Chapter 74 The Hulk Strikes

“Banner, what’s wrong with you, Banner!” Betty is caught in the hands of the Hulk and still desperately trying to wake up Banner. But somehow, hearing Betty’s voice hurt as if his head was about to explode. Threw Betty out directly with a flick of his arm, only to hear a bang Betty directly hit the experimental equipment, and suddenly a large piece of experimental equipment flew around, and Betty vomited out a mouthful of blood.

“Roar!!!” Well, he roared violently, and a pair of arms thumped against his chest, like a mad flood beast.

At this time, the troops outside also heard the movement of the laboratory, and then a sound of footsteps came, and I saw a man with an incomprehensible army rushing in with a bunch of armed soldiers.

“What’s going on, what kind of monster is this!” General Rose suddenly saw the Hulk.

“Betty!” Then I suddenly saw a room full of mess and my daughter was falling in a pile of experimental equipment, her eyes were speechless, and she was spitting blood in her mouth, just like she was dead!

“Kill him! Shoot! Suddenly, General Rose roared like crazy, and the next moment those armed soldiers directly raised the machine gun in their hands, accompanied by dozens of tongues of fire, and bullets rained towards the Hulk!

When the thermal weapon that should have been indestructible hit the milligram body, it was actually the same as hitting the steel, and with a burst of impact, the bullets all fell to the ground, and the Hulk’s skin was harder than the indestructible bullet!

“Roar!!” The Hulk went crazy under attack, his power came from anger, the more angry the stronger it was, and the more muscles and bones in his body swelled! The Hulk suddenly stretched out his hand and shot towards those soldiers, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking wind, and those soldiers were swept out by the Hulk, and seven or eight people directly smashed a wall!

“Woohoo!” Hulk somehow glanced back at Betty who fell in the corner, suddenly turned his head and ran towards the glass window, actually wanting to jump directly, knowing that this is the eighth floor!

“Monster! Return my daughter’s! Yes! “General Rose rushed up from behind, grabbed a submachine gun and shot wildly at the Hulk’s back!

Clicky bullets continued to shoot at Milligram’s back, all of which were bounced off by his hard skin, and then the Hulk smashed the glass like a humanoid chariot and flew directly from the eighth floor! There was an uproar and a large piece of glass shattered, and then the figure of the old Hulk fell instantly like a high-altitude falling object, only to hear a loud bang, Miki’s tall body slammed on the ground of the school grounds, and a boom of dust, and then Hulk stood up from the ground without pause and ran directly towards the exit of the barracks! Jumping down from the height of the eighth floor, the Hulk was unharmed.


As soon as Hulk jumped down, Colonel Ross picked up the walkie-talkie with blood-red eyes and roared: “Block that monster!” Don’t let him escape, kill him for me!” With missiles! ”

General Rose’s roar spread in the ears of every officer in the barracks, and the next moment I saw a large number of troops quickly rushing out from various camps, and instantly they were fully armed, tank vehicles and armored vehicles equipped with mobile batteries rumbled out, hundreds of soldiers each had a heavy machine gun, all armor-breaking bullets, and even a group of soldiers directly carrying rocket launchers!

“Oh God! What a monster is this! As soon as those officers and soldiers came out, they immediately saw the Hulk rushing towards them like a chariot, and they didn’t have time to be shocked, and those submachine guns and armor-breaking bullets were suddenly aimed at the Hulk!

“Stop him!”

“Shoot!” With an order, hundreds of armor-breaking bullets were sharply aimed at the Hulk, and suddenly bullets like a rain of bullets slammed on the Hulk, and the bullets were all blocked, even his skin could not be broken! The Hulk was directly enraged by these thermal weapons, and the muscles on his body suddenly began to bulge, and with a roar, the Hulk began to charge towards this side!

“Rocket artillery! Tanks begin to prepare! Seeing that the Hulk was not afraid of bullets, more than a dozen flames erupted violently, and I saw a rocket launcher slamming towards him! Suddenly, a violent explosion swept through a radius of tens of meters, and blazing flames rose up into the sky!

“Did it work!” The officer said in shock.

“The Hulk doesn’t want to stay! Roar! The Hulk’s roar resounded violently in the flames, and then a huge figure like a mad rhinoceros rushed out of the flames and rushed up to that side!

“Tank!” The officer shouted loudly, and before the tanks could prepare, the Hulk rushed up, and the huge body slammed the front tank car directly over!

“Monster! My God! The soldiers in the tank car behind were frightened and stupid, and I saw that the Hulk suddenly came over like an ancient giant beast and grabbed the muzzle of the tank, and with a strong squeak of both hands, he actually bent the muzzle of the tank, and then directly raised the tank as a weapon like a sandbag and began to smash it towards the tank and armored car next to it!

The rumbling sound rang out violently, and those tanks and armored vehicles were smashed directly in front of the Hulk and toy Yang, and General Rose was already shocked by the upstairs window.

“Father! This is, this is Bruce! Don’t kill him! Suddenly, a faint voice sounded, and Betty, who was flown out by the Hulk, suddenly breathed, lying on the ground and spitting blood in her mouth.

“Betty! My daughter, you are still alive! Call the doctor! Fast! Bruce! What a monster have you become! General Rose hurriedly rushed over and hugged his daughter, shouting bitterly.

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