Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 75


Chapter 75 Resolved
"Wilson, I can't be with you any longer!"

A single thought flashed through Wesley's mind, announcing Death, Mercury pulled out the Vibranium dagger, glanced at a few Lizards contemptuously, and his body slowly disappeared!

This is the optical stealth technology developed by Ivan. It is not perfect. After 'stealth', it will leave tiny traces similar to glass. If you look carefully, you can still find it.

But these Lizards couldn't find it, they looked around for the trace of Mercury and panicked - the mixture of two medicaments made their intelligence and judgment greatly reduced!
"Waste, just died like this, wasting my serum!"

The bald doctor scolded and continued to say to Dr. Connors: "Please remember my name, my name is... "

There was another scream, but it was Mercury who stabbed a dagger into a Lizard's heart from behind, and then, before the other Lizards came over, she disappeared again, the Lizards became more and more panic, gathered back to back, watching nervously around!

"Trash, it's all trash!"

The bald doctor cursed again, and he said very fast: "Please remember my name, my name is..."

This time, two screams sounded at the same time, but it was Mercury who fell from the sky and stabbed two daggers into the heads of two Lizards!

The remaining Lizard was surprised and angry and grabbed towards Mercury in the air. Mercury sprayed flames with both hands, and disappeared again after moving a few meters. Although Lizard immediately rushed towards the position where Mercury disappeared, he fluttered in the air. !
The bald doctor stopped cursing and said directly: "Please remember my name, my name is..."

This time is not a scream, but Gwen's excited shout, she pointed to the holographic projection and said to Dr.Connors: "doctor, the antidote has been researched!"

"Really Is it?"

Dr.Connors hurriedly ran to the holographic projection to study the data without caring about the bald doctor!

"My name is..."

The bald doctor Final Struggle, Dr. Connors said impatiently: "I don't care what your name is, since you have become Lizard, you will be called later. You lizard doctor!"

"Lizard doctor? I don't call that name! My name is..."

The bald doctor said angrily, at this time, the remaining Lizards suffered No fear, went crazy, attacked everywhere, a utility knife flew over, just stabbed the tablet screen, the tablet instantly went black, and the bald doctor still couldn't say his name!

The bald doctor yelled madly in the laboratory: "The lizard doctor is the lizard doctor, and I will be called the lizard doctor from now on!"

For the time being, the bald doctor was renamed the lizard doctor. In the room, Mercury saw that Lizard was in a mess, and immediately appeared, stabbed a dagger into Lizard's chest, and charged him!

Seeing Mercury finally showing up, the rest of Lizard rushed over with a roar, Mercury coldly smiled, turned and flew out.

This is not an escape, Mercury just doesn't want to fight here, after all, this is an important laboratory, which is why she chose to assassinate before!
Lizard has been carried away by rage, completely forgets the mission, and desperately pursues Mercury!
After five minutes, these brainless Lizards were all killed by Mercury!
And other invading Lizards were also solved by bodyguards!
"Looks like my skill hasn't declined!"

Mercury nodded with satisfaction, she returned to the lab and asked, "Did the antidote really work?"

"Successful, it can be made now, but it is unclear whether it is a permanent antidote or a temporary antidote!"

Dr. Connors said: "It may only be suppressed for a period of time!"

"Enough is enough, get it out."

Mercury nods and reports the good news to Wang Bert

“You did good!”

Wang Bert applauded, in fact, he knew everything about the laboratory - he had been monitoring the laboratory with blood, if Dr. Connors they are in danger, he will take action immediately!

"Wesley is dead, and Dr. Connors has developed an antidote?"

At the same time, Kingpin also received these two bad news from the lizard doctor, his face gloomy At the extreme, Wesley is more than just a subordinate to him!
In this world, only Wesley knows him!

"I want you to be buried with Wesley!"

Kingpin roared, took off the poison qi from his waist and threw it on the ground. After taking a few sips, I felt uncomfortable all over, and hurriedly stepped back.

Actually, Kingpin has prepared a poison qi bombing killing move, the reason why it has been useless is because Wang Bert's main force is Combat Armor and unmanned battlesuit, poison qi is not useful at all!
Hulk stepped back, Kingpin didn't chase him, he rushed to the front of Oscorp Tower, claws into the wall, and quickly climbed up!

Frank and Ivan were about to stop, Wang Bert said: "Let him come up, Frank, you go to Dr.Connors to receive the antidote!"

Frank nods and heads upstairs Fly away: "Okay!"

In the office, Wang Bert used blood and flames to condense a high-temperature spike, quietly waiting for Kingpin's arrival.

Coulson and Lilith have no opinion at all, because they both know Wang Bert's strength. Even if Kingpin is as strong as Abomination, what is it in front of Wang Bert?
oh la la, Kingpin broke through the floor-to-ceiling windows and jumped into the office. He was four meters tall. He looked down at Wang Bert and shouted, "Blood God, we finally meet, this time, it's me looking down. You, it's not you looking down on me!"

Wang Bert's feet lengthened rapidly, looking down at Kingpin, sneered: "Are you sure?"

"Blood God, you're still like this aloof and remote, what I hate the most is you!"

Kingpin said angrily: "How is it, are you satisfied with the surprise I gave you today? Do you regret that you didn't deal with it earlier? Me?"

"Regret is impossible, it's impossible in my life!"

Wang Bert said, "However, you did give me a little surprise, Kingpin, I admit I'm a little bit I underestimate you, but, just a little!"

Kingpin shouted: "Arrogant, Blood God, hand over the Canary equipment and destroy the antidote, otherwise, today is your death!"

"Kingpin, you know? Killing is very simple, as long as you have enough speed and sharp enough weapons!"

Wang Bert said lightly, at the same time, the spikes in his hand disappeared!
"It's like you can kill me?"

Kingpin sneered, at this moment, he felt something strange in his head, looked into the mirror, and then, he was stunned - his The head has been penetrated by spikes!
Kingpin opened his mouth with a look of disbelief. After a while, he smiled bitterly. It turned out that he and others were not on the same level at all!
"The reason why he is aloof and remote is because he is qualified to be aloof and remote, from the very beginning, I should not challenge him! Wesley, I will accompany you!"

Kingpin sighed , the huge body fell from the building!
Coulson couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he knew Wang Bert was strong, but didn't expect it to be so strong, Kingpin, who was at the same level as Abomination, was actually killed by him instantly!
Wang Bert smiled slightly, the spikes on Kingpin's head turned into blood and poured into his body, turning him into a Vampire!
Kingpin is really a good person. Knowing that he lacks raw materials, he took the initiative to deliver it to his door, and he can make a fortune in the black army again.

War lizards, the military must be very interested!
Boom, Kingpin fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole, and the Oscorp Tower even shook.

“Kingpin is dead?”

Lizard, who was roaring all of a sudden, suddenly became dead silent, Kingpin is dead, what should they do?
"Avenge Kingpin."

A Lizard roared, and at this moment, several medicaments fell from the sky, and a large amount of blue medicine mist came out on the ground. , immediately kneeled in pain, and his body quickly returned to human form!

The remaining Lizard panicked and wanted to escape from the area, but Ivan and the unmanned battlesuit would not let them leave easily, and the loud gunshots sounded again !

Hulk absorbed the blue medicine mist, and his body returned to normal immediately. He roared and rushed to smash those damn Lizards with his fists.

It's all set, it's only a matter of time before Oscorp wins!
"Twenty-one seconds! Kingpin died after twenty-one seconds, how strong is that guy?"

Tony ugly complexion looked at Wang Bert's office , that Kingpin, even he may not have beaten him, but he couldn't stop Wang Bert for twenty-one seconds!
In fact, Wang Bert didn't even use a second to kill Kingpin. After obtaining the blood of Blackheart's origin, his strength has not improved a little bit!
At this time, Yinsen flew in front of Tony in the battlesuit, Tony said angrily: "Can you be slower? The fight is over here!"

Yinsen walked out of the battlesuit, said with a smile: "It's not very good, at least you don't have to be kicked out!"

"This joke is not funny at all!"

Tony glared at Yinsen , walked into the battlesuit, and said: "I'm going to go shopping elsewhere, you help me get a detailed information of the lizard serum from Bert!" It hurts his self-esteem here too much. He has to find some weaker monsters to balance it out!
"This guy!"

Yinsen glanced at the ground, shook his head speechlessly, turned and walked towards the stairs.

After learning about Kingpin Death, the lizard doctor took out a stack of business cards from the drawer and chose one to call: "Yes, I have all the information on lizard serum and human enhancement medicament, as long as you can provide it. I have a lot of research funds, and I can hand them over."

"What do I need to research next? Of course it's cloning, but I have a lot of good materials in my hands!"

The lizard doctor jié jié smiles, to him, Kingpin is just a partner, without Kingpin, also silver and bronze, nothing at worst!

"Next time, I will definitely leave my name in New York!"

The lizard doctor gave a grim smile, let people burn down the laboratory, and then left with a large amount of information, he The new partner is already waiting for him!

After about half an hour, the battle of Oscorp came to an end. Wang Bert looked at the ruined street below and sighed: "It's going to cost you a lot of money. How much assets does Kingpin also have?"


"Mister Wang, don't count on it, Kingpin's property will definitely be used to rebuild the police station and the city hall!"

Coulson smiled wryly, he said: "If it's not enough, they probably will. I want money from you!"

"Dreaming, except around Oscorp Tower, the rest has nothing to do with me!"

Wang Bert snorted, said to Lilith: "Lilith, do the math! How much does the insurance cover?"

Lilith said: "The amount of insurance for monster attack insurance is very high, and it should be enough. Those insurance companies think you are taking advantage of it, but they are!"

Coulson asked suspiciously: "Monster attack insurance? Mister Wang, did you know there would be a monster attack?"

"I bought this insurance last year, New York is a place with bad feng shui, Not only monsters, but also aliens!”

Wang Bert shook his head, Coulson was confused, what is Feng Shui?

Wang Bert didn't explain much, he picked up the communicator and asked, "Frank, Ivan, Hulk, can you still fight?"

Frank said: "Refill the ammunition. , no problem!"

"I haven't had enough of it yet!"

Ivan laughed heartily, said Banner, who had changed back: "I can't do it anymore, Hulk is tired too. "

"Dr. Banner, you go to rest first, Frank, you bring the antidote to the General Administration to help Director George!"

Wang Bert instructed: "Ivan, on the street There are also many Lizards, you bring an unmanned battlesuit to solve them, by the way, carry Kingpin to the laboratory first!"

Ivan eyes shined and asked: "Kingpin? You want to make war lizards ?"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Are you interested?"

"Very interested, I like these ultimate weapons the most!"

Yi Where repeatedly nod, immediately moved Kingpin with an unmanned battlesuit.

Coulson was also very interested, he asked: "Can the war lizards be sold to us SHIELD?"

"The military won't allow it!"

Wang Bert shook his head, he said: "Lilith, take someone to clean up the battlefield, Lizard's body needs to be recovered, don't be taken away by others!"


Lilith nodded left. At this time, Dr. Connors brought Gwen. Dr. Connors said with some frustration: "didn't expect lizard serum to become like this, Mister Wang, will the government prohibit me from continuing to study lizard serum? ?"

Wang Bert said: "Don't worry, I won't let them ban, but I won't agree to human experiments until the Lizard problem is solved!"

"Of course, even if you agree, I wouldn't dare to do it!"

Dr. Connors thought of something and said apologetically: "Mister Wang, the lizard serum project is a waste of your hard work and energy. Funds, I'm really sorry!"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "No waste, this project is not difficult to pay back, and when you complete the research and development in the future, it will make a lot of money!"

"Can I get my money back?"

Everyone was stunned, Coulson thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Mister Wang, selling lizard serum is against the law!"

"Don't worry, I don't. Will sell lizard serum!"

Wang Bert glanced at Coulson and said, "I sell antidote!"

"An antidote?"

Everyone looked shocked, Wang Bert continued to be amazed, and said: "Yes, the antidote, the lizard doctor has not been caught yet, and there will definitely be no sales of the antidote in the future. By the way, Coulson, you guys. Do you want to order a batch of SHIELD? I'll give you 10% off!"

"Mister Wang, you are so good at doing business!"

Coulson exclaimed, such a person does not make a fortune , who gets rich? He said: "SHIELD wants a batch!"

Wang Bert said: "Very good, next, sell another batch to the police, the FBI, the Ministry of Defense, and other countries, and take it back. The cost is not difficult at all, maybe also earn it!"

"Mister Wang, you are amazing!"

Dr. Will cut this item!
Wang Bert said: "Dr.Connors, I will support you as always, and you should support me too!"

Dr.Connors knew that Wang Bert was talking about the Blood Race completion plan, nodded and said: "I will, Mister Wang. Next, I will focus on the core plan!"

"Very good!"

Wang Bert satisfied nodded, he looked at The bright sky, said: "It's almost dawn, this night's nightmare, it's time to end!"

(end of this chapter)

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