Chapter 119 Kill the Star!

“Peace, let you be my test specimen for revenge against New York.” Let’s get something nice for you guys first! Wang Ye said lightly, but the madness flashing in his eyes was extremely dangerous.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly black light flashed from the shadows of the entire base, since the last time the body collapse system was forced to give the system space to Wang Ye’s mastery, Wang Ye’s manipulation of the system creatures has been raised to a whole new level. If you want to release poisonous insects, you don’t have to throw them out, and you can directly control poisonous insects within a radius of tens of meters.

Under the afternoon sun, the main military camp was being repaired in an orderly manner, and the cold murderous intention was hidden under the peaceful trial. Suddenly, at this moment, a harsh scream sounded from behind a truck, and two soldiers rushed over to take a look, and suddenly saw two highly poisonous black mamba snakes chanrao on the neck of a soldier, the soldier had fallen to the ground and began to foam at the mouth!

At the same time, a burst of shouts and screams sounded everywhere in the barracks, mixed with the sound of shooting, and constantly people rushed out of the barracks, and in an instant dozens of people were poisoned by various poisonous snakes, and gradually those soldiers were all chaotic, hundreds of people continued to rush out of the barracks, and submachine guns continued to strafe into the barracks.

“Where did these poisonous snakes come from!”

“Damn it! Kill them all! ”

Listening to the commotion of those people, Wang also sneered. Hundreds of poisonous snakes can kill dozens of soldiers, making these well-trained armies chaotic like this. Thinking of this, Wang Ye disappeared from the wall with a snort, and a pitch-black afterimage instantly skipped over the house and rushed towards the tall building directly in front! Those chaotic soldiers didn’t notice an afterimage flashing by!

With a click, Wang Ye’s hands and feet suddenly grabbed the wall, and the alloy claws pierced directly into the cement, and the next moment Wang Ye climbed directly and quickly along the wall like a cheetah. After climbing up the building, Wang Ye suddenly felt a wild aura, and in an instant he locked the direction of the eighth floor!

In the laboratory on the eighth floor, General Rose and the experimenter were looking at Bronsky nervously at this time, and after injecting shele serum, Bronsky’s whole body began to turn red like a furnace, and the hot temperature spurted out from every skin in his body, and the muscles and blood vessels on his body all burst out, as if enduring severe pain.

Gradually, the high temperature on Bulangsky’s body dissipated, and a burst of green smoke came out of him, and at this time, he was completely different, and a beast breath erupted from him!

“General! We did it! It worked! The experimenter roared out excitedly.


General Rose’s unchanged face also began to breathe, and just as he stood up, there was a sudden uproar and the glass behind him shattered, and then an afterimage swooped over!

“Ugh!” General Rose shouted, only to feel a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and then his feet were grabbed by the neck and lifted up! Wang Ye stood in the room, grabbing the back of General Rose’s neck with one hand, and all five claws pierced in.

“Old stuff! You tama made me look so hard! Wang Ye’s murderous aura permeated unabashedly.

“Let go of the general!” Bronsky did not have time to draw his weapon, and immediately stood on guard, ready to be pounced on at any time. And the experimenter was overturned to the ground by the previous impact, and at this time he was trying to crawl away from under Wang Ye’s feet.

“Let you go!” Wang Ye did not lower his head, raised his foot and stepped on the ground with a boom.

“Ah! Help me! “Before the experimenter could even get out of the scream, he was smashed on the back by a kick, and the blood mixed with lung leaves and minced meat spit out with a pop!

“You! Who are you! Bulangsky stared at Wang Ye fiercely, and a pair of eyes actually showed a fighting intent at this time, as if he saw a creature more powerful than himself waiting for him to defeat, even his supreme commander ignored it.

“Old thing, do you see it? What a failure you have been! I secretly calculated how my strength was gone, you trash! Wang Ye said in disgust, his eyes were full of hatred, he would never forget that it was this old guy who plotted against him with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

“You! You are the king! Yes!!!! General Rose’s words did not fall, and he suddenly screamed, and Wang Ye’s other hand directly grabbed his left arm and tore it off with a click, and suddenly the white bones and blood were directly exposed to the air!

“You! You can’t escape! You devil, ah!!! General Rose was still threatening, but then there was another scream, and the other arm was ripped off by Wang Ye with a hiss, and in an instant he became a cripple!

“Go on! I haven’t heard enough yet! Wang Ye said grimly, the smile on his face was as distorted as a demon, full of flames of hatred.

“Release me, I can absolve you of guilt, release me!” General Rose no longer spoke hard this time, he began to beg for mercy, no one will be brave when facing death, he saw Wang Ye’s eyes looking at him with bloody killing intent!

Wang Ye smiled, only listening to him mockingly said: “Everyone is the same when facing death, nest, xiuchi.” There are only two kinds of people in this world who are not afraid of death, either saints or devils like me! And people like you are a waste! ”

As soon as the words fell on General Rose’s desperate gaze, Wang Ye’s right hand slammed towards his chest.

“Don’t! Yes!!! Bronsky save me! In his scream, Wang Ye’s claws snapped into his chest, and suddenly General Rose’s eyes stiffened directly, and blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

“Be a dog in the next life, old thing!” Wang Ye snorted his hand, and a bloody heart was held in her hand, and General Rose stretched out his hand as if to take the heart back, and then fell to the ground with a plop in less than a second.

Wang Ye casually threw the heart at the feet of Bulangsky and said: “Solve the master, it’s time for you dog scum!” ”

“Thank you!” Bronnsky said with a sly smile.

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