Seeing the azure light on his body and feeling the pain of his body being torn apart, Ye Hua wanted to curse loudly:"Damn it, what a rip!"

But before Ye Hua could curse, his whole body disappeared. Only Dr. Zora, who looked confused, and Schmidt, who was frowning, were left in the control room.

"thisWhat's going on?"

Dr. Zora asked with a frown as he looked at Ye Hua who had disappeared from the spot.

"I don't know!"

Schmidt shook his head, and after a while, he suddenly laughed:"Haha, the instructor disappeared, the instructor disappeared. Dr. Zola, go tell the Hydra soldiers that the instructor they feared in their hearts has been killed!"


Dr. Zola nodded in confusion. Until now, he still hasn't figured out what happened.

Half a year later, in the 305th Corps.

Captain America, who came to comfort the soldiers, sat alone under the tent, listening to the sound of rain outside and drawing with a carbon pen.

Captain America has always had two ideals. One is to become a qualified soldier to serve the country, and the second is to become a painter. It's just that his family is relatively poor, so he has no money to go to college for further studies.

As for the first dream, Ye Hua brought him into the army, but now, he has become a monkey riding a unicycle in the portrait.

At least now, Steve Rogers feels that he is a great failure.

"Steve Rogers!"

Just when Captain America was drawing a monkey riding a unicycle, Peggy Carter walked behind him and said,"You are living a good life now. At least you still have time to paint here!" When

Steve Rogers heard Peggy Carter's voice, he turned around and asked,"Ms. Carter, long time no see!"

"It's okay, after all, this was one of my dreams."

Steve Rogers frowned, then sighed helplessly,"I wanted to be a soldier, and the instructor brought me into the army, taught me the skills of a soldier, and helped me become a super soldier. But you see, I am now like the monkey riding a unicycle in my hand."

"I can't say I'm disappointed, after all, I sold a lot of bonds for the country. But if the instructor saw me like this, he would be very disappointed!"

Captain America shook his head and said

"That's right, if he sees you like this, he will be very disappointed!"

Peggy Carter nodded and said

"Yes, I know this, but to be honest, I really want to see the instructor, because I am now full of confusion in my heart, and I don’t know what I should do next! But, the instructor must not want to see me now!"

Steve Rogers lowered his head and said decadently

"It seems that you really don't know!"

Peggy Carter sighed and said after hearing what Captain America said.

"What don't I know?"

Captain America asked in confusion.

"The instructor died! He died half a year ago!"

Peggy Carter said with tears in her eyes.

""What? What did you say?"

Hearing what Peggy Carter said, Steve Rogers dropped the notebook and paintbrush in his hand, then stood up abruptly, looked at Carter in disbelief and asked,"You said... you said the instructor died? This... How is this possible? That's the instructor, how could he die? I don't believe it!!!""

"Don’t just say you don’t believe it, even I don’t believe it!"

Peggy Carter looked at Captain America and shouted,"How could the instructor, such a powerful person, sacrifice himself? I would believe this kind of thing if it happened to anyone, but I don’t believe it if it happened to the instructor. I don’t believe that there is anyone in this world who can defeat him! But the fact is, the instructor really sacrificed himself!"

Tears kept sliding down Peggy’s face, and she looked at Steve Rogers and choked up and said,"Half a year ago, the instructor led the commandos to attack Schmidt’s base in the suburbs of London. In order to prevent the five members from losing their lives, he chose to let the five members shoot outside to attract people’s attention, and then retreated. He entered the base alone to assassinate Schmidt!"

"But when the five members retreated to the agreed location, they waited for three days but the instructor did not come back. Later, when they went to search for intelligence, they heard Hydra soldiers say that the invincible instructor had died and was killed by Schmidt!"

"Later, our intelligence department continued to collect intelligence about the instructor, but every piece of intelligence showed that the instructor had died. Even if we didn't want to believe this fact, we had to believe it in the end. Unfortunately, we couldn't even bring back the instructor's body!"

Kat looked at Captain America with tears in her eyes and said,"You are not the only student of the instructor, I am too!"

Hearing Kat's words, Steve Rogers silently looked at the monkey riding a unicycle on the drawing paper on the ground, then clenched his fists and walked outside.

"Where are you going?"

Kat asked loudly as she watched Steve Rogers walking in the rain.

"I'm going to get the equipment and avenge my instructor!"

Captain America clenched his fists with tears in his eyes, and then said word by word.

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