Trouble with 169 Stark! (please order first)

“The magic on the pencil has been touched, which means something happened to Stark?”

Xia Zuo is a little puzzled, because according to the time, it is not the time for Stark to have an accident, but since he has promised Stark before, he will not break his promise and will give Stark a help.

On the other hand, Xia Zuo also believed that since Stark chose to break the pencil, he was already prepared for a steel battle suit.

Thinking of this, Xia Zuo decided to go to the place where the magic was touched, believing that Stark should be where.

“Dr. Banner, the previous battle has come to an end. I have some things to do in the next period. Where do you need to go? I will send you away.”

Xia Zuo suddenly raised his head and said to Dr. Banner.

He’s going to be away for a while, so it’s impossible for Dr. Banner to be in the desert. Originally, he came here because he didn’t want his battle with Hulk to be affected, so there’s almost no one here, leaving Dr. Banner alone. In the desert, it was estimated that Dr. Banner would starve to death, so he asked Dr. Banner if there was any place he wanted to go.

After all, Dr. Banner is not his prisoner, so he will not restrict Dr. Banner’s movements, but Xia Zuo is not doing nothing.

Xia Zuo needed Hulk to improve his pupil ring, so he left a positioning magic directly in Dr. Banner’s body so that he could find Hulk and continue to raise the fifth pupil ring after he completed those things.

“Are you going? In that case, send me to Monaco, where I still have some things to do.”

Dr. Banner thought for a while, and then said to Xia Zuo, just as he had some things to deal with in Monaco, Xia Zuo nodded, did not reject Dr. Banner’s request, and then directly opened a space door leading to Monaco, directly Dr. Banner was sent to Monaco.

After Dr. Banner left, Xia Zuo slowly opened a space door. This time, he acted according to the positioning magic left in the pencil. He didn’t know where Stark was now.

Walking through the space door, when Xia Zuo appeared in one place, he found that he had appeared in a barren area, and there was this simple building like a base not far away.

“Is this a place in the original book? Or is it another event~~?”

Xia Zuo murmured, not knowing what happened to Stark during this time, but none of this mattered to Xia Zuo, he was just making a deal with Stark.

Thinking of this, Xia Zuo immediately walked towards the humble base, because he felt that the position of the pencil was inside the base.

“Stop, don’t go forward, say your name, and what do you want to do?”

The appearance of Xia Zuo did not avoid anyone at all, and even appeared to be very upright, so outside the humble base, there were some people like mercenaries with weapons in their hands, all of them aimed at Xia Zuo on the wall, wanting to Identify Xia Zuo.

“It’s too noisy, go to sleep!

Xia Zuo’s footsteps did not slow down at all, still maintaining the original rhythm, and at this moment, Xia Zuo’s eyes had turned blood-red eyes, and three hook jades were spinning in them.

The next moment, all the soldiers on the corners fell asleep. Some soldiers even fell from the tower and landed directly on the ground, making a sound, but they still didn’t feel the slightest and fell into a deep sleep.

For these little soldiers, Xia Zuo didn’t even have the desire to do it, so he threw an illusion directly and put these soldiers into a deep sleep!

Definitely, Xia Zuo also left a soldier, but this soldier still fell into illusion, was controlled by Xia Zuo, walked quickly to the door, and respectfully opened the door for Xia Zuo.

“It’s hard work, but it’s time for you to sleep.”

Xia Zuo murmured, and the soldiers who came to open the door under his control also fell asleep at this moment, and then Xia Zuo walked into the base leisurely, visiting it like a tourist.

To be honest, Xia Zuo has destroyed many HYDRA bases, but I have never met a place like this one, and even said that it is not even a base, it is like a refugee den, and then there are some people here Just guard.

Xia Zuo didn’t waste time too much, while watching, according to the positioning of the pencil, he slowly came to a cave-like place.

“what are you,

Outside the cave, there are also two soldiers with weapons in their hands guarding, but the two soldiers have not had time to say a complete sentence.

Step on!

Xia Zuo continued to walk in. After a while, Xia Zuo had come to an iron door and pushed the iron door open. Suddenly, he saw Stark with a pale face and a heavy layer on his chest. of gauze.

“You’re here, I thought what you said before was lying to me.”

Stark looked at Xia Zuo with a slightly pale face, holding a broken pencil in his hand. Originally, he didn’t expect much from Xia Zuo, but he didn’t expect Xia Zuo to appear.

“So are you ready to pay the price? Stark.

Xia Zuo looked at Stark lightly, his eyes fell on the gauze on Stark’s chest, and Xia Zuo could vaguely see that there was a light in the center of Stark’s chest showing pregnancy.

Seeing the light above Stark’s chest, Xia Zuo immediately understood that Stark’s crisis this time was the event that caused Stark’s metamorphosis in the original book, but the time was slightly earlier, which made Xia Zuo a little curious.

(good good)

“Okay, I agreed to your terms before.” Stark said slowly.

“I said, shouldn’t we find a way to escape now? If we spend more time here, those soldiers will rush in, and it will be even more difficult to escape at that time!”

At this time, a man beside Stark anxiously said that this is Ethan, a scientist captured by terrorists to help Stark work, but Ethan at the moment is very anxious, because they spend more time here, They are more dangerous.

“Don’t worry, with me here, you are already safe, because without my permission, no one can take your life, but you, Stark, I am a little curious about how you were caught.

Xia Zuo looked at Stark and said slowly, asking his questions.

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