Chapter 104 Hydra Goes Out

“Madam, this time we will definitely be able to eliminate S.H.I.E.L.D.” The scientist said excitedly as he walked outside.

Madame Hydra frowned and said, “Destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the main thing, destroying one S.H.I.E.L.D. will have a second.” What we want to do is to deal a heavy blow to the New York government, take advantage of this opportunity Hydra to expand its strength, and our purpose is to inform the world! ”

“Yes, ma’am.” One sentence suddenly made the scientist a little silent.

Immediately afterwards, Madame Hydra continued: “And if necessary, bring that person back, and if you can’t bring it back, you have to get more of his cells.” I remember you didn’t have a blood mine there, find a way to load the Winter Soldier. ”

“You mean that blood-sucking stone! That’s only one piece, and we haven’t studied it thoroughly. Do you want the Winter Warrior to absorb that man’s blood? The scientist swallowed and said.

As they spoke, the two gradually came to the basement door on the third floor, clicked the door and walked in, inside is a circular suspended staircase, directly around the entire house, the ground under the stairs is four or five meters deep.

“Madam, these people have all been injected with genetically modified potions, let’s see how much their strength has grown!” The scientist said. Madame Hydra looked down and saw that the place below was more than five hundred square meters, full of at least three hundred people, all of them were finally Hydra’s dead soldiers.

“Let’s try your power somebody!” The scientist immediately shouted down.


As soon as the words fell, those below the crowd automatically separated, and an empty field appeared in the center. At this time, a thin and ordinary soldier walked out from the crowd, glanced up, he suddenly stomped his foot, and suddenly the ground under his feet cracked, and then his body jumped more than two meters high. Clenched his fist and smashed it against the ground, only to hear a boom, the cement on the ground was directly cracked by his punch and cracked a deep pit the size of a fist!

The scientist above said to Mrs. Hydra like a treasure after reading it: “Look, this is all the result of genetic medicine, such an ordinary body can achieve such explosive power, it is simply a devil gene!” ”

Lady Hydra couldn’t calm her heart when she saw this, with such a soldier, it was simply invincible, thinking of this she immediately said: “Good! Announce it, let these soldiers all parachute to New York tomorrow morning, we have already found the base of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this time let the US government deal a heavy blow! ”

“But madam, these soldiers have just been injected with genetic agents to modify their bodies, and they are not yet able to adapt to this surge in power, and they must undergo systematic training to use this power.” The scientist exhorted.

“What kind of training, the battle on the battlefield is their best training!” Only in blood can they quickly grasp this power! Madame Hydra ordered decisively, and when she said these words, her eyes flashed with an emotion called madness!


New York is still running like a giant machine, and the government and media have been brainwashed into account for the consequences of the terrorist attacks, and the destroyed streets and buildings have begun to be rebuilt.

People thought that things were about to pass, but S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to have foreseen the coming war, and in the past two days, heavy weapons have been transported one after another, and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s high-tech defense system has once again opened to envelop S.H.I.E.L.D. entirely, forming an invisible barrier.

“Hill, hasn’t there been movement on the Hydra side these days?” Fury asked with a frown.

“Yes, sir.” Hill said, and at this moment a sudden boom sounded above everyone’s heads.

Fury suddenly shouted, “What’s going on! Hurry up and call up the monitor outside! ”

“Sir, there is a group of people bombing our defense system overhead!” An agent said, and the scene over S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared directly on the monitor, and hundreds of soldiers in camouflage uniforms descended from high altitudes with parachutes, each of them equipped with rocket launchers! As soon as the picture appeared, hundreds of soldiers bombarded the defense system over S.H.I.E.L.D.

There was a rumble of artillery fire, and those rocket launchers exploded violently on the defensive cover above, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base began to shake, and dust and debris fell down with a bang!

“Damn it! These madmen are actually coming! Prepare for battle and try to stop these terrorists outside the defense system! Hill, you go and notify the government army to call for reinforcements! Fury’s face changed, and in a short period of time, he immediately issued the most effective order.

“Yes, sir!” Hill said immediately, and then all the agents were in action, and the armed men in heavy weapons quickly assembled, and the non-combatants did their best to maintain the defense system.

A war around the three forces is about to begin, and the result of this war will be to create a perfect cold-blooded demon, a cruel vengeful ghost!

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