Chapter 235 Give You Back Your Life!

Wang Ye’s voice suddenly rose, like a tiger roaring mountain forest, and the next moment something creepy happened! His body seemed to have something terrifying about to burst out, and the muscles on his body soared as if they were inflated, and then quickly compressed, as if hundreds of pieces of steel were compressed into thousands of refined steel!

At this time, his whole person underwent earth-shaking changes, a blood-red hair was windless, and the muscles on his body erupted with a strong black qi, which was countless times larger than the previous fusion giant short-faced bear. That black qi soared into the sky, gradually condensed into an ancient giant beast above Wang Ye, a hideous giant elephant with a foot of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared, and suddenly the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests were all crazy, countless beasts roared in the mountains and forests, hurricanes in the sky, and rumbling lightning and thunder in the dark clouds!

“The host has fully integrated the mammoth, and we hope that the host will continue its efforts.” The sound of the system followed, and the sharp pain on Wang Ye’s body like soaking in magma suddenly stopped!

“Do you still think you can kill me now!” Wang Ye raised his head and said coldly, and the phoenix girl’s face was full of hideousness at this time, she couldn’t wait to smash Wang Ye’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, but Wang Ye’s power at this time was too huge!

“I can’t wait to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!” The phoenix girl gritted her teeth and said, her teeth clattered! At this time, she had already made up her mind that she would die with the king! Fight to the death to crush each other’s throats!

As soon as the words fell, the phoenix girl rushed up to Wang Ye’s side, his speed was extremely fast, and an afterimage even appeared in an instant! In mid-air, the phoenix girl waved her hand, and the control power of a large piece was instantly compressed on her arm, and it seemed as if the air in a radius of hundreds of meters had been compressed by her!

“You pay for me!” The phoenix girl grabbed her fingers, and her right hand stabbed Wang Ye’s chest like a steel knife, but Wang Ye didn’t even dodge! Just listening to the sound of metal crashing suddenly sounded, and the phoenix woman’s palm was like draped on steel! And the ground under Wang Ye’s feet collapsed with a boom because he couldn’t withstand this huge force!

“It’s not a good person, is it!” As soon as Wang Ye lowered his head and his hands directly wanted to grab the phoenix girl, the python strangled! With a boom, the air around Wang Ye was instantly blasted! And the phoenix girl quickly withdrew in an instant, and in an instant, the control around her had covered her whole body! Immediately afterwards, the phoenix girl actually wanted to fight Wang Ye in close combat at a distance of less than one meter!

In an instant, when the sound of metal colliding continues to sound, the explosion of air makes people’s eardrums shattering! A huge shock wave exploded in front of the two people! The phoenix girl has many years of fighting skills, and she actually relied on the coverage of this ability and control to withstand Wang Ye’s huge power!

But Wang Ye’s beast instinct was extremely powerful, seeing the phoenix woman begin to retreat, and suddenly Wang Ye blocked the phoenix woman’s arm with an elbow, and in an instant, he grabbed her throat fiercely!

But suddenly at this moment, Wang Ye actually saw a grim smile on the face of the phoenix woman! All of a sudden, he felt that something was wrong! When fighting with Wang Ye before, how could the phoenix woman be stupid enough to fight with Wang Ye closely, everything is to charge strength, during this time, the air within thousands of meters around was all compressed into a long spear by the phoenix woman, just when Wang Ye thought that he was going to win, the phoenix woman suddenly attacked, and the long gun was directly aimed at Wang Ye’s back and was about to kill with one blow!

Wang Ye’s eyes were torn in an instant, and he had no doubt that the control of this long wall covering him could penetrate him! And just when Wang Ye didn’t have time to turn around, suddenly a black shadow covered in blood and char rushed up from behind Wang Ye, directly raising his arms to block Wang Ye’s body!

“Wang Ye! Damn, Laozi will return your life today! Logan shouted hoarsely, and as soon as the words fell, the spear slammed into Rogan! In an instant, Logan slammed into Wang Ye’s back like a kite with a broken line, and when there was a bang, all the Edman alloy in his chest was blasted out by this spear! Logan directly fainted, and his body would have been almost blasted in two if it weren’t for the Edman alloy as a bone!


“I grass! I want you to die! God forbidden zone! Open! Wang Ye roared violently, and as soon as the words fell, his body suddenly bent, and a blood-red energy instantly erupted from his body, filling tens of billions of muscle groups throughout his body!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ye slammed a punch into the chest of the phoenix girl! The God Forbidden Zone opened before an instant, and the huge fist wind like a tsunami instantly enveloped the phoenix girl! At this time, Wang Huangnu didn’t even have a place to hide, so she could only raise her arms and use her greatest strength to resist! In an instant, Wang Ye’s fist wind directly slammed on the phoenix woman’s upper close, and for a moment it seemed that all the sounds had disappeared, and the phoenix woman’s figure directly bombarded towards the distant forest like a space jump!

A moment later, a huge air explosion suddenly roared, and I saw the body of the phoenix woman rumbling and continuously breaking the towering giant trees in the forest, and a dozen large trees with more than a dozen people together all collapsed, and the phoenix woman finally crashed into a proper one before stopping!

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