119 Fourth pupil ring, fully saturated! [2/5]

In the center of the battlefield, Xia Zuo looked coldly at the giant spaceship in the middle. The energy beam just now couldn’t kill him, but Xia Zuo was still very angry!

It was not easy for him to wait for the saturation of the fourth pupil ring, and it was only a little bit of Kree blood to raise the fourth pupil ring, but now the Kree in front of him were directly beaten to ashes by this energy beam. , how does Xia Zuo not get angry!

“Damn it, since you’re courting death, I’ll make it for you!”

Xia Zuo snorted coldly, at this moment, the kaleidoscope in Xia Zuo’s eyes changed, a black flame instantly appeared in front of Xia Zuo, turned into a long sword of destruction, and directly slashed towards the giant spaceship in the center!


When the giant spaceship came into contact with this Amaterasu fire that condensed and formed a long sword, it was directly cut open.

“It’s on fire, put out the fire!

“What is this black flame, why can’t it be extinguished!”

There was chaos on the spaceship in the center, and everyone wanted to extinguish the strange black flame, but they found that no matter what method they used, they could not extinguish the terrifying flame, and even took away all the fear. There is no way.

For a time, the spaceship in the center fell into chaos, but none of this was related to Xia Zuo. At the moment Xia Zuo had turned his head and looked at a tall figure appearing on the battlefield!

Unlike the rest of the Kree soldiers, this is a strong man at first sight, and this is Kolas the hunter!

At the moment, Kolas, the hunter of the moment, has completely fallen into shock, because he came to the battlefield, so he saw with his own eyes a black flame appeared in front of Xia Zuo, and turned into a long sword, directly slashing at Ronan’s spaceship, This scene gave him a lot of shock!

What does this mean? It means that Xia Zuo has been hiding all the time, not showing his true power, and that Xia Zuo has been tempting them to come!

In the eyes of the chaser Colas, Xia Zuo is not an idiot, and the reason why they are attracted like this shows that Xia Zuo is not afraid of them at all, indicating that Xia Zuo has the confidence to defeat them!

Thinking about it this way is more terrifying, and the pursuer Kolas even thinks that they have fallen into Xia Zuo’s plan, and the consequences of this are self-evident!

“Hurry up and let the fleet retreat,!

The conditioned reflex of the pursuer Kolas appeared, but before he had time to notify the fleet, Xia Zuo had already come to this side, a golden halo appeared in front of the pursuer Kolas, and Xia Zuo’s figure had already appeared In front of the pursuer Kolas.

“Kree, aren’t you here to kill me, where are you going?!”

The bloody eyes looked at the pursuer Kolas, without a trace of emotion, just like the stare of Death God, the pursuer Kolas swore that he had never seen such a terrifying gaze, and even made him feel good about it. !

“You designed all this?!” The pursuer Kolas gathered his courage to look at Xia Zuo, he had already guessed the truth.

“It seems that there are smart people in the Kree too!”

Xia Zuo chuckled and looked at Kolas the hunter in disbelief, because he did not expect that the Kree, who had always looked up to himself and would not face human beings, would have someone who could see the truth.

Sure enough, “I knew it wasn’t easy here!”

The hunter Kolas sank in his heart, and felt more and more terrifying. They felt that they were hunters, and they were calculating the hunters, but they didn’t know that the mantis catching the cicadas, they were the real ones, who were calculating. It’s not them at all in this matter, but the prey they think.

“If that’s the case, then I can’t let you do as you wish!”

The pursuer Kolas seemed to be surrendering, but the next moment, he suddenly threw something like a smoke bomb. The pitch-black smoke instantly filled the entire battlefield, and the figure of the pursuer Kolas was also quickly retreating, hoping to hurry up. Some get in touch with the fleet.

But the next moment, a golden halo suddenly appeared in front of the pursuer Kolas, and a scythe of Senhan instantly swung out, directly carrying the head of the pursuer Kolas, blood splashed!

“No one can escape from the white eyes, not even the dark smoke can block it!”

Xia Zuo’s figure slowly walked out, At the moment Xia Zuo’s eyes have become pure white, and the white eyes have already started!

“It is a wise man, but unfortunately wise men do not live long.

Xia Zuo looked at the body of the pursuer Kolas and said, the bloodthirsty stabbing knife in his hand plunged into the body of the pursuer Kolas again, collecting his blood without a drop.

For the blood of the Kree, Xia Zuo will not let go of a drop, especially now that his fourth pupil ring is about to be saturated, the blood of the hunter Kolas is continuously collected by the ultimate pupil along the scythe. Only after the meeting was absorbed clean!

And at this moment, the fourth pupil finally absorbed enough Kree blood, and the fourth pupil was finally saturated!

“The fourth pupil ring is completely saturated, and the level of the fourth pupil ring can be improved, is it improved?”

At the same time, the ultimate pupil sent a message, telling Xia Zuo the current situation.

“It took a whole year to even start a war to attack a Kree planet. Now it’s finally saturated. It’s not easy to come by. I’m so happy. The Ultimate Eye, I’ll mention it right away.”

Xia Zuo was very excited and wanted to raise the fourth pupil ring immediately; the level of white eyes, but at this time, Xia Zuo suddenly realized something strange, so he couldn’t help calming down and carefully browsed through the eyes of the ultimate pupil. This message came out.

“It’s changed, the message of the Ultimate Eye has really changed, and I almost ignored it!”

Xia Zuo muttered slowly, and after reading the message carefully, Xia Zuo (Zhao Haozhao) realized that this message was different from before.

This message speaks of ‘completely’ saturated, not ‘saturated again’ as it used to be!

Although the difference between the two is only two words, the meanings contained in them are completely different, so Xia Zuo cannot be careless!

You know, it explains everything completely, is the fourth wall ring has reached its limit!

Thinking of this, Xia Zuo couldn’t help but want to ask the ultimate pupil, but the ultimate pupil could not answer him, Xia Zuo could only find the answer by himself.

For a time, all of Xia Zuo’s spirit was immersed in the ultimate pupil, and it took a long time to wake up, and at this time, Xia Zuo understood the meaning of this sentence.

“I didn’t expect that I could improve a pupil ring to perfection by accident, and it’s the fourth pupil ring Song!

Xia Zuo sighed, that is to say, the fourth pupil ring is full!

ps: ask for support!

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