Chapter 93 begins today with the sermon of killing

Wang Ye’s words hit Tony and those citizens like a hammer, and every sentence made people crazy. When they heard the name Poison Man, those citizens remembered the man they had seen in the newspapers, he was wanted by all police departments, he was a demon who brutally killed ordinary people, but at the same time, his deterrent also reduced the crime rate in New York to freezing point.

Tony couldn’t help himself with excitement when he heard Wang Ye’s words, and shouted at Wang Ye loudly: “Wang Ye! What are you talking about! Those are ordinary people, how can you kill them! ”

Wang Yeli ignored him, but continued to walk towards the winter soldier step by step, and the voice in his mouth was as cold as the cold ice in winter: “Are you stupid, did I say I’m a hero!” ”

The cold sweat on the face of the winter soldier couldn’t help but drip down, he had never seen such a situation, and for a moment he was frightened by Wang Ye’s absolute ruthlessness: “You! You are a madman! ”

The Winter Soldier and the others took a step back, and as soon as the words fell, he seemed to be mad and wanted to resist Wang Ye, and roared fiercely: “Kill those people for me!” Kill them all! I’ll see you pretending again! ”

“Don’t!” Tony stopped loudly, but the energy of the armor had run out, and this armor was not a combat type, but a temporary defensive armor, which could not move at all. On the other hand, Wang did not have the slightest mood swing, still like a pool of stagnant water.

The next moment, those Hydra soldiers quickly scattered, like the most effective killing weapons, brutally tearing those old people and children out of the ruins, and those surviving citizens were all thrown in a pile like dead dogs.

At this time, those people could no longer care about face, and they even forgot their original behavior against the poisonous man. Wang is also right, which of these people does not look forward to bringing him to justice every day, and when the power of the individual is above the law and can threaten them, and can take their lives at any time, they only want to kill the alien of the poisonous man.

Some of them even cursed him viciously, praying every night that the king would die and go to hell. When the soldiers of the Hydra Legion pointed their machine guns at them, these people immediately burst into miserable wails and curses, but not at the Hydra Legion but at Wang Ye!

“O devil! You’ll go to hell! ”

“Poison Man, we are your supporters, you can’t do this to us!”

The old and weak women and children all squatted on the ground and begged for mercy, some of them extended their hands to Wang Ye as if they wanted to pray for help, and some simply cursed him like a self-defeating man. At this moment, everyone forgot what Wang Ye did when he first appeared, when he just wanted to be a hero who fought violence with violence, and now he is forced to become an executioner.

An old man with a Bible in his hand shouted maniacally, “I knew you were a butcher, you devil!” Lunatic! You won’t end well! ”

With a bang, the old man was directly shot in the head, and suddenly the red and white brain plasma sprayed on the faces of the people behind, and everyone screamed madly at this moment. A gunshot sounded as if a chain reaction had started, and the soldiers immediately shot at the crowd with machine guns!


A thumping burst of bullets swept by, and under the spitting tongue of fire, those citizens fell in pieces like harvesting wheat, some people were directly blasted in the head by machine guns, some arms were broken by bullets, blood mixed with brain pulp sprayed everywhere, and miserable wails broke out in an instant.

Listening to these screams and vicious curses against him in his ears, Wang Ye laughed miserably, and the expression on his face was gloomy: “Good result? I still want a good result, I have no good end! ”

The king also knew that his heart was eroded and tortured little by little. There is so much darkness in this world, and he has not ended well since he embarked on this path. Today’s events seem to have strengthened the path for his cold heart, and he is willing to be the ghost of that dark world, a madman!

“Since I can’t go back for a long time, I think I’m the devil! Then what else do I want to be high, what about killing, what good results do I want! Starting today, I am the devil, to kill the preaching! Wang Ye’s low roar resounded throughout the area, and he walked towards the Winter Soldier step by step!

“Completely insane, huh?” The winter soldier saw Wang Ye walking over, and although the murderous aura on Wang Ye’s body frightened him, he still pretended to be calm and sarcastic.

“Start with you!” The king also ignored his words, and there was no need for a dead man to correct what he said. Wang Ye raised his head abruptly, and a pair of eyes suddenly shot out a gloomy black light!

“Boom! You! The winter warrior had just swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and before he could speak, his voice suddenly stopped, because Wang Ye grabbed his neck, and suddenly five sharp fingers pierced his neck! The king cobra’s highly venomous nails gurgled and injected venom into his veins! The eyes of the winter soldier were immediately covered with a layer of blood mist!

“Thank you! Scum! Wang Ye said cruelly, thank him for slaughtering civilians to help him sober up!

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