105Goodbye Ancient One magician![3/5]

At the residence of Xia Zuo, a golden halo appeared, and two figures, one big and one small, walked slowly out of it in an instant. These were Xia Zuo and Skye who returned from the southern hemisphere. At the moment Xia Zuo took Skye directly. Take it back to your home.

“Sir, you are back!” Wanda was the first to notice and quickly came to Xia Zuo.

“Wanda, go and prepare with your brother, I’ll take you to a place!”

As soon as he saw Wanda, Xia Zuo told Wanda directly that he was going to outer space, and now Wanda and Quicksilver are not very strong, so he could not bring them, because it was too dangerous, so Xia Zuo planned to arrange Good for them in the future.

Xia Zuo intends to send the three to Kamar-Taj!

For Wanda, Kamar-Taj is a very suitable place, it is the holy place of magic, Wanda happens to practice magic in Kamar-Taj, which is a good arrangement for her.

For Pietro, Xia Zuo didn’t have too many arrangements. After all, before he had Awakening, wherever Pietro exercised, his body was the same, so Xia Zuo asked him to go to Kamar-Taj with his sister Wanda.

As for Skye, now that Skye has Awakening the Ability of 707 Vibration, it is unrealistic for her to go back to the orphanage, so he also plans to bring her to the Ancient One magician, and with the Ability of Ancient One magician, Xia Zuo believes in giving Skye a place to exercise Vibration Ability.

In fact, there are some places that are more suitable for Pietro and Skye, and that is Xavier’s School. After all, Professor X is a real connoisseur of developing these strange super abilities.

But after his trouble some time ago, Professor X had the idea of ​​urinating, how could he still help him, so Xia Zuo naturally wouldn’t send the two to X Academy.

As for the choice of Kamar-Taj, this is all because of Xia Zuo’s trust in the Ancient One magician. Having stayed in Kamar-Taj for so many years, Xia Zuo has already understood the character of the Ancient One magician very well.

This is a true saint, who is selfless and does not prejudice because of bad things, so he put the three people there without worrying about what kind of persecution they will be subjected to.

On the other hand, with the existence of a Sorcerer Supreme like the Ancient One magician, Kamar-Taj is undoubtedly an extremely safe place, at least until the death of the Ancient One magician, which is still more than ten years away from that time, Xia Zuo doesn’t need to worry about anything.

Due to various reasons, Xia Zuo finally had such an idea.

“Yes, my lord!”

Wanda didn’t ask too much. After getting Xia Zuo’s order, even if there were some surprises in his heart, Wanda went down to arrange this matter immediately. Inform her brother Pietro and pack their luggage.

Xia Zuo also took advantage of this period of time to take Skye directly to the orphanage. If he wanted to take Skye away, he must tell Dean Mary.

After a while, Xia Zuo came out of the orphanage and took Skye back to the original residence. At the moment Wanda and the Wanda siblings have finished packing.

Let’s go “Follow me to Kamar-Taj!”

Xia Zuo said to the three, directly opened a golden halo, and took the three to Kamar-Taj!

After a while, the four had appeared within Kamar-Taj.

“Xia, Xia Zuo magician, why are you back?!”

When some monks saw Xia Zuo appear, they became very respectful. After all, Xia Zuo’s reputation in Kamar-Taj a few years ago was not a joke, even if Douzuo had been away for a while, the monks of Kamar-Taj Still haven’t forgotten about Xia Zuo.

Announced “Ancient One magician, I have something to discuss with him.”

Xia Zuo said lightly to the monk, the monk did not dare to delay time, and quickly went to the Ancient One magician to report.

At the moment Skye and Wanda both looked at Kamar-Taj curiously, after all, this place is still very unfamiliar to them (acbg), and after a while, the reply from Ancient One magician came. .

Let’s go”, let’s meet the master here.

Xia Zuo said to the three of them, and walked inside with them, and soon came to a magnificent hall. At the moment, a bald woman in white monk clothes was standing in the hall, looking very detached. It is the Ancient One magician!

“You have become stronger, and your body seems to have undergone extraordinary changes.

The moment the Ancient One magician saw Xia Zuo, her brows could not help but wrinkle, because she felt the change in Xia Zuo, which was the change brought by the phoenix.

In fact, this is because Xia Zuo has not yet been able to fully control the ability of the Phoenix, if he can fully control it, even the Ancient One magician cannot feel the slightest abnormality.

“Something happened, Ancient One magician, I want to make a deal with you.” Xia Zuo said looking at Ancient One magician.

“You said:” Ancient One magician could also feel the seriousness in Xia Zuo’s words, and could not help but become serious.

“Ancient One magician, you should know the existence of the goddess of death, because of some things, the goddess of death is staring at the earth.”

When Xia Zuo said this sentence, the Ancient One magician, who had always been indifferent, was also shocked, his expression changed greatly, and he looked at Xia Zuo with a look of horror.

“How did you provoke that one?”

Ancient One magician scalp is numb, this one is not so easy to pass, if this one really comes to earth, then it will be really troublesome.

Ancient One magician smiled bitterly. She was worried that Xia Zuo would cause some big trouble in the future, so she didn’t dare to accept Xia Zuo as her apprentice at first, but she didn’t expect Xia Zuo to have such great ability, even The death of one of the five great creation gods in the universe can be provoked. How powerful is the ability to provoked trouble.

“So that’s what I’m going to say, I’m going to go to outer space and go to other planets, but my people have no one to take care of…

Xia Zuo said slowly, as if worrying about what to do with his people in the future.

“Let them stay in Kamar-Taj.

The Ancient One magician finally understood, Xia Zuo was planning to keep all his people in Kamar-Taj, he said angrily, but he could take death away, which is really nothing.

“make a deal!

Xia Zuo chuckled lightly, and it is good to talk to a wise man. Before his words were finished, the Ancient One magician already understood his plan, and he did not need to elaborate further.

“These three little dolls should be the ones you brought, and they will stay in Kamar-Taj until the day you return.

Ancient One magician said slowly, arranging the affairs of Skye and the Wanda siblings, and then looked at Xia Zuo seriously.

“be careful.

ps: ask for support, thank you!

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