Chapter One Hundred and One Black Widow’s Betrayal

The pre-war preparations for a big war are quietly underway, and the Hydra Legion is using human body transformation to create a super soldier group, but S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government military can only passively guess.

In the underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D., all the agents and technicians were mobilized.

Fury looked at the defensive lines erected in the base and couldn’t help but say: “This time to prepare in advance, we must minimize the scope of the war.” Hill, how prepared are you for what you and Natasha are going to do, New York can’t afford another monster like the Hulk. ”

“Sir, Natasha has done almost the same, but are you really sure that person will threaten New York, are we doing too much.” Hill said with a somewhat ugly face.

Hearing this, Fury immediately turned pale: “Hill, you have to remember that you are an agent. I, too, as long as it is for the safety of New York, all of us will not hesitate to become eternal sinners! ”

Since the last time Fury experienced the Hulk incident, he has been 100% hostile to Wang Ye, especially Wang Ye’s attitude of treating everyone’s lives as grass, making him feel as if he sees a demon growing.

“Sir, the people have arrived.” Without answering Fury’s words, Hill glanced at the monitor and suddenly said.

“Inform the agents to start preparing, all the anesthetics and gas masks are ready!” Fury said with a calm face.

At the entrance outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, Wang Ye looked at the two guards at the door and said with some self-deprecation: “I never thought I would step into here again.” ”

“S.H.I.E.L.D. is now preparing for the war, if you can use our technology to improve your combat effectiveness, you may be the most dazzling person when the big war breaks out.” Natasha said lightly, she didn’t expect Wang Ye to really come to S.H.I.E.L.D. with her, and when she arrived at the door, she suddenly became a little low.

“Well.” Wang didn’t say anything more, nodded and walked in first. It’s not that he doesn’t feel strange, judging from this woman’s performance in the past few days, S.H.I.E.L.D. must have some secrets.

As soon as the two walked in, the web page suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the entire hall was empty, and at this time, the door behind the two people fell sharply with a boom.

“Oh, Natasha, what do you mean?” Wang Ye said in an icy tone.

“I’m sorry.” Natasha said lightly, and then took out a gas mask and brought it up.

Wang Ye was suddenly shocked, and saw that the countless sprays above his head suddenly began to release a strong poisonous gas, and in just a few seconds, the entire hall immediately became black and miasma, and he couldn’t even see clearly.

“Lie to me!” Wang Ye’s face sank, and he walked towards the heavy gate, and the iron fingers on his hands clicked, and such an iron door was vulnerable in front of Edman Alloy.


Wang Ye’s fingers were made of Edman alloy, and he grabbed the gate with a click, and suddenly the solid gate was grabbed open like tofu, but Wang Ye suddenly felt a lack of strength, and his hands and feet were unconsciously paralyzed!

“Anesthetic!” Wang Ye looked up, and the spray above his head was still whining with powerful anesthetics!

Suddenly, at this time, a large number of armed agents suddenly rushed out from all directions, all wearing gas masks, all holding anesthesia guns for shooting elephants, and without saying a word, they shot at the king!

There was a bang of gunfire, and Wang also wanted to dodge, but that kind of hands and feet had begun to disobey, and the weight of that anesthetic would be directly poisoned even if it was replaced by a tiger. The bullets slammed into him, and suddenly a burst of blood flew out, and those bullets turned out to be real bullets, but they were smeared with strong anesthetic on top!

Wang Ye felt a dizziness in front of him in just a few seconds, his breathing began to become heavy, and he shook his head and saw that all the people in front of him had double shadows, plopping down on the ground!

“Natasha! You lied to me! You lied to me! Wang Ye gritted his teeth and said. The illusion was shattered again, everything these days was a trap laid to capture him, and these kings couldn’t wait to immediately turn into demons and kill everyone.

Natasha didn’t speak again, shaking her head and stepping back step by step. At this time, the crowd began to automatically disperse a passage, and Fury and a man in military uniform came out from behind with a gas mask, and Fury was still holding a one-foot-long anesthesia needle barrel.

“I know that your body is invincible, so the poisonous gas this time is all strong anesthetic, but you are such a monster! Even the anesthesia gun used against you must be coated with anesthesia with real bullets. Fury said grimly, and the next moment the syringe in his hand slammed into the vertebrae of Wang Ye’s back!

“Ugh!” Wang Ye’s pupils widened, and he only felt a paralysis in his back, and more than half a liter of anesthetic was injected into his spine! Suddenly, half of Wang Ye’s body began to paralyze.

“I hate you! S.H.I.E.L.D., SLAG! Remember, as soon as I come out, I want you all to accompany me to the funeral!” Wang Ye’s heart was directly filled with strong hatred, and this time there was not even any hesitation, the only bit of kindness as a human being in his heart disappeared in an instant, and his whole heart was black from the inside out!

“Put him in the strongest cell and inject him with anesthesia every twenty minutes! This anesthetic is estimated to be able to anesthetize this monster for a while, and he will be injected constantly! You can cut off all his hands and feet when necessary! Fury looked at the claw of Ares on Wang Ye’s ten fingers and said.

Only hearing Fury’s last words, Wang Ye fell into a coma in the darkness in front of his eyes.

“General Rose, I’m satisfied. S.H.I.E.L.D. said it would give you an explanation. Fury said to the man in military uniform next to him.

“Hmph! You better not let him leave alive, or I will apply to use a nuclear bomb to kill this freak in the bud!” General Rose said with a gloomy face.

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