Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 91


Chapter 91 Penalty Loki
After taking the very old-fashioned group photo, Wang Bert used Mind Scepter destroyed the Transmission Gate, the space vortex in the sky quickly disappeared, at the same time, the dark clouds dissipated quickly, and the sun shines on the land of Manhattan again!
The survivors of Manhattan were in disbelief at first, then cheered, and even cried with joy, this damned thing is finally over!

"Damn aliens, damn monsters from hell, finally solved!"

The high-level human beings also sighed in relief, and President Ellis immediately asked people to prepare a press conference to announce that America had won the battle. alien.

"This is not the time to rest, colleagues, come to the city to save people, there are many people in Manhattan who need our help!"

George Director loudly shouted, the policemen agreed, It's their job!
Wakanda, King T'Challa said to the crowd: "Prepare for war, America will not let it go!"

Except T'Challa sighed, all the elders were coldly snorted: "Neither do we Yes!"

Wang Bert held the Tesseract in his left hand and the Mind Scepter in his right hand, and suddenly there was an urge to possess them all!
Fortunately, Wang Bert woke up immediately, he looked at Mind Scepter, his eyes flickered, Mind Stone was definitely manipulated by Thanos.

“Tesseract can be wanted, but Mind Stone is not suitable for me!”

Wang Bert put away Tesseract and Mind Scepter, and said to everyone: “Also one last thing! "

The crowd asked: "What's the matter?"

Wang Bert pointed to Loki who saw that the situation was far from good and was about to escape, and said: "Beat Loki!"

Everyone hearing this looked down, eyes full of murderous aura!
Being stared at by so many superhero, even Loki was a little cowardly, he spread his hands and said: "Can I surrender now?"


Hulk first One jumped down, knocking Loki into the air with great ferocity!

Loki got up from the ground in embarrassment and shouted angrily: "Enough, you idiots, I'm a god!"

Loki was caught by Hulk before he finished speaking. The calf smashed around, and the sound of peng peng peng made everyone feel relieved!
"Good smashing!"

Natasha cheered while taking pictures: "Big guy, work harder, don't undying him!"


Hulk smashed harder, he promised Banner to smash Loki!

The injured Thor felt a little distressed for his younger brother and came over to try to dissuade him, but Tony and Ivan immediately stopped him, Tony hugged his shoulder and said, "Brother , I invite you to eat barbecue, there is a shop over there, uh, it seems to be smashed!"

Ivan said: "What kind of barbecue, I will treat you to drink vodka, only men can drink it vodka!"

Thor, who was entangled by the two, couldn't save Loki at all, he could only smile bitterly, speaking of which, this is what Loki deserves, but fortunately he is quite durable!
At this time, Wang Bert's cellphone rang suddenly, and after he connected, Senator Stern said: "Bert, President, let me thank you!"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "I Promised!"

Stern Senator asked tentatively: "Bert, Tesseract, Mind Scepter, also Loki, what are you going to do?"

"I don't see you in the fight. , he was very active when we divided spills of war!"

Wang Bert coldly snorted, he said: "Did you know? Odin uses Gungnir, which can destroy a star with one strike, a star like Earth!"


Senator Stern swallowed hard and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

"What do you think? ?"

Wang Bert said: "Tesseract, Mind Scepter, is my spills of war, as for Loki, I will hand him over to you, you can decide for yourself!"

Senator Stern almost yelled, you took all the benefits and threw the hot potato to us? Are you too pitiful? What if Odin threw that Gungnir directly at White House?
"Me and the President discuss it first!"

Senator Stern hangs up the phone, at which point Thor can't hold back anymore, he yells, "Hulk, it's time to stop!"


Hulk threw Loki on the ground like throwing garbage, and said with contempt, "God? Cut!"

Loki lay in the pit without love, like being Hundreds of robust man ravaged the same!
Electro , Natasha , also Spider-Man and the others took pictures in succession, and this photo is sure to be a hit online!

In Earth, Loki will never have the majesty of a god again!


Thor glanced at Wang Bert and said, "I'm taking Loki and Tesseract back to Asgard!"

"No, Loki has to Take responsibility for the crimes he committed on Earth!"

Tony objected immediately, Thor said, "He'll go back to Asgard and Odin will lock him up!"

"I How do you know you won't cover him up?"

Tony said: "He killed so many people, how can he just walk away?"

Other superhero looked dissatisfied. With Thor, Thor has no choice but to ask Wang Bert for help.

Wang Bert walked up to Loki and said, "You know what? Last time you sent a Destroyer to Earth to destroy, I swore to teach you a lesson!"


Thor was startled and wanted to rush to protect Loki, but was surrounded by other superheroes, unable to move!
Loki sat up reluctantly, he looked at Wang Bert, and shouted sternly; "Teach me a lesson? Do you dare to kill me? I'm Loki, but Prince of Asgard, if you kill me, you slap Odin in the face, He won't let you Earth!"

"I didn't recognize Odin as a father before, but now my father calls me very diligent!"

Wang Bert sneered, he said: "Don't worry, I didn't intend to kill you, but not out of fear of Odin, but because Thor is my friend and I don't want him to be sad!"

Thor gratefully said, "Thank you, Bert!"

Loki was also sighed in relief, but on the surface he was sneered: "It's nice to say, isn't it afraid of Odin?"

"However, the death penalty can be avoided, and the death penalty cannot be escaped!"

Wang Bert took out a magic scroll from his bosom and said, "This is the scroll I specifically asked for from Kamar-Taj. It was opened with the blood of seventy-two pure daughters..."


Everyone looked at Wang Bert, and seemed to have heard something extraordinary just now?
"Don't think so filthy, 10,000 USD is a tube of blood, and many people sell it! Do people of my status need to use filthy methods?"

Wang Bert is angry He said: "The role of this magic scroll is very simple, gender reversal, that is, turning a man into a woman, and, unless the spell caster Death, it can't be solved!"

"A man becomes a woman? "

Loki's face changed dramatically, and the others whistled after being shocked. Tony shouted: "Bert, I absolutely support you Penalty him!"

Damon also said : "Bert, it turns out that you prepared it for this guy, I support you!"

Natasha shrugged, said: "I won't protest this time, it's a good idea!"

"Yes, a man becomes a woman!"

Wang Bert nods Thor and says, "This is not a bad thing for you, after you become a woman, you can marry Thor and become his wife! "


Thor was stunned, he said angrily: "Bert, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ivan patted Thor's shoulder, He said something rather obscene in his ear, Thor angrily pushed him away, loudly shouted: "Bert, stop joking! This is not funny at all!"

Loki surprised and angry: "Odin won't allow this kind of thing!"

Wang Bert said mockingly: "You only worry about whether Odin will allow it, that is to say, you don't actually resist?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily, Tony said to Thor: "Congratulations, congratulations, a hundred years of marriage, have a precious son early!"

Thor was embarrassed, he glared at Loki, I am you Brother, you actually want to sleep with me?
Loki is equally ashamed, shouting: "You talk nonsense!"

"Odin will allow it!"

Wang Bert said: "Thor is brave , but the innate talent in politics is zero. After you marry him, you can help him deal with internal affairs. In this way, Asgard not only eliminates internal troubles, but also obtains a qualified heir.

Not only that, You are Prince of Jotunheim, uh, Princess, the union of you two will bring peace to Asgard and Jotunheim!
So many benefits, you say, will Odin agree? Also, I believe neither will the Queen of God Opinion, a son for a daughter-in-law is quite profitable."

"The two of them are really a couple made in Heaven and arranged by Earth!"

Tony touched the chin said, Thor angrily said, "Shut up, it's disgusting, okay? Also, I have a girlfriend!"

Loki also said, "Odin won't allow such a scandal to happen!"

"It's a good solution, declare Loki Death to the outside world, and then Thor meets Laufey's illegitimate daughter and decides to stay together forever!"

Wang Bert lifts the head to look at the sky and asks: "Odin, Are you okay with this arrangement?"

Asgard's Odin looked at Earth in astonishment, how could this be possible? To be honest, he was really a little bit moved!

Neither Thor nor Loki are qualified successors, but if the two of them can cooperate sincerely, then Asgard may also hope!
Immediately, Odin shook the head, this method is only suitable for picking up Loki, now, it's too late!
I just hate the method didn't expect back then!
Manhattan, Wang Bert looked away from the sky and said, "Since you don't object, I'll take it as your agreement, Ivan, you stop Thor, I'm starting!"

Loki and Thor Speechless, does this count as an agreement? Odin, why didn't you strike this guy with lightning?

Everyone was excited and nodded, Hulk and Ghost Rider pressed Thor's shoulders left and right, Thor shouted: "Bert, stop joking!"

"Who is free to joke? Dare to invade our Earth, how can we not pay a price?"

Wang Bert sneered: "Thor, don't worry, I will return a complete Loki to You, although you will have something less, you will also have something more!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Seeing Wang Bert preparing to open the magic scroll, Loki shouted in horror: "Wait, I can take the blame and make a contribution, I have information to tell you that Chitauri and I are just pioneers, and it is someone else who really wants to invade Earth!"

Wang Bert knowingly asked: "Who?"

Loki bargained : "I said, you can't turn me into a woman!"

Wang Bert continued to open the scroll without expression, Loki hurriedly said: "It's Thanos, he is the strongest and most notorious in the universe. Terrorist, he often invades other planets and kills half of them!"

Everyone frowned: "Why did he kill half of them?"

"How do I know? The crux of the matter is that he's eyeing you Earth, and sooner or later he'll come in person!"

Loki said, "I can help you fight him together!"

Wang Bert turned his head Asked Thor: "Thor, do you know the information about Thanos?"

"Know some, that's a very big trouble!" Rest assured, Asgard will help you fight Thanos together!"

Thinking of something, Thor said to Wang Bert: "Bert, I need Tesseract to patch Bifrost, without Bifrost, Asgard can't immediately support Earth."

"Thor, about Tesseract, I'll talk to you alone later!"

Wang Bert first nodded to Thor, then turned to look at Loki, and said, "Since you told me the information , I'll..."

"Don't turn me into a woman?"

Loki asked in surprise, Wang Bert said with a smile: "I'll make it happen to you Become a woman's wish!"

"When did I have this wish?"

Loki was furious, Wang Bert didn't care so much, just started the scroll, an extremely complicated magic array appeared out of thin air, covering Loki!
Immediately, Loki's body began to change, his hair became longer, his face softened, and his skin became even whiter!
"No way!"

Waiting for the magic array to disappear, Loki hurriedly touched down, his face suddenly turned white, it was really gone, his hand went all the way up, and he glared at Wang Bert suddenly, changing It's okay to be a woman, don't even give breasts?

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on!"

Wang Bert spread his hands and said, "But don't worry about that, Thor likes little ones!"

"Bert, I..."

Thor saw that Wang Bert actually turned Loki into a woman, and cursed in Asgard in anger.

The others were a little surprised too, but it was more of a pleasure, Loki, to let you do something in Earth, now you're screwing yourself up? Deserved!

Tony is even more laughed heartily: "haha, Loki, you can change your name to Loki in the future!"

"You can't offend Mister Wang in the future, too terrifying!"

Spider-Man shrank his neck secretly, he didn't want to be sisters with Gwen in the future!
"I'm so satisfied with this Penalty!"

Natasha keeps taking pictures around Loki, and she must be gaining fans super fast today.

Loki glared at everyone, everyone would be afraid of him, they all stared back, Loki thought of something, shyly said: "Don't look at people like this!"

The scene is deadly Silence, after a while, everyone turned their heads and vomited, Loki laughed heartily, you bastards, weren't you very proud just now, mother, no, I'm sick to death!
In good conscience, after Loki becomes Loki, he is not ugly. The problem is, everyone knows that he was still a man one minute ago!
"Why does it feel a little bit like shooting yourself in the foot?"

Wang Bert said to Thor while vomiting, "Thor, bring Loki back to your Asgard, it's disgusting!"

"You know it's disgusting now? Didn't you make it?"

Thor yelled, he felt that the future was dark, why don't he just leave Loki behind?

Thor shouts: "Bert, get rid of it!"

"Sorry, this is irreversible unless I die!"

Wang Bert said, Thor At the same time as Loki shouted, "Bert Wang, you're a devil!"


Wang Bert shrugged when he saw a Quinjet far away. Flying far, coldly snorted and said: "Trouble is coming!"

(end of this chapter)

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