts his hand into the portal and takes out a gamepad from inside.

Valkyrie exclaimed: "Although it's not the first time I've seen it, Kamar-Taj's spell is really magical."

"Space magic is of course magical."

Wang Bert said with a smile, at this moment, two robots rushed into the room opposite the portal, Wang Bert gave them a middle finger and closed the portal.

Seeing that the Transmission Gate was closed, the robot immediately reported the matter to old Tony—there are devices in the village to monitor space fluctuations.

Old Tony received the report and asked Loki in confusion: "Loki? Why did the people from Kamar-Taj take Thor's things?"

"It should be for magic. Call Thor."

Loki thought for a moment, then said, "They must have guessed we would take action on Thor."

"Is that so?"

Old Tony snorted, said: "Even if they are on guard, they can't stop us, just take this opportunity to kill them all."

"This is indeed a good opportunity."

Loki asked: "By the way, has the ability of Blood God been analyzed? He was able to save Banner and the others under your nose. His ability is really weird."

"It's resolved, It is the power of the mind."

Old Tony said: "The Avatar of Blood God has the power of the mind and the Power of Space, which is very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the Mind Stone can restrain him, and I will design a kind of Instruments that detect and disrupt the power of the mind, what happened tonight, will never happen again."

What's the best thing about Tony Stark? It's his wisdom!
"That's good, now I will wait for the Damn Fatty."

Loki Gnashing Teeth said, the Damn Fatty actually wants her, don't heal the guy, how is this? remove?
(End of this chapter)

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