"Tell me, how did you get here?"

Hela looked at Ye Hua and asked,"I can sense the power of space in you. Was it the space gem that teleported you here?"

"That's about right!"

Ye Hua nodded, and then told Hela some unimportant things.

"The purple big guy? Haha!"

Hearing Ye Hua mention Thanos, Hela smiled contemptuously and said,"Back then, that guy claimed to be from the Eternal Titan clan and wanted to challenge Odin. Then Odin sent me to fight him, and I defeated him in the end. As a trophy, I put the Infinity Gauntlet in the treasury of the God's Domain, but that Infinity Gauntlet is just a replica."

Looking at the arrogant Hela, Ye Hua thought for a while, and asked in confusion:"Hela, I have a question for you!"

"Are you calling my name?"

Hela glanced at Ye Hua, then turned her head and said,"If you had dared to call me by my name in the past, you would have died long ago. But now... Tell me, what's your problem?"

"Why do you always want to destroy the Nine Realms?"

Ye Hua looked at Hela and said,"I know that you always want to become a king, but is destroying the Nine Realms really what you want?"

"Of course, it’s not about destroying the Nine Realms, but conquering them!"

Hela raised her head and said proudly,"If Odin hadn’t sealed me here, I would have conquered the Nine Realms long ago. I want to be the only king of the Nine Realms."

"What happens after that?"

Ye Hua looked at Hela and said,"Have you ever thought about what happens after you become the king? Even if you successfully conquer the Nine Realms, and kill all those who disobey you. But, what happens after that? Are you sure you will be happy because of other people's fear?"

Without waiting for Hela to answer, Ye Hua continued,"I am not the king on Earth, but there are more than 100,000 soldiers who respect and love me. I am very happy there."

"You know, in a place with skin discrimination, this is impossible, but I did it."

Ye Hua raised his head, looked at Hela and smiled,"You know, when I first arrived there, I didn't know how to do anything, I didn't even dare to kill people, I was once laughed at by others and called a coward. Because I had never experienced killing before, I had never even killed a chicken."

"Suddenly, I was on the battlefield, and everything changed. In order to survive, I killed people again and again on the battlefield. In order to strengthen my strength, I killed many, many people. I killed more than a thousand people with my own hands, and I don’t even know how many people the soldiers and officers I taught killed!"

"After finally being able to improve my strength without killing people, I once asked myself, do I really like the battlefield? Do I really like killing enemies? Do I like the feeling of being respected, or do I like the feeling of blood boiling when killing people on the battlefield?"

"You may not believe it, but I prefer to be respected rather than go to the battlefield to kill people. Of course, this may be due to vanity. But everyone has vanity, which is normal. I went to the battlefield at first because I had no choice. If I didn't kill them, I would be the one to die. But now, except when necessary, I rarely kill people. Because killing does not make me feel happy!"

"Similarly, just like you, you said you have been fighting for more than a thousand years, so I think you must have a lot of blood on your hands. Have you ever asked yourself, do you really like the feeling of killing? Or do you prefer the feeling of being respected and loved?"

Ye Hua looked at Hela and asked with a smile.

Hearing Ye Hua's words, Hela was silent for a while, then snorted and said:"What do you know, I am destined to be the king, so killing is necessary!"

"Yes, if you want to become a king, you must have some blood on your hands. This is a necessary process. Especially in a place like Asgard, if you want those Asgardian warriors to submit to you, trust you, and worship you, you must lead them to win every battle again and again."

"But what is the original purpose of these battles? Isn't it to gain the respect and trust of your soldiers? If so, why do you have to pay the price of killing every time?"

"A king, in addition to having strong strength, needs to be able to calm people's hearts. You need to make your people believe that you are the king, and you are qualified to make their lives better, happier and richer, instead of just leading them to the battlefield to win one victory after another. That is what a general should do, not what a king should do."

Speaking of this, Ye Hua looked into Hila's eyes and asked seriously:"You want to be a king. I know that people in your God Realm have a lifespan of more than 5,000 years, but how many years of happiness can a god live for 5,000 years? Just like now, are you happy?"

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