Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 9


Chapter 9 10 billion subsidy
"Okay, just wanted to hear about your strategy and want to make Blood It's not easy for Race to integrate into human beings!"

Hearing Wang Bert's words, Carter nodded and sat down. Mercury glanced at him and signaled that he should leave, but Blade was indifferent!
"The first is the Vampire Police Department's plan, which must be implemented, and must recruit good people to join it!"

Wang Bert said: "In addition, in order to ensure that Blood Race can abide by the law, the police department must Register all Blood Race data, in simple terms, population, uh, ghost survey registration."

"This is not realistic!"

Mercury immediately objected: "Blood Race has always been Advocating freedom, no one wants to register, and after registering, the information will be mastered by SHIELD!" When he said this, Mercury glanced at Carter, Carter smiled indifferently, only as if he didn't see it.

“I know there will be a lot of people who don’t want to register, so we are going to implement the 10 Billion Subsidy Plan!”

Wang Bert said: “All registered Blood Race, when purchasing blood bags 10% off, or even 20% off!”

“10 Billion Subsidy Plan?”

Everyone was stunned, Carter thought for a while, and said, “This will indeed improve registration. The rate is not small, but the cost is not small, and it may really have to subsidize 10 billion funds!"

"It doesn't matter, I can't spend all the money anyway! And the price of blood bags is a bit inflated, pure blood I've been making money in this area all the time, but now I'm not making any money."

Wang Bert said indifferently, Mercury gritted his teeth secretly, of course you don't care, that's all our pure blood money!

Blade agreed: "This method is good, not only can Vampire be registered, but if there is enough blood, Vampire's crimes will definitely be a lot less!"

"No Wrong, that's what I meant!"

Wang Bert nodded and continued: "In addition, we are going to build a few factories to recruit those Vampire who can't find a job to work in Hell's Kitchen, Close to Midtown, good management, and the headquarters of the Bloodgod Group is there!"

Mercury said: "The problem is, Hell's Kitchen is a mess, gunfight every day."

Wang Bert sneered: "We Vampire are afraid of chaos? If they dare to come to trouble us, we will contribute to the security."

"Hell's Kitchen is good, the land price there is not high, and it is also in Manhattan. Island!"

Carter glanced at Wang Bert, who chose this place, presumably to let humans refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases - no one would throw missiles at Manhattan Island !
Wang Bert ignored Carter's gaze. He thought of something and said, "By the way, remember to buy insurance, alien invasion insurance and monster attack insurance!"

The three of them looked at in astonishment Wang Bert, what's the use of buying this kind of insurance? is it possible that there will be an alien invasion?

"Just buy it!"

Wang Bert shrugged, without saying much, and directly changed the subject: "Ms. Carter, next, the group must build a Blood at the fastest speed. Research Division, develop artificial blood, this is the top priority!"

Carter first nodded, and then asked: "No problem, I will set up the Blood Research Division as quickly as possible, but the words Come back, why Vampire must drink human blood, not animals?"

"How do I know? I've only been a Vampire for more than two months!"

Wang Bert spread his hands and turned Looking at Mercury, Mercury shook his head and said: "I don't know, anyway, animal blood is useless to us, we can only drink human blood to satisfy our hunger!"

"Let's study together then, artificial blood It must be completed, otherwise Blood Race cannot be integrated into human beings at all!"

Wang Bert said: "The general framework is these, and we will start to fill it step by step when we integrate the resources of Blood Race."

"Well, we need to integrate the resources first, Speaker and 12 Elders all Death, the resources left are too many, too scattered, it will take a lot of time to integrate them all!"

Carter nominee, see Wang Bert said almost, she gestured with her eyes, Wang Bert said to Mercury: "Mercury, you go and tell the other Blood Races, we have stopped fighting with SHIELD, and also, let's leak our plan a little bit, needless to say too much detail. !"

Mercury asked: "If it is leaked ahead of time, are you afraid that someone will escape?" , will come naturally, I believe that there will be many Vampires who are willing to abide by the law, but if anyone wants to resist, they must all be eliminated!"


Mercury Nominated, got up and left, her identity is Wang Bert's assistant plus head bodyguard, which is very important, after all, she represents the interests of pure blood.

Wang Bert turned his head to look at Blade and said, "Blade, you also go and discuss with Whistler. As for whether to leave or stay, you decide for yourself. I look forward to your joining us!"

"I will consider it!"

Blade nods me, got up and left, Wang Bert saw that he took the badge away, and couldn't help but smile, it seems that Director has something to do with it

After everyone left, Carter couldn't wait to ask: "You once said that you would give me evidence, where is the evidence?"

"Which one are you talking about? Captain America? The one who came back and kissed your niece after your funeral?"

Wang Bert asked knowingly, he had told Carter about this in a joking way, in order to test whether Captain had come back. It seems that the future should change.

This is a good thing, transmigrator does not change the future, what does crossing over do?
"I said, I don't like people making fun of Steve, also, he's not the kind of person you say!"

Carter was a little unhappy, she thought of something, and sighed: "If he If he can really come back, I don't care what he does with Sharon!"

"You are so enlightened."

Wang Bert chuckled, waiting for Captain to come back, there will be After watching it lively, he got up and took out a document from the cabinet and put it on the table, saying, "This is the evidence you want!"

Carter couldn't wait to open it. Inside was a personal file, Daniel Whitehall's profile!

Carter was taken aback when she saw the photo of this man, and she asked, "Who is this man, and why do I feel so familiar?"

Wang Bert asked, "This You don't recognize the name, what about Werner Reinhardt?"

"Werner Reinhardt? It's impossible, he's already dead, and even if he's not dead, he's impossible so young!"

Carter She was shocked to say that Werner Reinhardt was a Hydra scientist. Before she left SHIELD, she had been imprisoned in prison. Later, someone informed her that the other party had died!

"This person is Werner Reinhardt. As for why he is still alive and so young, you can investigate it yourself. He is the Chairman of a company, and it is not difficult to find out!"

Wang Bert said, "I'm still saying that, SHIELD is already untrustworthy, speaking of which, you agreed to help me so easily, I'm afraid you've already noticed it?"

Carter was silent, she did notice it , The Howard Stark couple's death was so suspicious that she was just about to investigate when she was retired.

But Carter didn't expect it to be all because of Hydra, until Wang Bert came and used it as a condition to make her CEO of Bloodgod Group!

Carter doesn't care about life or death, but she can't accept that Hydra isn't dead and is still lurking inside SHIELD - her greatest achievement in life was defeating Hydra, and now you tell me Hydra isn't dead , can this be tolerated?

Carter put away the file and said, "I'm going to investigate, but I want to know, how did you know all this? Fury has investigated you, and you're just an ordinary person being Vampire!"


"I am Blood God, when I devour blood, I can get a certain memory from the other party!"

Wang Bert said: "Blood Elders, some people have cooperated with Whitehall, in fact, Hydra Some organizations have long known about the existence of SHIELD, and only SHIELD has been kept in the dark from beginning to end!"

Carter's eyes slightly narrowed, if this is the case, then the problem is serious, indicating that Hydra has taken over SHIELD high.

Carter said: "I hope you don't lie to me, or even if you are Blood God, I will make you pay!"

Wang Bert said with a smile; "Don't worry, I never lie, I lie, and I don't let anyone know."

Carter ridiculed: "It's reassuring!"

Wang Bert laughed, remembering What, warned repeatedly: "Be careful when you investigate, don't let Hydra find out."

"I know, I won't inadvertently alert an enemy!"

Carter took The document left worriedly, Wang Bert looked at her back, his eyes flickered, Carter could still be used until Hydra was resolved, and after Hydra was resolved, it was time to let her and Captain America live together.

In addition, Wang Bert made Carter CEO, not everything, Carter is just a pawn to seize power with pure blood and influence Captain America!

After thinking about it, Wang Bert asked the maid to notify James to come in.

"While you have the money and power of Blood Race, you are also bound by Blood Race. However, with so much money, you can bind it. Be a human being. The most important thing is to be wonderful! I really can't take it anymore, at worst abandon Blood Race and run by myself, I won't die anyway."

Wang Bert held the red wine and smiled slightly, if it wasn't for the excitement, why would he take root in Manhattan Woolen cloth? The first alien invasion could be here.

James came quickly and respectfully asked: "Blood God, what are you asking me?"

Wang Bert said: "I need you to help me with one thing, This matter must be kept secret and not let anyone know, including Blade, Carter, Mercury!"

"No problem, my mouth is the tightest!"

James said happily, As expected, he is a confidant, and such confidential matters are not handed over to others, but only to him.

"That's good!"

Wang Bert nods, raises his hand, and blood light pours out into the appearance of a purple clothed person: "Find this person for me!"


"Looking for someone?"

James was a little disappointed that it was such a small matter, of course, he didn't dare to shirk and asked, "Blood God, where is his position? Also what? Do you have any other information?"

Wang Bert said: "His name is Killgrave, he should be in the city, you look for it first, if you can't find it, stare at Jessica Jones, he has a lot of entanglements with this woman!"

James ridiculed: "Killgrave, Kill Grave (meaning of the name)? Who would have a name like that?"

"Of course a freak!"

Wang Bert Copy the blood shadows of Killgrave and Jessica Jones on the A4 paper on the side, and then he said solemnly: "James, what I say next, listen to me clearly, don't miss a word."

James' face turned straight and he replied, "Blood God please say it!"

"After you find that person, don't do anything, let alone contact him, immediately notify me."

Wang Bert instructed: "Remember this, immediately inform me, if you let me know that you have done anything unnecessary, your blood will no longer be yours, understand?"

Wang Bert said it very seriously, his eyes even turned blood red, making James feel like he would die at any time, he hurriedly said: "I know, Blood God, I will inform you immediately."

"Very well, I'll write you a check for 3 million USD in a while as your funds to find Killgrave!"

Wang Bert's eyes gradually returned to normal, he said: " In addition, you can use the resources of Blood Race, and you can also select people in Blood Race, but you have to take precautions so that no one can leak this!"

James: "Understood, I will try my best to Pick a mix of people who can be controlled to help, if they dare to leak their secrets, their relatives will die."

"You can do it yourself, I just want the result!"

Wang Bert once He waved his hand and said, "Next, I will build an intelligence cente r , this thing is done, the center is your responsibility! "

"many thanks Blood God!" "

James was overjoyed, and he said, "I'm the best at getting intelligence, and when I was passing Blade's room just now, I heard him arguing with that old fogey!" "

"You call it gossip, not getting information!" "

Wang Bert ridicule, he said: "I asked you to be Director of Intelligence Center because I trust you, but you have a lot to learn, just like me, I have to learn There are many things! "

It's true, didn't Wang Bert ask Carter for help because he has no experience in managing a group?
James immediately showed his loyalty: "I will never fail you, Blood God." trust! "

"I trust you, go ahead, help me find that person, and also, help me find two virus experts, the kind that death cannot wipe out the crimes, remember not to leave What a tail. "

Wang Bert patted James on the shoulder, and a drop of blood seeped from his clothes into his skin, and then stayed in his blood.

"Understood, hand it over." me! "

James took the check from Wang Bert and left excitedly!

Wang Bert's eyes closed and waited for a while, then shook his head secretly: "The strength is still a little worse, if it exceeds a certain distance, I can't sense blood, but fortunately, the police station that will be established next will bring me a lot of blood! "

Blade is right, a large part of the reason why Wang Bert set up the police station is to get blood!

It's too troublesome to kill one by one, and the Blood Race will resist , now someone does it for you, and you can sit back and enjoy the success!


James' information is correct, Blade and Whistler are indeed quarreling, and Whistler yells: "You are crazy Yet? Believe what Vampire says? That kid is just fooling you, how could Vampire not suck human blood? This is 10,000 times more fake than if I don't like drinking! "

"I trust Bert, and for ten thousand dollars, what if he had other purposes?" Anyway, kill Vampire! "

Blade stubbornly said, "Whistler, the blood race situation has changed, I need more information, blood race information, Bert information!"

If Bert hadn't lied, then I'd be a good Director, his idea is a little unrealistic, but it's very beneficial to us humans.

If Bert is lying, I can approach him as Director and kill him! "

"I would never stay in Vampire's place, it's disgusting!" "

Whistler's tone is a bit loose, but he has a great hatred with Vampire, and it is absolutely impossible to do things for Vampire.

"I don't intend to let you stay, I need you for me Provide backup and investigate something for me that I can't investigate well!

Blade laughed, and then, embarrassed, said, "Besides, you have to help me take care of Vanessa!" "

Whistler wondered: "Who is Vanessa?" The woman you are looking for? "

"It's my mom!" "

"Isn't she dead?" "

"Not dead!" "

Blade said with a headache: "She's a little troublesome, you look at her, don't let her go out to drink human blood, I don't want to be the first Vampire to kill after becoming Director."

"Blade, you're soft-hearted."

Whistler glanced at Blade, then said, "Leave it to me, I'll pull her teeth out, see how she still sucks blood?"


Blade was speechless, he vaguely felt that this was a pretty bad idea!

(end of this chapter)

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