After receiving the mission from Peggy Carter, Ye Hua came to New York, near the target.

For three whole days, Ye Hua was monitoring the high-level of Hydra. After following for three days, Ye Hua figured out the action pattern of this person!

No wonder Peggy Carter said that this guy was not easy to deal with. For three days, he was with bodyguards almost all the time. Even when he slept at night, the bodyguards stood at his door to help him keep watch. There are so many members of the entire US Congress, but he has the most bodyguards, and they rotate day and night.

After figuring out his pattern, Ye Hua was ready to act.

That night, the Rich Building Center in downtown New York City.

The three-story building in front of Ye Hua with a closed door was the house of Hank Walter, his target this time.

Easily avoiding the patrolling guards, he glanced at the guard standing at the door.

Ye Hua spread his gray wings and flew directly to the roof.

After flying to the roof, Ye Hua found a vent and went in directly. After staying in the cubicle for half an hour, Ye Hua sneaked into Hank Walter's room after the guard at the door went to the toilet.

Hank Walter was sleeping very soundly at this time. Perhaps it was because of his identity. Although there were many women around him, he was always alone when he slept at night.

Looking at Hank Walter who was sleeping soundly, Ye Hua took out the neurotoxin that had been prepared long ago and poured it on the linen, and then covered his mouth and nose. A few seconds later, Hank went directly to see God while sleeping.

Oh, maybe the people of Hydra don't believe in God. But who he will see is not something Ye Hua can control!

Assassination is so simple for Ye Hua. It's as simple as eating and drinking. It's not as complicated as outsiders imagine.

After killing Hank Walter, Ye Hua walked to the safe in the room. After trying for more than ten minutes, Ye Hua finally opened the door of the safe.

In the safe, in addition to tens of thousands of dollars in cash, there are more jewelry and gold.

After putting the jewelry and gold into the system space, Ye Hua was ready to leave.

Before he left, the landline phone in the room suddenly rang.

Hearing the ringing of the phone, Ye Hua frowned, thought for a while, and then picked up the phone.


Before Ye Hua could say anything, he heard a roar from the other end of the phone:"Hank, what do you do for a living? How long has it been since I asked you to do it? Why haven't you done it yet?"

"You are already a senior member of our organization, and I have spent so much effort to train you to become a member of the U.S. Congress."

"Even if I ask you to get Dr. Erkins' itinerary, you can't get it, let alone send someone to assassinate him. What's wrong with you? I'll give you three more days. If I still can't get Dr. Erkins' itinerary after three days, you can go to see Hydra!"

Ye Hua frowned when he heard the angry voice on the other end of the phone.

According to the documents Peggy gave him, this Hank is definitely a high-ranking member of Hydra.

Since he is a high-ranking member of Hydra, if someone dares to question him like this, then it can be imagined that this person must be none other than the leader of Hydra, Red Skull John Schmidt. John Schmidt on the other end of the phone waited for a long time, but didn't get Hank's answer, so he asked angrily:"What are you doing? Why don't you speak?"

Hearing the Red Skull's question, Ye Hua replied:"Because I'm waiting for you to finish!"

"You are not Hank, who are you?"

Schmidt heard Ye Hua's voice and immediately asked alertly.

"Who am I? This is a very good question!"

Ye Hua said to Schmidt on the other end of the phone with a sly smile:"If you want to know who I am, then you must first know the difference between the id and the ego. And if you want to know the difference between the id and the ego, then you must first know the theory of human evolution. If you want to study the theory of human evolution, you must know the formation of the universe. If you want to know the universe,"

"What on earth are you talking about? Can you say something I can understand?"

John Schmidt was a bit confused listening to Ye Hua's nonsense on the other end of the phone, and then roared angrily.

You have to know that John Schmidt was a tragedy since childhood. He was born in 1988 and started wandering at the age of seven. More than ten years later, he was taken in by the reactionary head of state who won the country and taught him personally. So now he can't understand anything about the self.

"Oh, I forgot, you have never been to school, so you don’t know what the self is. Oh, it’s my fault, my fault!"

Ye Hua said with an exaggerated smile.

The Red Skull on the other end of the phone was almost mad at the moment. He roared and asked:"Where is Hank? Who are you?"

"Hank? Oh, you mean him, he's dead. He went to meet that Hydra you mentioned!" Ye Hua put away his smile and said coldly to John Schmidt,"I know who you are, John Schmidt, the leader of Hydra. I can also tell you who I am. My name is Ye Hua, and I'm one of the top few people on your Hydra must-kill list."

"You Hydra people want to kill me, then come on, I'll be waiting for you. By the way, don't let me find out where your lair is, otherwise, I will go and kill you!"

After saying that, Ye Hua was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute!"

After hearing what Ye Hua said, John Schmidt on the other end of the phone was no longer angry, but asked directly:"Ye Hua, I know who you are. Although you killed Hank and added a little trouble to my plan, can I ask you a question?"

"What's your problem?"

Ye Hua raised his eyebrows and asked

"What benefits did the United States give you to make you work so hard for them? You are not an American, so if possible, I would like you to join us."

"As long as you are willing to join us, with your ability, you will be the second in command in Hydra. And I will satisfy you with whatever you want!"

John Schmidt said to Ye Hua on the phone.

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