Chapter 131 Earn Hero Points

“Abominable! Roar!! “Hate lay in a pile of ruins, struggling to get up, just now Wang Ye’s burst of power in an instant was simply impossible for him to resist, the flesh and blood on his hands were all scratched by Wang Ye, and blood flowed out lonely and lonely. She hated it, and the intense hatred made the gamma rays in his body expand violently!

“Roar!!!” With a roar, the muscles on his arm squirmed as if they had come to life, and the torn wound was instantly stopped by Jiya! Hatred suddenly swept towards the side as if he had gone crazy, and the cars around him were slapped away by his paws!

“Ah!!! Monster! ”


“Oh God! Save New York for a long time! What’s wrong with New York! ”

At this time, many people in the lost city did not have time to evacuate, seeing hatred falling from the sky, these people were all chaotic, huge panic began to break out in the urban area, the crowd screamed and ran in all directions, and the evacuation task of the police was immediately disrupted.

“Kill! Kill! Kill you all! Everyone looks down on me, I am the strongest! “Hate, blood, red eyes, crazy rushed towards those citizens, casually copied a car during the run, tore it in half with a click, and blasted it against the crowd!

“Ah!!! Help me! ”


The crowd erupted into terrified screams, hatred threw over the wreckage of the car fell with a bang, directly smashed on the crowded street, suddenly violent explosion rushed into the sky, flames raging mixed with metal fragments of the car flying around, four or five citizens were directly smashed into meat mud by the car, scattered flames and explosion shock waves spread out, four or five citizens who did not have time to escape were directly swallowed by the shock wave of the explosion, screams and cries for help suddenly sounded!

“Ah!!! Help me! ”

Hatred rumbled up, a pair of sharp claws unconsciously clenched, his terrifying appearance made those citizens seem to see a monster crawling out of hell, the whole body burned with sparkling flames, his face was scorched black, and one eye was bubbling with blood!

“Nope! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! ”

“Please, let us go!” The citizens forgot to escape, and a dozen people simply lay on the concrete road desperately begging for mercy, and the police officers responsible for evacuating the crowd all sat down on the ground and did not dare to step forward.

“You’re all a bunch of reptiles!” Hate smiled viciously, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to smash it to the ground! Suddenly, at this moment, a breaking wind sound came from above, and then a huge wind pressure fell from the sky, so that the hateful huge body could not help but click and kneel on the ground!

“Poison Man! You monster!! Hateful and unyielding, he raised his head and roared, and saw Wang Ye’s figure descending from the sky, like a pitch-black cannonball smashing downwards!

Only listening to a violent vibration, Wang Ye like a meteorite fell from the sky and smashed fiercely on the chest of hatred, suddenly the violent vibration suddenly remembered, the ground under the feet of the two rumbled and a large pit of more than ten meters appeared, the hateful body directly smashed into the ground, his chest clicked by Wang Ye, the big blood hole of the fist directly flew out a large area of blood!


“Yes! Someone came to our rescue! ”

“That is!”

“Ours are saved!”


Those citizens raised their heads in horror, only to see the huge monster lying on the ground in the dark night, blood staining the ground red, and a man with black qi all over his body was standing on the body of that monster like a god killed in the world! The citizens all cheered like crazy, and suddenly at this moment Wang Ye looked back, and suddenly a cold murderous aura shot out from his eyes, making those citizens all stunned.

Only to hear Wang Ye said coldly: “All those who are not dead will go back!” ”

As he spoke, the hatred that was trampled by Wang Ye on the ground suddenly moved, and the huge palm slammed into Wang Ye’s leg, and suddenly those citizens were all crazy, screaming and running towards the distance, and at the same time, those police officers who were in the distance quickly began to evacuate the citizens!

“Poison Man! I hate you! You’re the monster! The claws of hatred clicked and grabbed Wang Ye’s legs, and the next moment the huge force burst out and struggled violently, wanting to overturn Wang Ye! But after turning on the god jinqu, Wang Ye can unleash hundreds of tons of power with one punch, and he stepped on the chest of hatred without moving!

At the same time, the voice of the system continued to sound in Wang Ye’s mind: “Gaining heroes is worth one hundred, two hundred, five hundred!” ”

A long-lost voice continued to sound in the mind of the web page, and suddenly the king was almost irrational with excitement, and it took so much effort to leave this waste a dog’s life, and this time finally got the reward! As those fleeing citizens leave, Wang Ye’s hero value continues to increase!

“Waste! Have you caught enough? Wang Ye lowered his head, and a pair of eyes looked at hatred like looking at a pile of minced meat, and at the same time, the black qi on his body condensed into a hovering king cobra in the sky! Hatred was suddenly stunned, he only felt that Wang Ye looked at him as if he were looking at a pile of waste!

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