Inside Factory No. 3

"Everyone, do you have any good ideas to capture Ye Hua alive? If not, then we can only assassinate him."

The leading man in black looked at the seven assassins surrounding him, and asked helplessly.

"Capture alive? Haha, it is very difficult to capture Ye Hua alive. I can't think of any way to capture Ye Hua alive. You know, his skills are not comparable to ours!"

One of them shook his head and said after hearing the leader's words.

"Yes, his skills are really too terrifying. Which of the eight dead killers was not as skilled as us? But what was the result? The eight elite killers didn't even last a minute before they were killed by Ye Hua!"

Another person also spoke up

"If that doesn't work, how about we drug him?"

The third person looked at everyone and said,"In fact, we can just pretend to be waiters in the bar, drug him and then capture him alive!"

"Drugged? Tsk!"

A killer next to this man said, holding a gun in his hand:"He is Ye Hua, the Ye Hua who has trained more than 3,000 elite soldiers, and the Ye Hua who has killed countless enemies on the battlefield in two years. His keen insight is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. As for killers like us, which one of us is not covered in blood? I guess he discovered me before I even got to his side!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what do you want? Are you really going to assassinate him? If he dies, we will lose 40 million!" The most burly man among the crowd stood up from his chair and said angrily:"I don't believe we don't have a chance to capture him alive. You know, we are the elite among the elites. I don't believe he is as powerful as the legend says!"

Among the crowd, a man who had been silent all the time suddenly said:"He is definitely as powerful as the legend says, otherwise the eight killers would not be killed so easily. Besides, didn't you notice that Violet didn't come here?"

"You mean, Violet acted alone?"

The leader frowned and said,"If Violet acted alone, she might be dead now.""

"Not necessarily!"

The silent man said,"We are good at assassination, but don't forget that she has one more advantage over us, that is, she is a woman. And she is a very beautiful woman. If Ye Hua was deceived by her beauty, then it is very likely that she has succeeded now!"

"So what are we waiting for? Hurry to where Ye Hua is. We can't let her take the 50 million bounty all by herself!"

The killer who spoke first stood up from the chair and was about to go outside.

He had just taken two steps when he heard a bang. A bullet shot directly into his head, and then he fell to the ground.

"There are enemies!"

When everyone saw this, they jumped up and hid in the shelters nearby.

However, they didn't know that Ye Hua had already noticed their figures. No matter how they tried to find shelters, the bullets were like phosphorous fire shooting at them.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sharp sound of bullets pierced the air, and after a while, a killer fell to the ground.

The others took out their guns and kept shooting at the entrance outside, but no matter how hard they shot, they never heard the other party's screams.

""Which direction did the bullet come from? Why do I hear bullets shooting all around me?"

The leading killer asked the people around him in panic. As long as they can determine the direction from which the bullet came, they can find a suitable cover and maybe even fight back.

"I don't know. I didn't hear it."

Before the assassin beside him could finish his words, a bullet shot him in the back of the head, blood splattered everywhere, directly splashing the face of the assassin leader.

"Damn it, this direction is behind us!"

The leader of the assassins roared and shot towards the back, and the other three assassins continued to shoot towards the back according to his instructions.

However, as soon as the bullets flew out of their guns, the bullets shot from the main gate hit them.

""Puff, puff, puff!"

The sound of bullets hitting heads continued to ring out. In the blink of an eye, three of the four men fell down.

The last remaining killer raised his pistol and smashed the light bulb above the factory. He was about to escape in the darkness, but a dagger stabbed him directly in the heart from behind, and the tip of the knife also protruded from his chest.

"How is this possible?"

The assassin leader looked at the dagger dripping with blood on his chest, and then fell to the ground with a confused look on his face.

Until his death, he did not find out how the person who killed him appeared from behind him.

After taking back the dagger, Ye Hua wiped the blood off the dagger with his clothes, and then sneered:"Elite assassin? Haha, nothing more than that!"

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