Chapter 99: The Claw of Ares!

“This is! Edman alloys! How could you have! Wang Ye said in horror, the silver-gray iron flowing in that furnace and the silver gray iron he had seen in the movie were not bad, it was too little, and even if the small furnace was all full, it was only as much as a glass of water.

“This is what my father left behind, and I wanted to use it to strengthen the steel suit, but there is too little of this alloy to even make a mask. Since you want to make weapons, use them for you. Tony sighed.

“Thanks, Tony.” Wang also took a deep look at Tony and said thank you for the first time. Even when Wang got the shares of Stark Group, he didn’t have it.

“I can’t use it anyway, but such a little alloy can only be made into half a glove or something like that, even if you want a dagger and not enough materials.” Tony said dryly, which is why he didn’t use it to strengthen the steel armor. As he spoke, Tony carefully moved the box containing the furnace, and the liquid metal inside was still bubbling.

Wang Ye couldn’t help but think when he saw the extremely rare alloy inside, he now had a clear understanding of his strength and tricks. With the fusion of biological genes, he obtained the reflexes of the beast and a body like steel and iron bones, and his pair of iron claws under normal conditions is the most effective means of attack. With the ultra-high-speed movement of cheetahs and antelopes, a pair of iron claws is simply the most efficient killing weapon.

But thinking of some enemies with terrifying defense, these hands can’t hurt them, such as the Hulk Hulk, if it wasn’t for temporarily opening the second-level state to fuse ancient creatures last time, these claws could only pierce him a little oily. If he wanted to make cold weapons, Wang Ye would not use any swords, which he had never learned in his previous life. Now if you want to get the most effective weapon to increase the lethality, you must find a way to strengthen these hands! For him, these paws are the most fundamental.

“Tony, these alloys are not enough to make a pair of gloves.” Wang Ye said suddenly.

Tony put the box in his laboratory, and after hearing Wang Ye’s words, he shook his head: “If you only make gloves, you can only make one, but if you make finger sleeves, it may be enough.” ”

“Then make it into a finger sleeve!” Wang Ye finally showed that excited expression again.

Just do what you say, Tony immediately called up the light curtain display, Wang Ye quickly searched in his mind for all the weapon shapes he saw in the previous life, the lines on the light curtain changed rapidly, and gradually a murderous weapon shape appeared on the light curtain!

At the same time, Tony was not idle, carefully pouring the alloy in the furnace into the modeling model, heating the high temperature of the model to keep the alloy from cooling, while discussing with Wang Ye how to make this weapon.


Time passed minute by minute, day and night passed like this, Wang Ye and Tony both rushed into the laboratory and never came out, and they couldn’t even care about eating and drinking. Gradually, several hideous finger cuffs appeared on the test bench, and Tony was engrossed in implanting some high-density micro-instruments into it, and the sweat and red eyes on his forehead indicated his level of concentration.

“It’s done! Hahaha! Finally succeeded! A burst of unbridled laughter rang out from the laboratory, and Tony slapped the test bench as if he were crazy, only to see that the ten and a half finger-long finger tips on it were emitting a gloomy cold light. Each finger sleeve is long enough to be worn on half a finger, and the width seems to be made according to the proportion of Wang Ye’s ten fingers, and the top of each section extends a centimeter-long spike, and the sharpness on it seems to be able to cut even light!

“Wang Ye, you try.” Tony hurriedly urged, as he spoke, Wang also stretched out his hands on the experimental table, and suddenly the ten finger sleeves all flew automatically as if they were alive, clicking and piecing together on Wang Ye’s ten fingers, and the next moment a feeling of ten fingers connecting hearts appeared in Wang Ye’s heart.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Ye also grabbed a steel pillar on his side, only to hear a bang, the air in front of him was instantly pinched and exploded, and the next moment with a hiss, the steel pillar made of refined steel was caught silently out of four deep cracks!

“From today onwards, these iron fingers will be called the Claws of Ares!” Wang Ye roared excitedly, and as soon as the words fell, a gloomy cold light was reflected on the ten finger sleeves, as if he and Wang Ye had a very tacit understanding.

“Wang Ye, this is not simply made of Edman alloy. I’ve also added some high-tech to the manufacturing process, which definitely matches your fighting style! Tony said excitedly, as if an artist had made the perfect work of art, and the first time he made a weapon for someone else made him want to stop.

“Oh? What else? “Wang is also interested, who thinks that their weapons are more powerful.”

Only to hear Tony said excitedly: “This is the top of the finger sleeve I am all hollowed out, I have seen you use poison, your hands can release poison, the venom on ten fingers can flow out through the gaps on the fingertips.” And I’ve seen you have the power to discharge, and I added a miniature instrument to it, which can store all your usual bioelectricity, and then instantly amplify it into high-voltage electricity through a high-voltage converter! ”

“So? You are such a genius! Wang Ye looked at him deeply, and as he spoke, he clenched his fingers sharply, clicked, and then saw a high-voltage arc covering Wang Ye’s fingers like a light curtain, and this claw could be directly electrocuted even if Captain America came!

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