Chapter 67: Assassination of Mercenaries

The Fangs Mercenary is a mercenary organization under the former Hydra Legion, trained by the Viper Party, active in the Middle East battlefield and an organization that takes over assassination missions all year round, and the leader is one of the leaders of the Viper Party. He has committed many war crimes, sparked the New York riots, created a race war, and even assassinated former presidents, and is a notorious mercenary. One of the most important purposes of this army was to serve as a backing force for the Viper Party, while collecting supplies for the Hydra Legion.

The mercenaries acted decisively and well, and did not have fixed military camps in the world, and this time the siege of the king also failed, and temporarily remained in New York without evacuating. When all the military eyes were sweeping New York to try to find them, they were hiding in the jungle outside New York, and the most dangerous place was the safest, and it could only be said that this Yongjun army had already been unscrupulous.

For two days, Wang Ye hid in the old city to recover his body, and with the passage of time, Wang Ye has gradually recovered his overdrawn physical strength, and with the super regeneration ability of a killer crab, the scars on his body have long disappeared, and gradually this beast has recovered to its best state.

Night gradually descended on the jungle, and the mercenaries stationed in the jungle did not know that a pair of cold eyes had been fixed on them. In the sky, a golden-eyed eagle the size of a goat is hovering in the air, closely watching every move of the entire forest!

“It turns out that it’s really all here!” Wang Ye suddenly opened his eyes outside the jungle, and just in an instant through the visual sharing of the golden-eyed eagle, he had seen the entire jungle. In this jungle forest was stationed the elite force of this mercenary, numbering at least a hundred, and in addition to the headquarters of the center, there were at least a dozen sentries and secret posts on the periphery.

“Since it’s in the jungle, let’s play with you!” Wang Ye grinned, waved his hand, saw a black shadow flying towards the jungle, and when he landed, he immediately turned into more than a dozen highly poisonous black mambas, and the sound of brushing sounded, and I saw groups of bullet ants crawling towards the jungle!

Those bullet ants and poisonous snakes quickly went inside, and the two sentinels on the periphery were sentry, when they suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the head, and immediately looked up.

“Ah! Viper! As soon as he raised his head, the sentry immediately saw two or three highly toxic black mambas falling directly from the tree and falling sharply on the two people, and the next moment without waiting for them to shoot, they opened their mouths, and the sharp fangs bit into the necks of the two, and suddenly the extremely poisonous venom was injected into the throats of the two!

“Eh!” The two soldiers’ eyes widened, their faces instantly turned livid, and they fell to the ground with a plop, and their whole bodies began to spasm.

“What a thing! Who! As soon as the two sentinels fell to the ground, they immediately trembled from a pile of dead grass on the ground, and the hidden sentry widened his eyes. I saw a bunch of bullet-sized ants crawling densely on the ground in front of me, and suddenly the dark whistle couldn’t help but rush out directly from the grass!

“Save! Help me! Yes!!! Dozens of bullet ants swooped on him, and before this person could escape, they all got in! In the next second, a scream that did not resemble a human voice suddenly sounded in this place, and the soldier fell to the ground with a bang and rolled desperately, and his eyes were all blood-red!

The venom of bullet ants can hurt people to death, not anyone can endure the bite of dozens of bullet ants, just three seconds later, the battle-hardened mercenary jerked out his dagger and stabbed it towards his temple with a pop, and the scarlet plasma gushed out of the contradiction time!

At the same time, the same scene continued to play out around this jungle, and the mournful screams resounded throughout the jungle, as if telling the mercenaries inside that the people who took revenge had come, let them wash their necks and wait!


Hearing this scream that resounded throughout the jungle, Wang Ye showed a bloodthirsty smile, and the feeling of hatred instantly surged in his heart.

“Today this is your burial place! Actually drove me to that extent, damn it! Wang Ye said fiercely, as soon as the words fell, he walked straight towards the jungle, kicked sharply under his feet, slammed the ground and exploded a piece of dirt, Wang Ye’s figure disappeared in an instant, Wang also has the power of a hundred beasts, the whole jungle is his best main battlefield!

At the same time, the temporary garrison of the central mercenaries also heard the screams that resounded from the periphery, and the black mamba’s heroic face suddenly frowned: “What’s going on!” Who will attack us! ”

As soon as the words fell, a embarrassed sentry rushed in and shouted: “Sir, we have been attacked!” Not the government army, we don’t see the enemy at all, it’s all a swarm of poisonous insects and pythons! The sentinels are all dead! ”

“It’s that monster!” The officer who surrounded Wang Ye immediately recognized Wang Ye’s fighting style and said loudly.

“Damn bastards! Dare to come here! Ordered, all combatants fully armed, dispersed to the jungle to begin jungle positional warfare! When encountering the enemy, immediately fire to block and kill, leaving no living mouth! Kill those who escape from battle! The Black Mamba suddenly became angry and immediately ordered. The originally heroic face was full of anger, and a pair of sword eyebrows were twisted into knots!

“Poison Man! This time I’m going to get to know you with my own hands! The Black Mamba said through gritted teeth!

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