Chapter 78: Destroy four military forts in one day

“Hulk!” The Hulk was covered by heavy artillery fire, rockets and bombs rumbled on him like rain, making him unable to advance, and every time he tried to rush out, the shells bombarded him like raindrops. The soldiers in those tanks and armored vehicles already knew their mission, and the soldiers’ duty was to carry out orders, even if they were allowed to die, as long as they could safely cover the retreat of the large army.

General Rose and Natasha led the large army to evacuate immediately, those soldiers who remained desperately blocked the Hulk’s footsteps, artillery fire has covered this desert, what on the ground began to collapse, Hulk is like a demon in flames, countless artillery bombardments on him can not kill him at all, and the passage of time stimulates his ferocity even more!

“Roar!” Hulk was angry, and suddenly saw that the muscles on his body suddenly began to skyrocket, his bones clicked and grew, and the whole person began to grow rapidly, directly from more than three meters tall to a four-meter-tall giant! With a roar, Hulk slammed out of the sea of fire and jumped up, regardless of the flames burning on his body, he slammed to the ground, and with a boom, the bottom in front of him began to vibrate!

“Keep shooting!” The soldiers in those tanks knew that they were going to die, and they desperately wanted to buy more time, and a few shells roared towards the Hulk!

“Woohoo!” The expression on Hulk’s face became fierce, and he began to charge towards those tanks, and when the shell reached him, he grabbed it with a bang, and then threw the shell directly towards the armored car on his side with a wave of his big hand.

“Nope!” The soldiers in the armored car exclaimed loudly, only to hear a booming shell exploded violently, the armored car was directly blown out by the flames, and the shell boomed into the sky! Hulk ignored it, he had lost his mind and continued to advance towards the tanks in front, the shells of those tanks could not stop him at all, and Hulk slammed into a steel rhinoceros!

Only listening to a loud bang, the huge tank was slammed over by the Hulk, and the unimaginable impact made the tank fly out upside down with a bang, and then the Hulk suddenly reached out and grabbed the muzzle of the tank in his hand and directly lifted him up!

“What’s going on with this monster!”

“O my God!” In the incredulous gazes of those soldiers, Hulk directly carried which tank slammed into the tank and combat vehicle next to him, and the tank in his hand was treated by him as a huge tomahawk, and a tank car in Jiujiang smashed into scrap iron with a boom. The Hulk was like a huge orc, the tank in his hand dreamed of slamming towards the surrounding heavy weapons, and suddenly the rumbling sound continued to sound, the explosion and the screams were mixed together, and there was only a pile of scrap iron around the short points, and those tanks had already been smashed by him!

“Roar!! Whew! Hulk looked at the surrounding ruins with red eyes, threw out the scrap iron in his hand, and then suddenly slammed his feet into the sky, and suddenly jumped thousands of meters directly towards New York!


The Hulk’s figure has been located by satellites, and the Hulk’s figure has been locked on the monitor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and that night the Hulk has arrived in western New York, and something happened that made everyone plant a bomb in their hearts.

Within a day, the Hulk had arrived in western New York, trying to stop his misfortune along the way. The Hulk went berserk, his anger was infinitely amplified by gamma rays, he needed to vent, along the way he had destroyed three military fortresses, and now he was roaring madly at the last military fortress in the west!

On the monitor, I saw that the Hulk was like a human beast, all heavy weapons did not work against him, a tank was directly bombarded in half with one punch, and the fortress of the military fortress was like paper paste to him! The stronger the Hulk fights, the higher his anger becomes, and his strength is like a bottomless pit without stopping!

“We’re done! Ask for support, this monster is simply a demon crawling out of hell! The voices of local officers calling for help continued to come from the transmitter, and Fury’s face wrinkled together as he listened to the voices inside.

“Hill, is this monster really unable to subdue it! Do we have to use nuclear weapons to destroy it? Fury said fiercely.

Hill shook his head and said: “Sir, this monster is almost in New York, it was a sparsely populated place before, and when we get to New York, we don’t even have the opportunity to use nuclear weapons!” ”

“Wait, maybe we still have the last line of defense!” Hill said suddenly.

Fury thought for a moment and said, “That person will he help when he is very shielded!” Impossible. ”

“The chief asked me to give it a try, I think as long as he is given enough conditions, he will make a move, this is already our last chance in addition to nuclear weapons!” Hill said bitterly.

Fury struggled for a while and said: “Well, you go with Natasha, be sure to get him to agree in the shortest possible time, in addition to threatening the government, as long as it is the conditions he wants, you can decide by yourself!” ”

“Yes, sir.” Hill turned and walked outside, and Natasha received the order to follow.

Fury muttered with a gloomy face: “Is it possible to fight monsters only with monsters, S.H.I.E.L.D. What’s wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D.!” ”

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