Chapter 57 Tony calls

Wang Ye walked directly towards the stairs without looking at it, and as he walked forward, a black qi began to permeate his body, gradually forming a black bear and totem, and his hideous hands constantly secreted light yellow venom dripped down his nails to the ground, and a burst of green smoke rose like sulfuric acid everywhere he went!

The Viper Party is a complex organization, and it certainly can’t all be here, and this castle is only one of the strongholds at best. But Wang Ye can’t wait to increase his strength now, and how many people don’t care anymore.

As he spoke, Wang had already arrived on the second floor, and suddenly heard a screaming sound through the wall. Suddenly, without saying a word, a black smoke rose from his fist and slammed into the wall in front of him! Just listen to a violent explosion, and the entire wall begins to shake!

At the same time, in the other room, two people in white protective suits performed vivisection on a woman on the test bench, and there was a burst of screams. Suddenly, at this moment, the wall suddenly began to shake, and then a large area of bricks and stones flew across with a bang, and dust filled the air!

“What’s going on!” One of them said loudly.

Wang Ye’s figure gradually came out of the smoke, and suddenly saw the scene in front of him, a naked woman was lying on the experimental table, the woman’s arm was already blurred with blood and flesh, and she was wailing in pain!

“Save, save me! Please, help! That woman was still sober, and when she saw Wang Ye, she immediately desperately called for help!

Wang Ye immediately froze in place, and a nameless anger suddenly burned in his heart! The world thinks that the poison man is a madman, a murderous evil ghost without blinking. But only Wang himself understood that his practice was to fight violence with violence, and suddenly Wang seemed to see that he was almost stabbed to death by an Indian on the day the Hundred Beast System was opened, why can these people be so cruel to kill the killer!

Wang Ye felt like he was about to explode, and his eyes were almost blood-red! From that day on, in order to make all these scumbags disappear, he turned into a devil who fought violence with violence, and when he saw this scene, the king also immediately went crazy!

“What are you doing! What are you doing! Wang Ye squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, and in the next second, blood-red electricity began to swim around his body!

“Where are you from the mongrel!” The experimenter scolded.

“Good! Very good! Suddenly, the King of Time was no longer suppressed, and suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were as blood-red as terrifying beasts. Immediately afterwards, Wang Ye flew directly forward, and his sharp claws popped into the mouth of the person who spoke!

“Gag! Forehead! The man’s eyes widened, and he saw Wang Ye directly grabbing her upper and lower jaws with both hands with a hideous face, and then violently tore it up! I only listened to the sound of blood and flesh separation, and suddenly a large amount of blood sprayed on Wang Ye’s face, and with a click, Wang Ye tore off the man’s jaw!

“You! Who are you! At this time, the man behind him suddenly asked in fear, and then the sound of the pistol loading sounded! Wang Ye turned around sharply and punched over!

“Ah! My hand! The man immediately screamed, only to see Wang Ye’s flaming fist punch break his arm, and the half of his arm flew out directly!

“You wicked! Why is it so ruthless! The man collapsed on the ground holding his arm and screamed, and Wang Ye walked up step by step, and grabbed the top of the man’s head as soon as the words fell! Five fingers of steel knives were buckled into his skull, and Wang Ye gritted his teeth and slammed his strength, and with a bang, a red and white brain pulp flew out horizontally, directly crushing his skull!

“You! Who are you, come and save me! The woman imprisoned on the test bench asked in fear, looking at the bloodied Wang Ye almost fainted in fear.

“Go, never come back!” Wang Ye muttered, reached out and ripped off the belt on the woman’s body, and suddenly the woman jumped down like crazy and ran out without looking back, without even saying a word of thanks.


Dark clouds covered the night sky, and lightning streaked over the castle. In the middle of the night, Wang Ye walked out of the gate with a murderous aura mixed with blood, making him look more terrifying than all the evil people, and the coldness on his face could almost freeze the magma.

The phone rang as soon as the bell rang, and Wang Ye picked up the phone expressionlessly and looked at it and said, “Hey, what’s the matter.” ”

Tony on the other end of the phone immediately felt that something was wrong with Wang Ye, and quickly said: “Wang what’s wrong with you.” How it seems to be falling out of love. ”

“It’s okay, I just killed a few beasts inferior to pigs and dogs!” Wang Ye gritted his teeth and said. The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then Tony suddenly changed his tone and said: “In two days, Stark Group has an F1 competition that mainly promotes new products, and you are also a shareholder, so you should come to attend.” Don’t stay in the pet store all day, and participate in some group activities to relax. ”

“Thanks, I’ll go over tomorrow.” Wang Ye said lightly, suddenly at this time a flash of light, Wang Ye suddenly remembered that the Stark Group’s racing conference was not that when Ivan appeared! The Steel Suit War is about to begin!

Thinking of this, Wang Ye suddenly said: “I’ll go over immediately!” ”

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