Chapter Thirty-Seven Singled Out S.H.I.E.L.D. agents!

“Hawkeye let go!” The imitation sound bird over there hurriedly shouted upwards, but the steel wire was connected to Hawkeye’s iron bow, and he couldn’t let go at all! Suddenly, a huge brute force violently tore Hawkeye off the stairs, and flew directly towards Wang Ye with a whoosh!

“Run!” Imitation birds anxiously shout, Hawkeye is the best sniper, how can you die here! Hawkeye also tried his best to pull back, but the brute force of the web page was too large, and the speed did not slow down at all!

“Damn it!” In the end, Hawkeye simply pulled out a military dagger and was about to cut the steel wire, and at this time Wang Ye suddenly made a second force, and Hawkeye flew directly towards him!

“It’s too late! Ha ha! Wang Ye’s eyes burst out a kind of crazy look, his right hand clenched his fist violently, and suddenly a flame was ignited violently, and the air in front of him exploded with a bang, and Wang Ye’s fist like a cannonball boomed up!

“Damn it! Yes!! Hawkeye clenched his arms to resist, and Wang Ye’s fist crashed into his arm! Suddenly, an explosion-like shock wave spread out, and Hawkeye’s two arms broke their bones with a click, and then Wang Ye’s fist slammed unabated on his chest!

“Hawkeye!” In the shouting of the imitation bird, Hawkeye’s body flew out violently like a kite with a broken line, crashed into a car, and suddenly the glass on the car was all shattered, and Hawkeye’s hands twisted in a strange shape, the whole person directly fainted, the bones in the chest all collapsed in, and the blood donation gurgled out.

“You scum! Damn, I killed you! “The veins on the face of the imitation bird are all coming out, and the eyes are full of blood. The next moment, she jumped up sharply towards Wang Ye, and the metal short stick in her hand came straight towards Wang Ye’s head, and he had already moved to kill!

“My lord! We’re here to help you! “Those hidden agents suddenly rushed up to assist the imitation bird, and all the pistols were aimed at Wang Ye!

“Leave me alone! Send Hawkeye to first aid! “The sound bird roars!

“Come on! Stinky bitch! Wang Ye’s face was also crazy and did not give in at all, the ground under his legs bent and his feet instantly cracked, and with a boom, he soared into the sky like a cannonball, and his hands were like steel cast iron directly towards the metal short stick of the imitation bird!

With a bang, the short stick collided with Wang Ye’s palm, and suddenly a tooth-sour voice sounded, imitating a bird gritting its teeth and drinking: “I want your life!” ”

“Get out!” Wang Ye’s eyes were tyrannical, and suddenly the short stick and Wang Ye’s hands waved continuously, and the thumping sound continued to sound, and any hit on ordinary people could break bones!

“You give me down!” Wang Ye found a gap, suddenly bent his fingers into claws and slammed through the metal short stick and hissed on the chest of the imitation sound bird, the tights were directly scratched, and the chest was suddenly scratched by Wang Ye with a bloodstain, and Wang Ye’s claws clicked and grabbed one of her ribs between the rolling of flesh and blood!

“Ah! Damn it! The imitation bird suddenly suffered extremely pain, Wang Ye burst out and grabbed her violently and threw her towards the ground, and with a click, her rib was scratched and broken, and then smashed on the ground with a boom, the force was so great that the ground shook, and the imitation bird spewed out a mouthful of blood!

“Stinky bitch, just because you’re still far behind!” Wang Ye said with cold eyes, and then looked at those agents, and suddenly saw those agents running towards an armored car with Hawkeye’s body!

“Did I let you go!” Wang Ye said coldly, suddenly those agents suddenly took out their pistols and were about to shoot, but did the pistol still work for Wang Ye!

“Let’s go! I’ll hold him back! Bullets are useless to him! The imitation bird that was suddenly smashed on the ground shouted anxiously, and the agents immediately put away their weapons and jerked the car to leave!

“Damn it!” Wang Ye’s eyes were cold, and he waved his hand sharply, and saw thousands of killer bees buzzing towards the car, and the black pressure made people’s scalps numb!

“Stinky girls, S.H.I.E.L.D. is here you trash, aren’t you!” Wang Ye turned his head and saw the imitation bird collapsed to the ground, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was gurgling. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the king also rushed up, raised his right foot and stepped directly towards the neck of the imitation bird! With a booming vibration, Wang Ye suddenly frowned, and when he looked down, he saw that the remaining hand of the imitation bird was desperately grasping his ankle, and Wang Ye’s kick directly shattered her shoulder blade!

“Ahem! Poison Man, right? You’re dead! You think we’re just a little bit of a trick, don’t you! Necromancer lock, it’s your turn! The imitation bird desperately grabbed Wang Ye’s legs, as if to fix him here. At this moment, Wang Ye’s eyes suddenly widened, and as soon as the words of the imitation bird fell, suddenly Wang Ye felt a shaking of the concrete floor behind him, and then only heard a rumble The ground behind him suddenly exploded a huge hole. A huge figure half black and half white came out directly from the ground!

I saw that the black shadow was an iron pimple covered with iron, more than two meters tall, holding a heavy dagger in his hand, falling from the sky, catching the falling force, and slashing towards Wang Ye!

“Roar!!!” The roar shouted from the mouth of this big man was simply not like a human voice, and the wind pressure that had not yet fallen had already cracked the ground!

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