Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 97


Chapter 97 Various plans, the challenge begins

Tony has always been generous when it comes to money. But this time, he was a little embarrassed. He spread his hands and said, "Hill Director, you know, the stock price of Stark Industries has been cut in half again, uh, why should I say it again?"

Hill asked : "It's nothing to you, right?"

"And then, the military, also all walks of life are asking Stark Industries to pay for Manhattan's losses!"

Tony continued: "In this case, Stark Industries must retain sufficient liquidity, so Pepper ordered that all investments and sponsorships over one million be suspended!"

"That means you don't have any money?"

Hill sighed, these days, even the landlord's house has no surplus food!

"Why don't you ask the richest bastard in America for money?"

Tony asked, "Not only did he not have to lose money, he also won the Manhattan rebuild and Cleaned up the project and made a lot of money.

also, that guy bought alien invasion insurance in advance, and several insurance companies went bankrupt in order to compensate him.

I Now I am a little doubtful that he directed and acted this alien invasion, otherwise why would anyone lose money, but he would make money?"

"You know the reason, he is Vampire after all!"


Hill said: "Tony, please help me think of a way. If this continues, the hearts of SHIELD will be scattered. Today someone sent an anonymous letter scolding me for canceling the small cake."

Tony Stunned: "Someone dares to scold you as Director? You are the Director of Agents!"

"They are also agents, agents who are ready to strike for a few small cakes!"

Hill sighed : "Sometimes, I really want to leave this mess, but Tony, the world needs SHIELD, and humanity needs SHIELD!"

Tony was silent, he took out his cellphone, and said: "Maybe you can Try to commercialize superhero, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, yes, it's the model of the watchmen company, they are super profitable, and today's market value has exceeded 10 billion!"

paused, Tony added, "Actually, Stark Industries has been selling Iron Man merch all the time, and before Manhattan, they were doing pretty well."

Hill frowned: "Superhero commercial? That's not good, we It is an official secret service organization, not suitable for high profile!"

"What's wrong? In fact, superhero is impossible and low-key!"

Tony said: "The commercialization of superhero not only can Bringing a lot of wealth to SHIELD and raising the profile of SHIELD, you guys have a pretty bad reputation now!"

"Isn't that 'Tracy Talk'?"

Hill After a moment of resentment, she thought about it and asked, "Does the Avengers squad have enough commercial value?"

"Of course!"

Tony projection screen, pointing to the photo above Said: "The popularity of this Avengers on Twitter is not ordinary!"

Hill looked at the crowd of welfare photos, ridiculed: "Tony, you actually follow Natasha? Don't forget, you already have fiancee! ”

Natasha Romanoff, the most popular beauty on Twitter, although she has never shown a face, but all kinds of welfare pictures are still mouth-watering, not to mention, she often posts and superhero A group photo of her, and many people on Twitter are discussing who she really is!

"I'm here for information! "

Tony coughed and defended: "Besides, you SHIELD a lot of people pay attention to her, okay? Hawkeye, Coulson are all paying attention, Hawkeye that bastard is still there shouting tight clothes! ”

Hill is speechless, those guys are really shameful, I heard that also people use the SHIELD dedicated network to watch Victoria's Secret, and when they get through this, they must rectify the SHIELD atmosphere!
"Back to the point! "

Tony said: "Natasha's popularity is so high, with a little hype, you will be able to arouse the attention of the whole people. At that time, you will take the opportunity to launch the Avengers squad, which will definitely be a hit!"

In the entertainment industry, as long as it is popular, it will definitely make money!

It's a pity that Captain's copyright is in the Ministry of War, otherwise he alone could make billions of USD for SHIELD a year! "

"How valuable is Captain?" "

Hill's eyes brightened, and then he looked at the head regretfully, the War Department will definitely not give up this cash cow!
"Tony, SHIELD can't come forward directly." "

After thinking about it, Hill said, "We can only authorize a certain company to help commercialize superhero!" "

Tony said, "Stark Industries can work with you, but you also have to invest, and the licensing alone doesn't make a lot of money." "

Hill nods: "Okay, I'll have a formal discussion with you when I finish consulting the Secretary Pierce and the Avengers squad!" "

"Good! "

After the discussion, Tony turned around and left. When he reached the door of Triskelion, he looked back, his eyes were full of coldness, SHIELD, or Snake Shield, you guys won't be around for a few days!


On the private plane, Tony looked at Carter's holographic projection and asked, "Carter Aunt, has Whitehall moved? "

"Not yet, this guy is in trouble!" "

Carter shook her head, she asked, "What do you gain from going to SHIELD today? "

"It's a lot of work, and if you're not mistaken, Nick Fury is the head of Hydra." "

Tony said coldly: "In other words, it was him who killed my parents!" "

"Why are you so sure?" "

Carter was stunned, and she said, "Both Steve and I thought Fury wasn't Hydra!" "

"That's because you don't know how much money he has embezzled?" "

Tony sneered and Carter was stunned after hearing that. Wouldn't anyone believe Nick Fury wasn't Hydra?

"Steve and I will interrogate him again." "

Carter said: "Tony, don't be impulsive, we're not just avenging Howard, we're going to cut Hydra cut weeds and eliminate the roots!" "

"I know!" "

Tony nods, then, he talked about the commercialization of superhero, and then explained: "I propose the commercialization of superhero, there are two purposes, one is to make SHIELD more short of money, this project It can indeed make money, but it requires a lot of investment in the early stage. If you want to make a return, it will take at least half a year!
As for another purpose, it is to find opportunities to contact superhero and make them our people! "

"This is fine.

Carter reminds: "However, there may be Hydra in superhero too!"

Tony says, "I'll be careful!"

Carter asks: "Tony, why do you want to make SHIELD even more short of money, do you have any plans?"

"Lack of money can cause chaos, and for us, the more chaos SHIELD is, the better!"

Tony explained: "Also, this can help us identify Hydra, SHIELD is short of money, Hydra may not!"

Carter praised: "Good idea, best of all, not inadvertently alert an enemy!"

Tony said arrogantly: "I, Tony Stark, came up with it, of course it's a good idea!"

"You're arrogant, just like Howard when he was young! "

Carter laughed, thinking of one thing, and asked, "By the way, Tony, are you familiar with the villain?"

Tony asked, "A little bit Friendship, what's wrong?"

Carter said: "Bert told me that Penance Stare, the sin nemesis, can see memories, and I want to use him to scare Whitehall, if not, just directly put him Burned, at least, we can know who Hydra Leader is!"

"This can be!"

Tony's eyes shined, and said: "Leave it to me, I'll find the sin Nemesis!"

"Okay!" Carter nod Wangp> offline, Tony thought about it, called ang Bert, and as soon as he was connected, he complained: "Bert, you Can you take care of Ivan? That lunatic asks Pepper to eat every day, believing or not I will bomb him with missiles?

also, what do you mean by sending durians to my house every day? Let me tell you, the Stark family doesn't have any The habit of kneeling on durians!"

Wang Bert asked: "Then what are you kneeling for? Keyboard or washboard?"

"We are... we don't kneel!"


Tony said angrily, Wang Bert laughed heartily, he said: "You kneel once in durian, I'll give you a kilo of Vibranium, how about it?"

"Not so good!"

Tony categorically refuses, he Tony Stark, how could it be possible to trifling a kg of Vibranium Kneeling down durian?
10kg is about the same!
Wang Bert asked: "Whatever you want to ask me for? It's not really for durian, is it?"

Tony asked: "I heard that you want to build a military space station and put Earth on it. A piece of armor?"

Wang Bert! Nods: "Yeah, if Loki doesn't lie, sooner or later, we have to be ready for the coming of Thanos"

Tony said, "Count me in , I'll do it with you!"

Wang Bert glanced at Tony and asked, "Are you rich?"

"I Tony Stark will be out of money? That shit I will solve all the problems within a month."

Tony said angrily: "At that time, I will pay as much as you can!"

"Then you have to do a good job. Get ready, the military space station is related to Earth's safety!"

Wang Bert said: "I plan to spend hundreds of billions to build it!"

Tony sucked in a breath of cold air: "Hundreds of billions? Are you going to use Vibranium to build it?"

"Yes, there will be at least hundreds of kilograms of Vibranium on the space station, otherwise it will not be able to stop the attack of alien."

Contrary to Tony's expectations, Wang Bert directly nodded, he said: "It is not only a space station, but also a space fortress. Hundreds of billions are just estimates. In the next ten years, I will keep investing money on it!"

"Hundreds of kilograms of Vibranium?"

Wang Bert's great generosity even Tony was stunned, he asked: "Do you have that much Vibranium? This thing You can't buy it with money, right?"

Wang Bert sneered: "In a few days, let alone hundreds of kilograms, I have thousands of kilograms!"

"It seems you I have gained a lot in Wakanda!"

Tony gritted his teeth and said: "I will think of a way in terms of funds, but in terms of ownership, each person must get half, not only for myself, but also for you, only In this way, the human side will be at ease!"

"Wait until you have the money!"

Wang Bert directly turned off the holographic projection, and Tony fiercely gave him a middle finger, this Guys, getting more and more arrogant.

But who makes people rich?

"Hundreds of billions of funds!"

Tony is a headache, the total market value of Stark Industries is only hundreds of billions of USD!
Tony thought to himself: "Looks like, I really have to figure out a way to make money."


Wakanda, above the waterfall, a large number of people gathered, today, well Job's son Erik will challenge King T'Challa's son T'Challa!

Wakandans have different ideas about this challenge, but one thing is consistent, that is, this challenge conforms to tradition and rules.

That is, whoever wins, they take it!
Wang Bert was sitting on a big rock, quietly reading a book, when a little girl came over and said to Wang Bert dissatisfiedly: "Aren't you a big hero? Why did you come to rob us of Wakanda's things? ?"

This woman is Princess Shuri!
Wang Bert turned his head to look at Shuri, and said lightly: "I didn't rob, I just made a fortune for me!"

Shuri said dissatisfiedly: "After Erik wins, you must let him open up. Wakanda, what's the difference between this and robbing?"

"Even if it's open, it's buying Vibranium, not robbing Vibranium!"

Wang Bert said: "little girl, if you're dying , there is only one thing that can save you, and this thing, which no one else has, is in the hands of another person, but this person is unwilling to give it to you, in this case, what would you do?"

Wang Bert added: "By the way, this kind of thing, there are so many people, so many mountains, and all you need is just a little bit!"

Shuri knew Wang Bert was talking about Vibranium , she said: "How can you be so exaggerated?"

"It is so exaggerated, without Vibranium, Earth can't stop Thanos, and half of the people will be slaughtered!"

Wang Bert said: "little girl, maybe in your eyes, I am an intruder, but you have to know that if I really want to invade your Wakanda, you Wakanda are probably dead now!
By then , your Vibranium Mountains will all be owned by me!"

Shuri was startled, and then shouted in disbelief: "We Wakanda are not that weak!"

Wang Bert smiled and said nothing, Shuri snorted, but her hatred for Wang Bert was reduced a lot, she asked: "What is that Thanos, is it really as scary as you say?"

"He slaughtered At least hundreds of planets are still safe and sound, do you think he is scary or not?"

Wang Bert said: "Besides Thanos, Earth also has many enemies, for example, Mephisto!"

"That's really Mephisto? America's officials keep promoting that they're aliens too!"

Shuri curiously asked: "Can you tell me about Mephisto? I'm curious about hell!"

"Okay, I happen to be reading books about hell!"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "There are many levels in hell, each floor, and there is a Demon Kin g, Mephisto is one of them, apart from this, also Lucifer, Hades and other Demon Kings..."

Shuri heard with keen interest pleasure, and Tchaka in the distance frowned upon seeing this scene , What the hell, the war is imminent, but his daughter is mixed with the enemy?
T'Challa hurriedly sent Okye to call Shuri back, then he said to T'Challa: "Don't be nervous, trust yourself!"

T'Challa took a deep breath, Says: "father, I'll beat him!"

Soon, the duel begins, and T'Challa drinks the medicament to relieve the Heart-Shaped Herb, then goes topless and confronts Erik in the water!
T'Challa, with one sword and one shield, shouted at Erik: "I know you are strong, but I will not lose to you!"

"You have no idea how strong I am!"

Erik pointed to the densely packed pimple mark on his body and said, "Every time I kill a person, I make a mark on my body. Do you know how many people I've killed so far?"

Looking at the mark on Erik's body, T'Challa sucked in a breath of cold air, at least that killed hundreds of people, right?

T'Challa said: "If that's the case, then I can't lose to you, Wakanda doesn't need a murderous Demon King!"


Erik disdainful smile, he didn't bother to talk nonsense any more, he put on a posture, beckoned: "T'Challa, come on!"

(end of this chapter)

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