"Instructor, I found it!"

Kobe Bryant's voice came from the intercom:"Instructor, I have found Hydra's base. The coordinates are in the 225 direction, about five miles away from our landing location!"

After Ye Hua heard Kobe Bryant's voice, he said:"Don't act rashly. All commandos will gather at 225. In ten minutes, we will start a combat meeting!"

"Yes, instructor!"

After hearing Ye Hua's voice, the five commandos whispered back.

Ten minutes later, deep in the forest

"Kobe, you and Wade move to the right. Remember, shoot at the 305 coordinate. No matter if you hit anyone or not, you must fire as fast as possible. After firing a round of bullets, evacuate immediately. Go to the meeting point agreed with Howard!"

"O'Neill, you are responsible for going around to the back of this base and shooting. That is the safest position. After firing a burst of bullets, evacuate immediately."

"As for Maddie and LeBlanc, you two are on the far left, and your mission is the same as everyone else's."

"Check the clock now, it's 2:25 in the morning, half an hour later, everyone, immediately follow my instructions and shoot. Do you understand?"

Ye Hua asked, looking at the five commandos around him.


The five commandos nodded, and then immediately moved towards the location designated by Ye Hua in the dark.

Ye Hua stayed at the main gate of the base, ready to take advantage of the chaos to enter the Hydra base after the gunshots.

He could sneak into the base by himself. His target this time was not Schmidt, the leader of Hydra, but the Cosmic Cube. You know, Schmidt would definitely take such a precious thing wherever he went.

Moreover, in the movie, this base is where the 107th Infantry Regiment is imprisoned, which is also the base where Bucky was. When Captain America broke in, Schmidt took the Cosmic Cube away when he evacuated.

In other words, the Cosmic Cube is now in this base.

According to the invasion plan designated by Ye Hua, half an hour later, the left and right three Gunshots rang out from all directions at the same time. After hearing the gunshots, the soldiers in the Hydra base all subconsciously began to fight back, and then shouted everywhere that the enemy was attacking.

Seeing the panic in the Hydra base, Ye Hua quickly ran towards the main entrance of the Hydra base.

Ye Hua, dressed in a black battle robe, was like a fish in water in the dark. In the absence of lights outside, they could not see Ye Hua's figure clearly.

When they arrived at the door of the Hydra base, the bullets from the three directions had all been fired, and the people had evacuated, but the group of people inside the Hydra base continued to shoot in the three directions. Ye Hua calculated the time, and soon, after five seconds, the main entrance of the base opened. The three groups of fully armed team members ran with guns. came out, and then began to search for the enemy in the forest.

Ye Hua hid in the darkness, and when the last soldier came out, Ye Hua suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the soldier over, and before he could make a sound, he directly broke his neck.

Seeing that no one noticed his action, Ye Hua dragged the man into the darkness.

A few minutes later, Ye Hua, wearing the uniform of a Hydra soldier and holding their exclusive weapons, swaggered into the Hydra base.

At this time, there was chaos in the base. Everyone was looking for traces of the enemy. Many armored vehicles and tanks were also started, but after searching for a long time, they found that the enemy did not attack, and many people gradually felt relieved.

Ye Hua mixed in the tail of a team, in the brightly lit situation of the Hydra base. After that, he went straight into the interior of the base.

After following the team into the interior, he found that the scientists who had been resting were now standing in the arsenal in a panic wearing their clothes. They were protected by many Hydra people with guns. Ye Hua smiled after seeing Dr. Zora.

The weapons held by these Hydra soldiers were the energy extracted from the Cosmic Cube by Dr. Zora using the energy conversion method.

Therefore, he must know where the Cosmic Cube is in this base.

Thinking of this, Ye Hua quickly walked to Dr. Zora, saluted first, and then said:"Dr. Zora, I'm sorry to disturb your rest. The enemy did not attack. We have sent three groups of soldiers out to search for the enemy's position. You are safe here! So, please rest assured!"

"That's good, that's good!"

After hearing Ye Hua's words, Dr. Zora heaved a sigh of relief and said,"In that case, I will go back and rest."

"I'll escort you back!"

Ye Hua said behind Zora.

Hearing Ye Hua's words, Dr. Zora didn't think much about it. He thought Schmidt was worried about his safety and asked someone to escort him. After all, he was the most powerful doctor in the base. It was normal for someone to escort him.

He never thought that the soldier in front of him was the most feared person in Hydra?

(Are there any flowers and comments?There are so few flowers and comments.)

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