111 Traces of Soul Gem! 4/5]

“Two bad news, two good news? Interesting, let’s hear it.

Inside the bar, Xia Zuo sat in front of the bar and said with a chuckle, looking at Lao Ou with a strange look, he really wanted to hear the good news and bad news.

“The first bad news, the fact that you came to Norwell planet has been leaked out, after all, your reputation has become more and more popular over the years, even in the Kerry Empire, some Kerry nobles are constantly searching Your trace, so this time the Kree are cruel and form a fleet to annihilate you.”

“And the second bad news is that the accuser Ronan is also one of the Kerry nobles who chased you this time. According to my information, he has already left. If you stay in Norwell planet for more than two days, it is estimated that the accusation Ronan will appear in front of you.

Lao Ou slowly wiped the wine glass and spoke slowly, with a smile of Na in his eyes, as if he was laughing at Xia Zuo for provoking too many Kree people over the years.

But this is also the truth. It can be said that the primary enemy of the Kree people is Xia Zuo. After all, Xia Zuo has been the most troublesome object for the Kree people these years.

It seems “I’m really annoying! Let me tell you the good news!”

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xia Zuo’s mouth, and he didn’t care how bad the news in Lao Ou’s mouth was, after all, these were trivial matters to him.

It’s just that, the Kree really hated him to the core. Even if a large fleet is mobilized, they want to destroy him, but unfortunately they can’t do it.

“The good news is that such a large fleet of Kree people is attacking you, I think you should be very happy, after all, you can kill a lot of Kree people again!”

Lao Ou suddenly laughed, but there was a light of hatred in his eyes, obviously he still had a lot of hatred for the Kree people, and hoped to take this opportunity to kill more Kree people.

“That’s the good news you said? Don’t tell me the second good news is that I can kill Ronan!”

Xia Zuo looked at Lao Ou speechlessly, this old guy, this is also good news? Is this different from the previous news?

“Definitely not, but it’s almost the same. The second good news is that I can finally take revenge. As long as you kill Ronan, my family can rest in peace!”

When Lao Ou finished saying this sentence, Xia Zuo was speechless, this old guy is really shameless, and he can still say such words.

“Definitely, I won’t let you suffer. As long as you can kill Ronan, I will tell you a secret clue related to a certain treasure in the universe. Do you want to cooperate?”

Lao Ou suddenly changed the subject and said that the two have been working together for a long time, and he also understands Xia Zuo’s character very well. Then he has to get the corresponding reward, which is the tacit understanding between the two.

This is an inevitable thing, no one will do anything for you for no reason, and it is precisely because of this that Lao Ou has worked hard to find a reward that can make Xia Zuo do it, and he believes that he This piece of information in his hand is enough to make Xia Zuo tempted.

“Believe me so? That’s Ronan, the famous accuser, do you think I can kill him?”

Xia Zuo looked at Lao Ou with a half-smile, he didn’t think that Lao Ou would think that he could kill Ronan. Although he has made a great reputation over the years, no one would think that his reputation will be greater than that of Ronan.

After all, the accuser Ronan has a powerful fleet, and his own strength is also very strong. It can be said that Ronan surpasses Xia Zuo in terms of power and reputation.

Definitely, this is the opinion of the world, and only Xia Zuo knows whether it is true or false.

“As far as I can guess, your power is much greater than everyone imagines!”

Lao Ou said slowly, and said a word with seriousness on his face. Although Xia Zuo’s strength is not to that extent now, after years of cooperation, Lao Ou also noticed it.

Based on Lao Ou’s many years of experience, he can guess that Xia Zuo’s true power is much greater than everyone imagined, but this is all speculation, and Lao Ou is just gambling!

He bet that Xia Zuo’s power is very strong, otherwise he really has no other way to kill Ronan, this is his only hope.

“Your guess is really interesting, tell me what your so-called heavy treasure is.”

Xia Zuo smiled indifferently and didn’t say much, but directly asked Lao Ou to tell his so-called important information, and when Lao Ou said this sentence, Lao Ou breathed a sigh of relief.

0 flowers

Because he knew that he made the right bet, since Xia Zuo asked him to tell the news of Chongbao, it also proved that Xia Zuo had planned to take over this matter, and Lao Ou knew that Xia Zuo would never do what he could not do.

This also proves one thing, Xia Zuo really has the ability to kill Ronan, so Lao Ou didn’t dare to be slighted, and quickly said what he knew.

Lao Ou nervously looked at the surrounding situation, and opened a shielding device beside him and Xia Zuo, in order not to reveal their next conversation, and then whispered to Xia Zuo.


“According to the information I have collected over the years, I have discovered the location of the legendary Soul Gem, which should be considered an important news!”

When Lao Ou said this sentence, Xia Zuo’s arm stagnated a little, and then returned to normal in an instant, and his eyes lit up a little, because he didn’t expect Lao Ou to know the existence of this thing.

Soul Gem is one of the Infinite Gems. According to legend, it is the leftover part of the goddess of nemesis, but these Infinite Gems have great power. This is certain. Even Xia Zuo has a power. The gem, which was found on the planet Morag, was the only Infinite Gem that Xia Zuo got.

“Tell me the clue about that gem and I’ll kill Ronan.

Xia Zuo looked at Lao Ou and said that he did not have the habit of doing things first and then collecting money, because maybe Lao Ou was using fake news to fool him, hoping that he could kill Ronan, so Xia Zuo wanted to see the real benefits.

“I knew you were an unprofitable vampire!”

Old Ou muttered, and slowly took out an ancient skin scroll. It was impossible to tell which kind of creature’s skin scroll it was, but it was certain that it was definitely something that appeared long ago until it was preserved until now.

Xia Zuo picked it up and looked at it. After a while, Xia Zuo could already confirm the authenticity of this scroll, because it recorded this planet named Vormir!

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