Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 454: Meeting (below)

"This is not difficult."

When Xia Zhi’s words were just finished, I heard Tony say, “Just ask Sol to come over, probably it’s almost the same.”

"How to say?"

"Let the venom try, can it be parasitic on the Asgard Protoss, if not, then get the comet to Asgard, it is to create a hobby for the Asgard Protoss Helping to raise a symbiotic body."

Having said that, Tony looked at the venom again: "No intention to offend."

"It doesn't matter, I am not familiar with them." The venom doesn't matter.

Xia Zhi night pondered the feeling that this thing may not work, people and people's physique is also different, Earth people are suitable for venom parasitism, that Asgard's people?

When Sol was deceived by Loki, he was fighting for the Quartet. Would you like to try it with another person?

He touched his chin and said: "Saul may not come back for the time being, but it doesn't matter. This experiment can be handed over to me. Now we need to discuss that if the final result of this experiment is not true, then what are these guys? What should I do? Um... I mean, how to keep them properly without destroying them. Until our experiments have a look, whether it is destroyed or another Figure, we can all take the initiative."

After everyone was silent for a moment, Natasha opened her mouth: "There is one thing we must confirm. What kind of state is the symbiosis on the comet now?"

"Sleeping state." The venom said: "How else, how can we be easily poured into the jar?"

"What kind of environment do you need to wake up?" Natasha asked again.

“Probably a kind...has a livable environment?” The venom is not very sure.

Natasha looked at the summer night: "So, I don't think it's as troublesome as I want to deal with this. We just need to place them on a less livable, environmentally harsh planet. Let them continue to stay in this kind of sleep. At present, our research department has made progress. Many planets around the earth have been detected by drones. I don’t think it is difficult to find a suitable planet. But the premise is that someone needs to go to the comet to collect some of the corresponding information on that planet, as a comparison of information, so that our people can make a purposeful choice."


Summer night nodded: "Two things, I will start to do it."

The meeting is basically the same here, the summer night is on the table in front of you: "Summarize the key points! Communication equipment is on the line as soon as possible, we need to see the finished product. The proposal of the little spider is a good idea. It is possible for the researchers to come up with an effective solution. The reception of the Life Foundation will be handed over to Harry, and the media company in San Francisco will start construction as soon as possible, related matters... well, Tony, your girlfriend. Can the resources of the side be temporarily used? Of course, it is mainly the network."

"No problem." Tony nodded.

Xia Zhi nodded. "So, I immediately set up a project team, focusing on the company development. I actually have one candidate in this area, but I need everyone to agree."

"I guess!"

Banner smiled and said: "Dr. Connors?"

Xia Zhiru said helplessly: "All of them are plain, but there is no suspense. He has been helping me with the company. I think I have enough experience in this area."

"The corresponding complaints experience has also increased." Banner continued to laugh.

After the information of Dr. Connors was sent to everyone in the room, the decision was passed, but the work of talking about this matter was handed over to Banner.

The personal relationship between these two people is very good, the most important thing is that the summer night of this handy shopkeeper is a bit embarrassed to see people.

Ok, this is just a joke. In fact, the task he is now on is the heaviest. It is really time to wait.

Finally, the summer night revisited everyone in the room and suddenly smiled: "A year ago, under my thoughts, this organization was established. Mainly because I saw it in the universe too. Too many incredible, too many horrors, human beings trying to survive in this world, those people must be responsible for guarding security. I am naturally rebellious, unwilling to be bound by bureaucracy, so determined to set up our The Superhero League, now it seems, has been slightly scaled..."

Having said that, everyone looks at this summer night and waits for his next words.

Summer night spent a long time, but found the word poor, very embarrassing, and finally asked Techara: "How do you feel, what do you want to say?"

Techara is very upset, what does this have to do with himself?

As a newcomer, isn’t he just talking about it?

“Sure enough, it’s an elderly person, obviously I don’t know what to say.”

Tony pouted.

"This is very summer!"

Banner finally nodded.

Natasha rolled her eyes and stood up: "I want to earn my cosmetics, and no one should stop me."

"The name of the Superhero League, or I am!"

The little spider angered a wave of presence.

The scene couldn’t be controlled anymore, and Brock was in a mess in the scene of this group of magical dances.

Summer night support: "Hurricane evil spirits, hurricane evil spirits..."

Bullock’s heartache on the summer night was empathetic, and then he heard that Xia Zhi’s heart was satisfied: “Sure enough, this is us.”

Brock immediately felt that the feeling of empathy was just right, is it really an illusion?

All in all Superhero League, the first meeting was a successful conclusion, the beginning is serious, the middle is full, but the end is sloppy.

The results are useful.

Not only for the current series of events, but also for a certain degree of work after the work, at least in the general direction, and then to the details, but also countless work needs to be assigned to everyone On the body.

Then Tony suddenly found out that he didn't care about the Stark Group. Why didn't he go to the Superhero League to do the best?

What is this all about?

In some cases, the excitement and excitement also dispersed, but after the meeting, everyone decided to leave the Caspian camp, find a place to have a good time, and finally drive the Kun-style fighter directly, find a very distant town to fall, a group of people clawing Just entered the town.

The local mantle hooligans thought that it was the place where they came to grab the site. They all had the courage to use their eyes to threaten them in the summer night... but they were just threatening their eyes, which made them return a life.

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